Tag Archives: caladium

plants at peak aug 2014

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crape myrtle starting to bloom, late this year usually blooms july. but everything got a late start.

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scarlet bean runner with pods growing up the crape myrtle whose most of the tops died except the bottom where it is regrowing, yea it did not die, yippee.

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red crape starting to bloom, grew a bit bigger finally, hum does it need to be shocked into growing more during summer by being hit with a severe cold winter? makes one wonder.

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my giant caladium (elephant ears) started off small then got big, very nice.

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sweet joe pye weed did not get big, the ones in the fields growing wild didn’t either. must of been the severe cold or something from last winter. pretty nonetheless

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goldflame honeysuckle, I had to do some serious pruning for all the dead branches it had but it was a hidden blessing because now they are cleaned up of their cluttered branches look and are more uniform and their flowering has been enhanced quite a bit. very pretty.

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early summer a chickadee mom and dad raised a brood out of here, I would watch them bring them food, but the little guys were to far down in to stick their heads out, then when they were done a house wren took it and raised babies too. see the nest inside?

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a passion for flowers much? the passionflowers are starting to bloom, also late usually in july they bloom but we all know why don’t we.

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painted mountain corn, very pretty had to fence it the ground hogs thought I grew this for them,

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variegated climbing hydrangea, the canes are said to get fifty feet but it will be a couple of years before I see flowers but if I see some climbing the leaves will satisfy me enough until the flowers are ready.

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touch me nots, never in my life have I seen them so tall, they are taller then me and so thick like this, wow, my whole fence on this side is like that and the plant bed near the dish is like this too, wow,must of been all that rain. (jewelweed)

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rosa rugosa rose hips

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black eyed susans seeds must of clustered at the bottom of my side yard because look what happened? they all clusted and bloom together, while the area around them has nothing, very pretty, did not have the heart to mow them.

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rosa rugosa topaz jewel, is yellow but look what happens when you photograph it with the sun shining brightly at your back into the flower, like a beacon or something, (mirror rose)

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and now the golden rods blooming, on the hill next to all my black eyes susans painted daisy? and other flowrs that finally spread, I guess mowing it during the summer was a bad idea so this year I did not mow it,

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my side hills (dry conditions here) full of blk eyed, painted daisy? golden rods yarrow, ironweed,

so what do you think these are not all my plants but awwww the wonderful springs (usually wonderful) summers and wonderful fall time of year where you have plants galore sunshine warmth energy until winter spoils the party.


autumn has just stepped in say hello,

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virginia creepers are the first to announce that autumn is on the way folks!

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pokeweed says hey!

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I guess the moon didnt get the it’s daytime memo, lol

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this caladium among many, stayed in the ground all summer Ithought they had died or got eaten by all the chipmunks around here and I gave it up as lost theydecided to pop their little heads up when the weather turned cooler and the days grew shorter, whats up with that? now they are popping up everywhere I had planted them. weird.

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figs on my hardy chicago fig tree, pretty cool, don’t plan on eating them just like how they look, do you suppose if I took the seeds I could grow another fig tree and would it produce to type? or would I get some different type of fig altogether.?



for my brother

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I will take more pictures of his fish downstairs at another time, here are some more of my crapes looking brighter since the sun is shining so brightly (after raining all night and the mosquitos getting really bad)

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remember this scenario? since summer here has been warmish (below normal) and wetter than normal that does’t mean this will be worst does it? YIKES!

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a night shot playing around with my camara.

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my figtree at night, love the shadows on the garage.

trying to get the hang of aiming and focusing.

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rose of sharon we got from tony’s mom, she wanted it removed as it was to close to her house we put it in the pasture, plenty of room there.

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this is a smaller one, which was part of the shrub hubby dug up and we divided it up,

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I am thinking since I like these so much next year I am going to plant them all along the edging there on the side of the house and plant flowrs at the base and maybe a a few  potted grass(like those purple ones I see with feathering that is purple) or some sort or palm maybe sitting on the mulch there? any other ideas? make it look tropical I know some people like caster bean plants personally I think they are beautiful but they are deadly so I wont’, unless htere is a similar plant that gets big and purplish that is safer.

well that is it for now, I was thinking next year I will rotor till the edges near the driveway edge it and mulch it (not sure with what) because I want to get a 3 foot iron works fencing where I can place potted plants like caladium, grasses potted or something similar not sure yet. possibly have a vine growing up and down the length (instead of climbing upward) that is perennial here, not sure yet.

thanks for stopping by.