Tag Archives: nature

the nations shall know I am Jehovah.


Hi there, I hope all is going well and no on is in trouble from all the storms that have gone through.  I have been watching alot of interesting videos and articles and books latly.   it is kind of funny because normally people like me (a non professional scientist) would even consider that much of what science says about fossils and the grand canyon and sedimentary layers and plate tectonics might be wrong, or partially wrong or even interpreted according to what you want to find.  for example the sciencetists have the same evidence/data yet come to very different interpretation and conclusions.

this cant be good you cannot have several interpretations of the same data and they all be correct. And I wont even touch on much about dishonesty in the field. So why is this important? well depending on whom you trust and believe determines the life course and choices you make.

For example if you believe the evolutionists or other scienctists who discredit the bible with thier conclusions, then your life course and expectations and understanding of the world will go the way based on that belief system. you will make decisions on that belief you will speak to others of that same idea and spread that idea.  This can have a domino affect for good or bad.

Hence the title of this note. The nations shall know that he is Jehovah. when you look at the world people have forgotten him, they have replaced him with materialism, sports, making money, vacations, or themselves as God or even scientists and doctors as highest authority on what is true, false, good or bad for us. People are looking to the government of man to solve problems. Thus they are looking to human solutions.

Hence Jehovahs reputation is on the line. Whenever people disregard logic and  follow blindly others who just happen to have  fancy title or wear a fancy coat with labels on them they bring reproach on Jehovah. Why? because they have disregarded him, gave credit to life to the god of blind chance. They have taken up Satans ideology. They have disregard logic, and wisdom, and well hurt his feelings.

As a result they forgot god and you see the results in the world, the increasing violence in a nation of christendom, a nation of people who should know better as they have access to the bible. you have racial violence, violence in the drug war, you have violence by government not protecting their people from invaders and free loaders who burden the citizens down and put them in danger. You have family violence parents mistreating their kids, their parents or mistreating each other, you have legalized murder of children, and parents who do not know what is right and wrong anymore in raising their kids, you have government violence against the people with counterfieting the money, counterfieing laws, and putting more and more pressure on people who are just trying to live. All because of forgetting Jehovah.

But while most have forgotten Jehovah some have remembered him and honored him, and in return Jehovah has not forgotten them and the love they showned for him and as a result in ezekiel it states The nations shall know Jehovah 28 times. Why again? because to honor his name and honor those who love him and cannot allow wickedness to continue indefinitly.

Most will not know him voluntarily, they will not acknowledge his right to rule over his own creation.  They will have to be forced, pharoah had to be forced, the assyrian king senacribe had to be forced to know, and it was not a pretty sight. This force is the last resort, peace and justice must be put in place for the sake of his name and those who love rightousness.

This violence perpetuated on Gods sheep must be stopped. He will act in due time, as the wickedness has reached to its peak. but if peace and prosperity is to be had by all obedient humans the wicked people must go. they wont step down willingly but will haveto be forced.

this will not give him any pleasure,  but it has to be done. then the real life can begin.



chinese language

Howdy gang, me again, I hope everyone is feeling good today, not sick or tired or feeling depressed.  today I am writting to you about learning a new language.

I have been meandering and playing around with learning chinese.  I have several apps on my android and a few books helping to do this. what is interesting about this language is how the word structures are just so different.

example, You and I would say, I went to the library yesterday at something o clock, they say it I, yesterday, to the library, at o clock went,  something like this, or it is I yesterday, at o clock to the library went, not sure,  I am finding it hard to learn. it is a slow process for me. after a year and a half trying to learn it I still cant speak hardly any of it.

I am curious have any of you tried to learn chinese, or  korean or some language that is quite different from english or your native language? What helped you to learn it andwhat problems have you had?  what is really neat is if you google translate english into chinese it comes up and all you have to do is type your sentence into the box andit translates it into tradition or simplifed characters and I  use my pleco camara to translate to pinyin. really cool.

today it is so cold out and light dusting of snow I am like stuck in the house, not feeling well either, kind of feel like I am getting a sinus infection, hopfully just my normal allergies bothering me.  So I am looking at my grammar and reading and writting chinese text books I just got a couple of days ago.

anyway here aer some more pictures for you to enjoy.






spring 2015 outer banks 2


mocking birds


pretty yellow flowers, dont know what they are.


another plant,


lets hit the trail, buxton woods by the lighthouse.

did I mention the wind whipping off the ocean was as cold as ice,literally. lol



hi gang did not go to the outer banks this time but did get to the cleveland musuem first time ever there. they had the saropods and other dinos there. here are a few pictures I got.



