Category Archives: heart

I am such a dweeb

halo (1)Howdy how is everyone today? dajia hao, (cant put pinyon marks dont know how). guess what stupid thing I am doing, I am low carbing again but this time I am doing it just above ketosis, been doing it over three weeks. I am hoping I can stick to it, do notice one thing about it since I am keeping carbs at 200 grams per day it has forced me to make my carbs count, hence a little fruit, whole grain, rationing sweet stuff like jam and not using any syrup or honey at all, pop is out, (drink very little anymore) last time i did low carb it was like 100 grams a day andthat was too low. and I got tired of bacon meat and such.

wo xiang yidianr insane, (think I am a bit insane) I mean it is not like I did not try this before. so any suggestions on making this work I ususally last about 6 weeks.  before I end up giving it up, what kinds of carbs besides veggies are the best to eat? what can I do to salvage my diet when I am craving carbs or am feeling a bit peckish or feeling run down?

I have noticed I am sleeping better (but still a bit tired during the day) 200 grams per day seems to be a comfortable level i am not like hungry or feeling like binging on carbs except today, but even then I kept the carbs quality that I did eat.

what has worked for you guys and has been sustainble and not painful or too painful. thanks. xiexie.  Oh by the way I took the lighthouse with halo picture with my phone and was bit far from it too. came out nice for such a cheap phone.



how peace will be achieved.

IMG_6334howdy gang, just got back from the outer banks a few days ago. got some really pretty photos, will try and put some on here.

Here is some helpful maybe even interesting to you tidbits. We all want to live in a world where peace and security and prosperity abound. But why is peace and security elusive? Well lets examine this issue, what is peace, and security? Is it not a condition where one is at peace with himself and others and even with God? is it not also nothing to disturb that peace? no wars, criminals, creepy people and wicked people around? think about it what if all the liars and murderers, and theives and greedy persons were gone right now all in a puff of smoke?

What would the world be like? NO greedy ceos, corporate shareholders, no lying and hypocritical politicians, no impatient and hateful people around stealing your stuff, shooting people for no reason and no abuse of power, I mean what would life be like even with some of the other problems we have?

would it not be 90 percent better? now the question is which person are you, are you a honest, loving your neighbor, loving Gods laws and principles person or are you one of the ones that dissappear in a puff of smoke person? Think hard on this one, ask you self am I worshipping the creator the God of the bible the God of the universe properly?

how can you tell? well do your commit sexual immorality? do you commit homosexual acts? do you lie? cheat? steal? are you physically or verbally abusive to others including your family? are you patriotic? do you feel wars are justified in some situations? do you put sports, recreation, food and drink, drugs or other things ahead of God and his standards? According to the bible his standards are for our benefit, not his. Isaiah 48:17-18 and 1 John 5:3.

why are they to our benefit? what do you think? now imagine if you will if everyone obeyed say tho shalt not steal. now how much better do you think life would be if just this one principle was obeyed by all? Or how about if everyone on planet earth obeyed not murdering? now imagine in your minds eye what life would be like, how this would apply in all situations of life.

HOw about if no one commited sexual immorality. what would be the results? hum, no abortions, no disease transmission, no broken homes, no broke down society and communities,  and no one parent families (except in cases of death). Now how does that make you feel?

what if all obeyed tho shalt not bear false witness (encompasses more than just telling lies goes as far as not commiting fraud or false testimony in a court of law, or court of public opinion). no phoney or fake news stories, nothing written that is not true meant to stir up hatred for others based on race culture creed or color.

I mean it goes down to alot of the problems in society is just that people dont know or care about proper moral standards. there is no love of God no love of neighbor and no love of all the gifts God gave us. These moral and spritural values cannot be circumvented, you cannot plant a apple seed and get a pear tree no matter how hard you try to make it so. we reap what we sow.

we cannot sidestep Gods laws and principles and except good results, even if those negative results dont happen right away. people keep trying to, they keep looking ot men (such as scientists or politicians) to tell them good or bad right and wrong,  they keep trying to get around these standards, but to no avail, they even came up with the theory of evolution to avoid any accountablity or to be able to say the bible is wrong and we can do what we want without conseqences and when conseqences happen we ask for the government for a bailout or ask for others to shut up about the behavior, or to make it illegal to express a different opinion because it bursts the bubbles of those doing wrong as they try to pretend their lifestyle harms no one not even themselves.

So is God going to forever tolerate lawbreakers? well what if he did not intervene ever what would happen? Would not the world continue to be a place of suffering and injustice and misery? would not everything collaspe? econmically, materially, enviromentally, spriturally, morally? Woudl not the righteous be swallowed up by the wicked? How would you feel about a creator of all things who would just let the suffering and wickedness continue? could you love him? Would it be justice to let the bad people continue to harm the good people? Does not the conditions we see today sully the name of God or even destroy a belief in his existance? I dont know about you but I hate it when people suffer because of the bad actions of others and they get away with it, or get a light sentence. surly God is more rightous and just then me, surly he is more indiginant then even a lowly human like myself.

But why does he permit wickedness even for a short time? that my friend would take a whole another post.  A scripture I like to read to people is found at psalms 37:9-11 and proverbs 2:21-22 it gives us reason to believe that wicked peoples days are numbered.





low carb dieting




How is everyone today? I want to discuss something, we as a society are obessed with diets. Why? could it be because we are having health issues we cant seem to get a handle on? could it be because we are tired of being sick and tired?

I have a history of diets that would fill a book. I did hte low caloire diets the most. low fat then low carb diets.  A friend of mine as we speak is doing semi starvation diet, and I know what the end result will be, and it wont be pretty. Anyway this is experience and research talking.

I decided I had to do something, I know forcing my body to go without macronutrients it cries for wouldnt work, as my body is determined to survive (a good thing by the way) just frustrating when your obese and tired. I thought about it for a while, mulled over what I knew, what I did not know, and decided. I am going low carb but with a twist.

I will make sure to eat some so called bad carbs ketogenic diets avoid like the plague. What carbs? well let me see, oat bran cereal? a tablespoon of raw honey? a big bowl of strawberries? (they want people to portion control even low carb fruits).  What else? I decided if my body wants it I will give it, like a raw potatoe with mineral salt when I am craving crunchy carb with salt.

I have been following this over a month and I am reporting some interesting observations. one is I listened to my body (as a example one day) and was really hungry for some rice, beans, meat and cheese and salad, so I ate a bowl of it, and drank some pop ( I had been following it for about 3 weeks and not having alot of cravings for carbs) and did you know I did not much of appetite the rest of the day? I was absolutly not hungry? many people who follow low carb find when they eat carbs they cant stop eating the rest of the day.

even I found myself needing to eat constantly when I eat alot of carbs in one setting. but no, not this time. anyway that was a few days ago and the past couple of days I have had little to no appetite for carbs. In fact I am not waking up hungry like a wolf. LOL. Anyway I feel more refreshed in the morning usually I am dragging. weird. I am also not hungry even as I type this and do not feel shaky, foggy or lightheaded or weak. Hum interesting.

But anyway I am finding that carbs are not bad, they are just no appropriate if you having some health issues with it. And I am wondering if low carb diets dont have to be a permanet diet to better your health and lose weight (not sure if I lost any but I sure do feel better) if all you have to do is go low carb to heal your body so it can handle glucose better from whole high quality carbs like fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains and beans.

For one thing if your insulin levels are always to high day or night, (higher than naturally they would be otherwise) because those cells are avoiding the sugar dont want it for whatever reason (but are still straving however because they  are empty and need energy hence the hypoglycemia symptoms we all seem to have?)Then it makes sense to get that insulin down, and not jsut to burn fat either, to get the leptin message through to the brain? once the brain realizes your very fat (otherwise it would of never made you eat the house down everyday) it can send the signal to eat less?

well I am seeing that happening gradually. I have not only lost cravings for alot of carbs, (still have a small amount and it takes only a small amount to quiet it) but finding I am going longer and longer between meal before I get hungry or and food desire.

Or the fat cells main job may have not been just storage of fat, its job could of been there to sweep up all the sugar that is floating around and not going anywhere and is damaging the body cells with all that glycation. And its job could of also been to recycle cholesterol that gets damaged via the same mechnisms and itself could be getting damaged and thus must increase in number (you get fatter) to handle the load, many cells make the load lighter and less damaging?

Just some ideas here, so if you cannot handle alot of sugar (carbs) then what is a body to do for energy? fat. not only is fat used for energy it is used for rebuilding the cells damaged parts. Interesting, the substance so maligned by the world is actually what is going ot heal us? fat takes longer to oxidize (as anyone who left a stick of real butter on the counter finds out) and doesn’t interfere with insulin leptin signaling.

do you suppose the medical establishment knows this or do you suppose they are like the average human not sure of anything?  I will report back more findings as I preceed. nothing like having a diet that actually decreases appetite. when I was low caloring dieting (weight watchers was once I did) I was constantly hungry over time that hungry grew, my running suffered. my energy levels suffered and after a about 3 months I could not stand the fake famine anymore and binged and ate the whole planet.

Never again, now when I hear health gurus tout anything requiring you to suffer, (pain is a signal tothe body something is a miss, a threat to survival) cant be right. so far so good with this diet, in fact I am  starting to get mildly hungry. But not sure what I am hungry for yet.

What do you all think? Here is a theory I have, if you eat low carb that gives the body a chance to heal from all the damage from a junky food diet, or weight loss dieting history, and a low quality diet longterm? so if that is hte case maybe quality carbs will eventually be okay once this healing is over. But how to tell if that is the case? when do I know when to eat them again? I figure my body my appetite and my cravings (as long as craving is for fruit veggies whole grains and beans) will tell me. YOu think?