saropod leg. wow what a big crittor they were.


terrorbird said to run down animals bigger than themselves, sorry guys I find this hard to believe, in fact I am more inclined to believe they ate fruit and small animals that could swallow whole. mans imagineation is wonderful and all but it should never replace logic and evidence.




now I ask you what possible use could thos long canines serve? they would get in the way of biting and tearing and eating.


get bit by him, OUCH!


terrifying angle aint it? lol, looks like the alligator in the backround is yelling LOOK OUT!


well that is it for now.  enjoy.

outer banks spring 2015 continued


where are all the waves? here I sit and contemplate what would happen if while I wait for a wave a great white shark bites me, ouch!!!!! lol


hahahahahahahahahha gulls.


trees trees beautiful to see for you and me.


hubby hubby and I fishing, well him anyway, wondering when the ice cicles will form on our faces as the wind off the ocean is cold enough to sink titanic 2, yikes!!!

cape hattaras light house

never get tired of lighthouses, just something about them i cant explain.

Hope your enjoying my brief trip to the outer banks in april, if you hate the cold wait until middle of may to risk going there.

contempalation on words

hum, was reading some things today and I thought I would comment on definitions of words, weird I know, but it seems that definitions of words have strong impacts and can direct our perception on things like right, wrong, true, false, good or bad, it conveys ideas on understanding of what, when, how and why too.  The use of semantics has been a play on words for control over people, to convey what your trying to say, and even getting around something very bad and trying to sugar coat it. It has even been used to deceive people, redirect them from a real issue to fake issues too. 

 Like anything it  can be a double edged sword, used for both good and bad.  take this  computer for example,(please do not literally take it okay? lol) it can be used to help enlighten people, give them the truth to save them from traps or it can be used to trap you in so many ways, deceive you in so many ways it boggles the mind the trouble creepy, hurricreeps and nit wits will go to for mind and heart control. 

Now take the word war, what is war? what do you think? let me know in the comments below. What is violence? what does it mean to be violent? What does it mean to be legal or illegal? What does it mean to be lawful? what is definition of law? What is the definition of counterfeit? What is freedom? what does it mean to be free? What are rights? Human rights what are they? where do they originate? Why do we need rights? What is the opposite of rights?  hum, can you guess?  What is the definition of consent? contracts? what is required for a contract to be bonifide? what does bonifid mean?

Language is a funny thing, it can be twisted, manipulated, invented and even definitions changed by governments or corporations. Just some thougths I had today. Remember a time when the word ain’t wasn’t a word? now it is used freely and no one argues this point anymore.  Let me know your thoughts?

how about the word death? what is it? Can this word mean more than one thing? how about death of a loved one? obvious? How about spiritual death? financial death? how about it symbolizing gloomy times? or hopelessness? The sun growing dark could it mean just eclipse? or can it mean hoplessness? uncertainty about which way to go in life? or could it mean death of very life itself? A bright shining sun? could it symbolize something we all can relate too? life?, enlightenment? freedom? prosperity? could it also mean religious, political, economic leaders who appear to bring light, hope, prosperity and stability to the people which sun in fact is scorching mankind instead? hum then the word burn? what does it mean to burn? be burned? God is said to plague the sun in revelation, did the sun itself do anything bad to be plagued? what is a plague from the bible standpoint? could it mean Gods judgement on those who are symbolized by the sun? what judgement is that? read jw.org for the answer? recognize who the sun is.

So what is a kingdom? anyone? I mean we have been told by Jesus Christ to pray for it? Our father in the heavens may your name be sanctified, (hallowed) let your KINGDOM come? let your WILL take places on earth as in heaven. sound familiar? So what is a kingdom? and why is it so important for it to come? What will it mean for those who support this kingdom? read jw.org.

The bible speaks about the pure language? is it talking about a literal language like English or Spanish? or is there more to it? It speaks about this in Zephaniah, so what was he trying ot convey? could it be perhaps the language of truth, the real thing, (pun might be intended?)lol, the truths conveyed in the bible, understanding Gods will and purposes accurately that unifies people who care about justice, truth, love and wisdom God has given us? Because in Zephaniah it says they will learn the pure language and thus be able to serve Jehovah shoulder to shoulder? what does this mean? shoulder to shoulder? unity of direction, purpose and support for each other? What is required to learn this language? Jesus said in matthew that those conscious of their spiritural needs, those who are meek, (teachable and humble). Those who long for righteousness, those who are pure in heart. Are you meek and humble and pure in heart?