Well just some musing and sharing today. thanks for reading.



contempalation on words

hum, was reading some things today and I thought I would comment on definitions of words, weird I know, but it seems that definitions of words have strong impacts and can direct our perception on things like right, wrong, true, false, good or bad, it conveys ideas on understanding of what, when, how and why too.  The use of semantics has been a play on words for control over people, to convey what your trying to say, and even getting around something very bad and trying to sugar coat it. It has even been used to deceive people, redirect them from a real issue to fake issues too. 

 Like anything it  can be a double edged sword, used for both good and bad.  take this  computer for example,(please do not literally take it okay? lol) it can be used to help enlighten people, give them the truth to save them from traps or it can be used to trap you in so many ways, deceive you in so many ways it boggles the mind the trouble creepy, hurricreeps and nit wits will go to for mind and heart control. 

Now take the word war, what is war? what do you think? let me know in the comments below. What is violence? what does it mean to be violent? What does it mean to be legal or illegal? What does it mean to be lawful? what is definition of law? What is the definition of counterfeit? What is freedom? what does it mean to be free? What are rights? Human rights what are they? where do they originate? Why do we need rights? What is the opposite of rights?  hum, can you guess?  What is the definition of consent? contracts? what is required for a contract to be bonifide? what does bonifid mean?

Language is a funny thing, it can be twisted, manipulated, invented and even definitions changed by governments or corporations. Just some thougths I had today. Remember a time when the word ain’t wasn’t a word? now it is used freely and no one argues this point anymore.  Let me know your thoughts?

how about the word death? what is it? Can this word mean more than one thing? how about death of a loved one? obvious? How about spiritual death? financial death? how about it symbolizing gloomy times? or hopelessness? The sun growing dark could it mean just eclipse? or can it mean hoplessness? uncertainty about which way to go in life? or could it mean death of very life itself? A bright shining sun? could it symbolize something we all can relate too? life?, enlightenment? freedom? prosperity? could it also mean religious, political, economic leaders who appear to bring light, hope, prosperity and stability to the people which sun in fact is scorching mankind instead? hum then the word burn? what does it mean to burn? be burned? God is said to plague the sun in revelation, did the sun itself do anything bad to be plagued? what is a plague from the bible standpoint? could it mean Gods judgement on those who are symbolized by the sun? what judgement is that? read for the answer? recognize who the sun is.

So what is a kingdom? anyone? I mean we have been told by Jesus Christ to pray for it? Our father in the heavens may your name be sanctified, (hallowed) let your KINGDOM come? let your WILL take places on earth as in heaven. sound familiar? So what is a kingdom? and why is it so important for it to come? What will it mean for those who support this kingdom? read

The bible speaks about the pure language? is it talking about a literal language like English or Spanish? or is there more to it? It speaks about this in Zephaniah, so what was he trying ot convey? could it be perhaps the language of truth, the real thing, (pun might be intended?)lol, the truths conveyed in the bible, understanding Gods will and purposes accurately that unifies people who care about justice, truth, love and wisdom God has given us? Because in Zephaniah it says they will learn the pure language and thus be able to serve Jehovah shoulder to shoulder? what does this mean? shoulder to shoulder? unity of direction, purpose and support for each other? What is required to learn this language? Jesus said in matthew that those conscious of their spiritural needs, those who are meek, (teachable and humble). Those who long for righteousness, those who are pure in heart. Are you meek and humble and pure in heart?

Will you accept Jehovahs invitation to learn this pure language and serve him shoulder to shoulder with those who have taken up the call? if you wish to obtain bible study or literature or even read the bible on line in over 500 languages. It is really a cool site. The wonderful thing about this language of truth, is it will never change or be altered or used to sugar coat the bad.



righteous vs unrightous laws


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howdy folks, today is a pretty warm sunny day, last night was like pouring all night, man we have gotten way more rain then typical. anyway I wanted to ask a question, do you know what a law is? can you tell the difference between a good law and bad one. For me, I did not look it up by the way, a law is a conduct or action one must take or not take in any given circumstances. Of course most will say they know what a law it but really? do you really know? can you recognize a counterfeit law when you see one? righteous laws vs unrightous.

of course it goes beyond  that, these rules are  to be based on sound moral principles, like the mosaic law for example, when you read it (it has only 600 rules or procedures)if you think about the underlying principle of the requirement you understand why it is important to follow these rules/requirements. they had detailed requirments when dealing with possible cases of contagious disease like leprosy, but in the procedure panic was not allowed and the person banished until it was certain what the condition was, in the mean time they separated you from the population. But they still had human contact albeit limited. what principles here were involved? One is while still protecting the people, the individual involved was treated with dignity, (thus the law of love of thy neighbor was intact) and if required they were banished from the camp, but not out of sight they still received necessities of life it is not like they throw you away to starve or wander. Thus justice was served (protecting the people to avoid pandemic) love was intact they still receive care Or the case of murder in the city. they had procedures too, such as there was required 2 witnesses to the event and the judges were required to search thoroughly into the matter, before sentence is given. if a person was murdered but no witnesses the judges were to do a through search to find what information they could and if they could not find the culprit they were to approach Jehovah with a sacrifice and indicate to him they did their best and thus avoid community blood guilt.

.the second principle here is the sanctity of life, respecting all life, first you could not be put to death on hearsay of one person, they had to be credible witnesses second the judges had to do a through search to verify what facts they could, (such as if anyone was holding animosity against the victim stuff like that) thus justice is upheld, no quick sentences were done, the victims life was held in esteem, those involved were given justice once the murderer turns out to be a deliberate murderer, he was stoned by the 2 witnesses involved first before the whole camp pelted them with stones, hence justice was served for the victim and families, the people realized the seriousness of life of others  not just their own, justice was served in that the murderer was not preserved in a jail to be housed and fed at the expense of the people and the cost of keeping them there so they don’t escape and hurt others. Also justice was served because if it is found out the witnesses lied, then they too were to suffer the same penalty their victim did, hence people were severly discouraged from lying against someone they hated to have them put to death under false witness charges. Thus law and justice was honored and the people felt secure.

Now lets examine today, today if you look at the federal registry of laws you would be blown away. please do not let those books fall on you because they will crush you to a thin piece of paper size. Even congress and bureacrates involved do not know what all the rules are or even understand them. it is like they just pass a bunch of laws for the fun of it to cover every aspect of life to be used against anyone they wish. The religious leaders of jesus day did the same thing. Some how people get this idea if it is written down in a book and has a stamp of passing by a group of people calling themselves government then it is in fact real  law. Nope, not even close.

By the use of sophistry and semantics among other tactics they have convinced people what the laws are and that they actually think they understand it when in fact they do not. Thse laws fall outside the realm of justice, moral high ground, or even common sense sometimes. here is a example. They banned raw milk, in most states it is illegal (notice I did not say unlawful) to grow it and sell it to the public, your allowed for personal use and your family, but don’t sell it or even give it away to others. Now think long and hard about this one, seems trival but think, what moral high ground do they have for doing this? Is justice served by this? Think carefully again, what purpose is this rule? whom does it serve? you? me? someone else?

another requirement, licensing, You need a license to do just about anything now a days. you need a license to use your car on the road you paid for private use, to sell drugs you need a license (drug companies) you need a license to be a doctor, to be a lawyer, to be a judge, to be whatever you can think of. Now think, what is a license, according to the law dictionary it is permission to do something that would be illgal (there is that word again)without it.  So begs the question what is legal? is that same thing as lawful? I am inclined to think not. otherwise why not just say unlawful? What underlying principle or morality is involved with licensing? Does it fall under the realm of just being alive? or is it something else. For example your using your car to go get groceries, is that a private or commercial activity. you tell me, what do you think? Are you buying and selling or are you just buying? are you buying with intent to consume or to resell? Makes a difference.

Now why even bring licensing up? The reason is this, licensing takes away exercising of rights that are yours simply by being born, changing the field, your now saying your involved in a privilege commercial activity like driving a cab for profit or using trucks for profit which requires a license,  or giving legal advice (not lawful advice) to people, your now exercising a privilege something you do not have a right by birth to do, use the community resources beyond normal rights, the infrastructure beyond exercise of rights to just travel to work or get groceries or to remind a judge as a lawyer what the law is stuff like that. So what basic moral principle is involved here? is there some moral high ground that requires you to have a license to get into your car and ride on a road you paid for? Or do all these requirments fall into the realm of contract law?

But all this is way more then just license requirements, it boils down to property rights, if you give over your rights to the government (without realizing it) you have basically given(or they just took) them your property to manage, your life, liberty and property, now belongs to them, you have become a ward of the state, all without your even knowing it. Is it morally right for them to do such a thing without notifying you upfront and without option of opting out without having your head chopped off? no it is not. licensing is basically managing the property they have been given and they will act according to their own will and interests, like a creepy executor of a will or something. That is why they keep doing civil forfeiture (theft) and treaties and water acts and all that other stuff to take property they deem not being taken care of properly ..  So would I believe such tactics are righteous and just in Gods eyes? No, not even for a second. They aer basically using what jesus said comes from a bad heart, wicked reasonings, they are coveting and stealing, they are using the cover of law or authority to do it. There is even a term for it color of law which there is a real legal definition in a law dictionary. counterfeit law as it were. Sometimes there is a legit contract but that is another subject, I am speaking of hidden contract, dishonest covering, pretend contracts.

Why do governments always do the wrong things when they have the opportunity to bring peace and prosperity to people including themselves by using their offices for good? Why do they resort to dishonest ways ot take from others? if they do not take it out right by use of a gun? There aer several reasons for this, one jeremiah 10:23says, man cannot direct is own step (let alone someone elses) second Satan is actually the owner of human governments (luke 4:4-8)third power attracts the most basest of humans to it, who have no desire to do right or to make life more just but to enrich their own coffers. Forth, those who are honested hearted usually don’t last long in power because of those beastly humans next to them, they either become corrupt themselves or they leave or they are murdered or discredited by these creeps.