Will you accept Jehovahs invitation to learn this pure language and serve him shoulder to shoulder with those who have taken up the call? jw.org if you wish to obtain bible study or literature or even read the bible on line in over 500 languages. It is really a cool site. The wonderful thing about this language of truth, is it will never change or be altered or used to sugar coat the bad.



please id tree please

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this tree is grafted on what appeard to be a viburnum, the leaves at the bottom were bigger, more rough and oblong/elliptical. the leaves at the top are about 2 inches wide slight wider and same length wise. the bark is smooth and greyish, and I have tried and tried looking in my books on the net, it almost made me think of red bud then I looked again and it reminded me of a vine leaf possibly gooseberry or something else, any ideas? thanks.

plants at peak aug 2014

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crape myrtle starting to bloom, late this year usually blooms july. but everything got a late start.

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scarlet bean runner with pods growing up the crape myrtle whose most of the tops died except the bottom where it is regrowing, yea it did not die, yippee.

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red crape starting to bloom, grew a bit bigger finally, hum does it need to be shocked into growing more during summer by being hit with a severe cold winter? makes one wonder.

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my giant caladium (elephant ears) started off small then got big, very nice.

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sweet joe pye weed did not get big, the ones in the fields growing wild didn’t either. must of been the severe cold or something from last winter. pretty nonetheless

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goldflame honeysuckle, I had to do some serious pruning for all the dead branches it had but it was a hidden blessing because now they are cleaned up of their cluttered branches look and are more uniform and their flowering has been enhanced quite a bit. very pretty.

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early summer a chickadee mom and dad raised a brood out of here, I would watch them bring them food, but the little guys were to far down in to stick their heads out, then when they were done a house wren took it and raised babies too. see the nest inside?

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a passion for flowers much? the passionflowers are starting to bloom, also late usually in july they bloom but we all know why don’t we.

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painted mountain corn, very pretty had to fence it the ground hogs thought I grew this for them,

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variegated climbing hydrangea, the canes are said to get fifty feet but it will be a couple of years before I see flowers but if I see some climbing the leaves will satisfy me enough until the flowers are ready.

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touch me nots, never in my life have I seen them so tall, they are taller then me and so thick like this, wow, my whole fence on this side is like that and the plant bed near the dish is like this too, wow,must of been all that rain. (jewelweed)

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rosa rugosa rose hips

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black eyed susans seeds must of clustered at the bottom of my side yard because look what happened? they all clusted and bloom together, while the area around them has nothing, very pretty, did not have the heart to mow them.

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rosa rugosa topaz jewel, is yellow but look what happens when you photograph it with the sun shining brightly at your back into the flower, like a beacon or something, (mirror rose)

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and now the golden rods blooming, on the hill next to all my black eyes susans painted daisy? and other flowrs that finally spread, I guess mowing it during the summer was a bad idea so this year I did not mow it,

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my side hills (dry conditions here) full of blk eyed, painted daisy? golden rods yarrow, ironweed,

so what do you think these are not all my plants but awwww the wonderful springs (usually wonderful) summers and wonderful fall time of year where you have plants galore sunshine warmth energy until winter spoils the party.


blue herons

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Great blue herons rookery bath road ohio some shots I thought I share got these pictures in june. 2014

plants resurrected

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topaz jewel and yellow rugosa hybrid, some of the tops actually survived this really bad winter we had, the flower is lovly. starts off dark yellow and lightens from the sun and heat, to a light yellow wonder if when it gets cooler if it will darken again like my new dawn does it get pinker when cooler and whiter when hotter.  now I know they sent me the right rose.

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new dawn coming back from the thick stem, glad I did not cut it all the way to the ground, the leaves are so shiny, it doesn’t have buds on it I am hoping it will wait a few more weeks to get more canes I have a trellis I made ready for them, and to try to reduce black spot I put weed block around it to keep the hortatunia back so there would be better air circulation.

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anyone know what this flower is? it grew back in my wildflower patch I grew wher I had a lot of cosmos, now I have different flowers coming up.

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anyone know what this is?

my butterfly bushes all died, my one crape myrtle died too, but the one next to the garage is barly coming back from the bottom of the trunk. bummer the trunk has some pretty patterns on it, I am using it as a trellis for scarlet bean runner edible beans and is ornamental too, this is just some of my plants all which survived except the butterfly bushes and one new dawn which I just bought last year and that crape myrtle.