Is all of this new? nope, Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun, all rulers do this, some are just  more wicked then others, some actually do good for their people, but the reality is they are overwhelmed by the job, the people they have to deal with and dealing with the masses of ignorant and disobedient people too who are easily riled up. no matter how sincere they cannot remedy this situation. so unrightous laws become the norm, they tyrannize over the people destroy their spirits (just like the religious leaders of jesus day they destroyed the people with their legalism or traditions posing as law) Luke 11:46 speaks of this.

And they destroy incentive to make things better, to innovate ways to make life more pleasant, to become more moral more just in their treatment of others and themselves. Things get out of hand for people in government because they have dug a pit for themselves and in order to avoid it they have to push and push the people hard (in terms of laws to control them and in taxation to feed off of them) to avoid the collapse they inevitably caused by their unrightous laws and their enforcement by the gun (economic or physical). Take Ron Paul for example he tried and tried to help people in government start to care more about right and wrong then about their own nests, but to no avail, there was the most honest man I know of in government who actually did what your supposed to do,step down out of power otherwise your guilt remains.

you see God has moral laws for a reason it is not like he goes around stifling people’s happiness or freedom with laws. Moral laws are just as sure as physical laws. break the law of gravity without a parachute then you die. Physical laws are usually obvious to people as the consequences are immediate or almost immediate. Moral laws take a little longer to show itself when you break them. These moral laws are there to protect the hearts and  minds of people to become safe to be around, immoral people are not safe to be around or work with or associate with, they are dangerous, they can harm you physically mentally emotionally or economically and most times they do. They do not allow moral laws to restrain them, thus they must change or become a liability to peace and prosperity and they must go.  God’s righteous laws uplift you the psalmist wrote how he loved God’s law it was his daily concern.  The bible indicates Gods laws are a protection. And do not look at law as a bad thing the whole bible is called “THE LAW”too and those who read it know it is not a rule book. It is a book of reasoning, of human experiences, of teachings, of reward, punishments of actions and reactions, of how humans changed the landscape how God responded to those who loved or hate him stuff like that. it is a book of instruction, it is better than any textbook I ever read once I understood it.

The trouble comes when man tried to circumvent Gods sovereignty (his right to rule as the creator of all life)by going outside the boundaries of his principles of morality. They tried to decide right and wrong according to their own desires. Thus the birth of unrightous laws, sure God tell us to obey them as long as they do not conflict with Gods directions, but that is not because these laws are good but because he is good and wants us to avoid problems, he knows the heart of men and he knows the unrigthous governments and how they behave (hence they are symbolized as wild beasts in revelation blood thristy monsters)he is protecting us from unnecessary hardships by disobeying unrigthous laws. Governements who do not care about right and wrong as much as they care about keeping peace and keeping the profits rolling in and keep the other governments at bay using military tactics,  will not care about your rights or protect them if it conflicts with that agenda.

But Jehovah does give us a peaceful way to protest bad laws and their enforcers, neutrality. by remaining neutral, avoiding get rich schemes avoiding immoral behavior, such as gambling, or tax evasion or lying to get what you want, avoiding political or social actions at reform, etc, one shows by their conduct they do not condone human rulership over man by men, that they advocate for Gods kingdom that they love Gods laws because we understand this is the source of true freedom and rights protections. These neutral souls extend themselves to help others to get in line for the best government the universe has ever seen (the physical  universe not the spirit one)or will ever see. They show by their conduct and love for God and neighbor that we want human governments removed once and for all not just reformed to make it more tolerable.

Does this seem harsh to anyone? that we want god to destroy wicked people who rule over their fellow man? well is it wrong to want to see a deliberate murderer punished for their injustice? is it wrong to make a theif pay back 7 times as much as he stole even if he stole because of hunger? is it wrong to make people accountable for their actions that harm the life and property of others? should we just give them a pass because we are just very nice and screamish about seeing wicked people pay for their crimes when the punishment is so harsh? does God get joy out of it? if you read the bible in Ezekiel chapter 9 read the whole thing, God explains why he destroys this people of his (those in a covenant relationship with him)in full detail. don’t you think it is loving that not only is  God warning wicked people through the massive preaching and teaching jw provide, but he cares about the victims of wicked people too? does the wicked get more consideration after they prove themselves unreformable by choice, then the victims? Should we give people passes all the time and forget the justice for the victims? you see God has no choice if the wicked refuse to be reformed they must go and there is no third destination they can be put like a jail planet, no they must go. Jehovah cannot tolerate wickedness in his universe. and lastly should satan and the demons be given a pass as they are the most wicked of all, just because we feel sorry for them? this is how pyschopaths work they make you feel pity for them, make you think of them as victims rather then perpatrators of wrong. then they slice your throat when your not looking. satan and the demons knew full well what they were doing and deserve destruction.

so another question remains do you trust God’s motives as pure and unselfish, which begs another question can he trust you to live in his paradise for all eternity to not harm your fellow man or the animals? so he has to be able to trust you(because your endowed with free will and can change your mind), as much as you need to trust him. you see in this world there is no trust, trust is dangerous because most people including government and average joes are untrustworthy. tht is why your taught at an early age do not trust strangers, now it is do not trust relatives too by not being alone with them when your a little boy or girl. you cannot trust anyone except those who love god and God himself. either you become a trustworthy person yourself or your a danger to others. the choice is up to you. Serve God and live, or not and not live. paradise is for righteous people, not psychopathic wicked people. So be honest which are you? unrightous rights stealing laws will not be allowed. if you remember only one thing about this post is, check it out, it shows you how Gods way of doing things is the most loving and just way to live and it also shows how we can cope with daily problems how to make our marriage work how to raise children and how to deal with day to day living answers the big questions  most ask sometime in their lives. because what you read in the bible is just enough not tomuch and not to little hence oppression will be a thing of the past.




vitad3 update





Hi there everyone beautiful person out there, this is my update, as you know I have been trying to follow a fairly slow carb diet (which I am enjoying more than I thought) secondly I have been dosing with vitad3 gels with wool oil, okay when I started this whole thing I started out at 40,000 iu working down over several months this past year or so, (as you can see above if you can read it why these dosages seem okay for me) but several times after I start to see results and feel so much better sleeping better reduced apetite for high sugary foods go down, and more energy and less fuzzy fog etc I lower the dose so I don’t over do it, well every time I did after a few weeks the symptoms start to return and I have to up it again for a couple of weeks to see the symptoms abate (I did this about 3 times) so now I am back at 25,000 iu, per day, 5000 per day was not enough, too low for maintenance, 10,000 also was too low, I took this dosage for a couple of weeks and seen no improvement.

I have been dosing in the 20,000 iu range for about 2 weeks or so and I am starting to feel so much better. my appetite has normalized (don’t need to constantly munch) I sleep through the night again without the hunger or nervousness of low blood sugar symptoms even tho on paper I do not have hypoglycemia.

my periods are starting to normalize (until I started to eat a high soy product I did not know I was eating, I cannot handle even a hint of soy itmesses up my periods makes them last longer, heavier, more crampy and pms is worse as well) so I have reduced that, flaxseed and it’s oil does the same thing.  But my mood is better too. I am starting to have a training effect, improvments in stamina, breathing and etc when I exercise. I do hope you all can read those notes I scanned, tried to get a copy into a word processing document but it only pasted jibberjabber language.

enjoy. oh here is a picture of what is happening as of now,

Godsownersmanual 006

can you believe it is almost april?  SUCKS!!!! why does winter always want to hang on so long and summer want to be so cold like last year was?

Are you Overweight, Depressed, Tired or Having Cardiovascular Disease Partly Due to Sulfur Deficiency? + Selected Analysis of Sulfur Content of High Nutrition Food

Are you Overweight, Depressed, Tired or Having Cardiovascular Disease Partly Due to Sulfur Deficiency? + Selected Analysis of Sulfur Content of High Nutrition Food.

The science of obesity: what do we really know about what makes us fat? An essay by Gary Taubes .

The science of obesity: what do we really know about what makes us fat? An essay by Gary Taubes ..

Jehovahs deeds past/present

hi folks, pretty awesome that you think some of my stuff is awesome, thank you, I thought you might like an overview of something very important to me and I am sure to alot of others.

Many people read the bible especially what is term the old testement which we call the hebrew scriptures. Many times they read events or actions there and come to the wrong conclusion about Jehovah and his will and purpose. I know I did many times in the past, which research usually would correct. The bible is really about one basic theme, God’s kingdom rulership, it goes kind a like this, adam and eve were given perfect circumstances they did not cultivate love for God and thus they chose to disobey, many know this, Jehovah had decreed disobedience was the death penalty, which many probably think was a little harsh for eating a peice of fruit off a forbidden tree.

The implications go deeper then eating a peice of fruit, it all comes down to the peace and harmony in the entire universe, remember the angels are watching all of this and they are learning about Jehovah too and thier respect for his laws and Jehovah’s qualities are on the line too with this seemingly small thing taking place in the garden. If they see Jehovah compromise on his word just this once wouldn’t that cause them to lose respect for his laws and a distrust in his word?

if the angels did that do you suppose total havac would ensue in the universe? think about how powerful angels are.and think about how powerful  satan and the demons are and how they are trying to undermine people’s respect and love for Jehovah and his laws. Now to my point, when this rebellion happened Jehovah already came up with a solution right away, that was the ransom, but there was more but stick with this for now, Jesus was to come down through the line of abraham (due to the promise given) this seed (Jesus) then come through the tribe of judah, all this time the isrealites were entrusted with his laws and the privelege of being heirs to this seed.

But there was a problem, satan would do all he can to destroy the isrealites qualifications to bear that seed, remember Jehovah already promised this through the isrealite judah tribe, and if satan succeeded in stopping that Jehovah would be proven not only a liar but incapable of seeing his promises come to fulfillment which would undermine people’s and angels trust and confidence in him.

So how would satan do that? well what tools were at his disposal? did he not have control over many nations, including the cannanites, babylonians and assyrians who surrounded the isrealites during their history? Was he not aware of man’s fallen conditon too? So how would he try to undermine Jehovah’s promises? he would use the nations whom he controlled. Remember if satan succeeded you and I would have no hope for the future except permanent death.

Now how would Jehovah protect the isrealites? well in some cases he used the isreatlites themselves to attack and kill the enemy, but many times Jehovah did it himself directly, like when 300 gideons men routed and destroyed 1000’s that came up against them, Jehovah caused the enemy to turn on one another and the 300 men did not kill as many as Jehovah did directly. He used the natural elements many times to destroy, hail stones,  storms and floods, and sickeness, like the time the philistines had the ark of the covenant and Jehovah was not pleased with that and he struck them with illness and lions, he sent lions against them. The philistines even told the king to give the ark back to the isrealites.

Why was he so determined to rout out the cannanites? because Jehovah said they are a snare to them, Jehovah could read the hearts of the people and determine they were beyond redemption (tho there are a few execptions of those who were given amnesty) and would only be a harassing element for the isrealties both physically and spiritually. Jehovah wanted to protect that line that leads to Jesus and satan wanted to stop it, using the cannanites who were very numerous, close by and very violent in their actions.

You see the isrealites when they acted on Jehovahs word succeeded in all they did, but when they disobeyed many times they were overthrown and enslaved by the nations, Jehovah allowed this as a punishment but also a refining, showing them the seriousness of the matter, (you know what happens when very bad deeds are excused or downplayed don’t you?)If they went up against a nation he did not authorize then they were defeated.

Satan was behind this constant harassment by the nations who always coveted the land, which we know was said to be blessed by God himself. Satan used the nations to do his bidding. Satan absolutly did not want this seed to come to being as it would mean satan was going to be crushed to death in the future. Also he did not want others to come to know and worship Jehovah, despite the destruction of many, many individuals who could see a distinction between those who served Jehovah and those who didnt could also join in worshipping jehovah and receive the massive blessings that resulted. So the cannanites had no excuse to not know who jehovah was and that he was backing the isrealites, and if they wanted too they could take up the worship if they had wanted to, but most didnt want it. Jehovah can foresee this as well.

Now that the seed arrived and has gone to heaven and is now reigning as king of God’s kingdom there is no need for any man to take up arms against another, as jehovah has not decreed that humans will be used to accomplish his will of punishing the wicked and destroying them, that is Jesus job now,  his servants now are to preach and teach about this kingdom and not learn war anymore. The apostle paul wrote that our warfare is against spirits in the heavenly places (satan and the demons), against lies, we must flood the world with truth to over come the flood of lies, We must help people to see that salvation (which includes not just physical but spiritual, intellectual, emotional salvation)comes not thorugh any human agency like the United nations,or government or even intellecturals and scientists, philosphers or anyone else, but only through Jehovah’s provision of a messianic kingdom.

But don’t be confused here, satan will try to stop this preaching and teaching, he has done this in the past and continues to try to undermine Jehovah’s purposes and worship, he uses these human agencies to try to ban Jehovah’s worship in anyway they can, they try to discredit his laws by breaking them constantly and laughing all the way to the bank when they do not suffer the conseqences right away, they use the propaganda machine to undermine the validity of the bible such as the shows like The Bible, evolution theory, undermine morality in presenting it as relative, relative in that if people agree it is wrong or right then that is morality, satan even uses alternative worship, like enviromentalism, or the united nations, or communism or libertarian ideology and the like to divert people’s attention away from the real solutions to all of our problems, and I know they are so numerous it can give one a headache trying to think of them all.

This propaganda machine works really well because people are desperate for relief from the problems of poverty, wars, homelessness, pollution, sicknesses, and injustices they see around them and not understanding the bible due to not researching into it furthur then just reading it, misunderstanding it, and deciding God is a big meanie or hte bible contradicts it self or makes no sense they look elsewhere.

The religious leaders of christendom have to take the major blame for this, they have caused Jehovahs sheep to scatter (go to other ideologies, schemes, causes, and alternative solutions to problems and false religious ideas)you are Jehovahs sheep if you choose to be, you can decide for yourself which way you will go, will you trust human agencies and ideas? will you investigate beyond just reading the bible and saying God is a big meanie who kills innocent people? or are you hungering and thristing for rightousness and want to truly know Jehovah and what is will and purpose will mean for you?

psalms 2, 37, 146;3-10, hebrews 4:12,matt 5;3-10, ezekiel 9:4,

It is good to remember that the bible was not meant to be understood through just casual reading, it requires effort and it requires Gods help through his visible organization, who Jesus calls the faithful and discreet slave in matt 24;45-47, the apostles were the beginning of this slave class who would dispense food (spiritual food) to jesus belongings, us. Even phillip was used by God to help the ethiopian eunech who didnt understand what he was reading. Jehovah said in malachi 3:18 that he would make a distinction between one serving him and one not serving him, and Jesus said you can know a tree by it’s fruit, in this case conduct and results of that conduct. so you have to ask yourself, which organization or people are bearing good fruitage and who are showing themselves to be serving Jehovah? the creator and one who inspired the holy scriptures? Who follow the bible as closly as humanly is possible? you have to answer this yourself







Howdy folks, how is it going for you today? it is sunny and beautiful here how about where you are? the birds are definitly feeling it, I am feeling it and even my hubby and dogs are too. wow! never get tired of spring. this despite just getting over a upper respirtory infection.

I thought I would throw out something maybe many do not realize, maybe some of you do, but I noticed a trend in how the powers that be, whether that power be your hubby, church elders, bosses at work, or anyone of authority or even family members like children or spouses, there is one thing that stands out in my mind, I wont take credit for this simply because Jehovah taught me this, many wonder why other people can be so cruel, unfair, or unjust in their exercise of their power or authority (remember we all have some amount of power or influence over others to some degree even children) such as husband over wife parents over children, children over parents, friends towards their friends, or government authority over the masses, and how this relationship goes whether good or bad, happy or sad is contigent on one important factor, well maybe two but the one I had in mind is LOVE!

the bible describes what love is in 1 Corithians 13:4-8, Love is long suffering, it sticks with a situation because of the hope of chance of improvement because of love of the ones involved, love is not jealous, one does not digress the successes of others, even of a opponent or competitor such as in a sport activity or gaining a better job or having more in a material way or more in a spiritual or intellectual way. does not behave indecently, one respects the feelings of others, and acts accordingly even of strangers, does not look for own interests, one does not try to dominate a situation to the detrement of others, or one doesn’t try to have their way all the time, or one doesn’t desire what another has with intent to steal it or lure it away (like some people do when coveting a marriage mate of another)or to depreive another of something because they want it themselves that sorta thing.

love does not become provoked one doesn’t get upset at others easily but tries to look at things from thier standpoint, one does’t worry about ones pride,  does not hold a grudge, forgives and forgets, Just like Jehovah does. does not rejoice over unrighteousness, one doesn’t tolerate bad or evil things, or immorality but stands up for rightousness even if politically incorrect, one doesnt allow the feelings of others determine right and wrong. one does’t condone immorality or accept a person who does bad things to others simply because one worries about thier feelings. Jesus gave a example.

Jesus was denouncing the pharisees for thier unjust manner in treating the people, he told them flat out “You are from your father the devil and you wish to do the desires of that one, that one was a manslayer when he began and he did not stand fast in the truth because the truth is not in him, when he speaks a lie he speaks according to his own dispoisiton because he is a liar and a father of the lie.” john 8:44

now did he worry about thier “feelings”? nah, he worried more about the spiritual welfare of the people whom the pharisees were oppressing and exploiting. They were making up rules and procedures that went contrary to bible principles, they were making Jehovahs’ worship a burden all the while getting rich off the poor people when they should of been serving and not “eating them alive”.

this comes down to one fact the pharisees lacked, LOVE, they did not love the people whom they were sheperding. they were making rules that were impossible to follow and procedures they could never comply with.  they were basically using the color of law to oppress and profit off the people. doesn’t this sound familiar to anyone here? color of law, for the pharisees it was called traditions of men, in our day that is translated to legalism.

The first law that man must obey with no opting out is love Jehovah first and foremost over everything including life itself, which makes sense we are made in his image and we have this capacity to love and we need to love Jehovah to know how to love one another, and this beautiful earth he made for us and it’s wonderful crittors. second is love your neighbor as yourself. if everyone applied this there would be no oppression, cruelty, death, poverty, wars, etc.

so you see we are at the mercy of those who love less then us, a father loves his child more than the child does the father and abuses his father love for him causing misery to the father, husband loves wife or vice versa more and the other spouse makes that ones life miserable because of loving less. understand?

so government and corporate owners and wealthy elites and rulers, and others in positions of authority above us, police, mayors, employers, coworkers, etc who love less(dont have love for justice rightousness fellowman or God) than you (love rightousness and justice and are merciful, fair and honest) will make your life miserable in anyway they deem necessary to profit off your life liberty and property. (form of serfdom.) thus the reason this world is so miserable for us in it’s many facets.

Love rejoices with the truth, one would stand up for what is right and true, even at great cost to themselves. one would not excuse serious wrongdoing by protecting a person who has done serious sins such as murder, physical and emotional abuse, or hide a theif or condone violence.

so wondering why there is so much oppression, misery, suffering and cruelty of man dominating man to his injury? Lack of love. that is it in a nutshell. the one who loves Jehovah and his moral principles is at the mercy of those who do not love these things but love other things (money? power? self?)

so there you have it, abuse of one over another is caused by the abuser loving a person less than that person loves them. sad aint it?