Category Archives: glycation

I am such a dweeb

halo (1)Howdy how is everyone today? dajia hao, (cant put pinyon marks dont know how). guess what stupid thing I am doing, I am low carbing again but this time I am doing it just above ketosis, been doing it over three weeks. I am hoping I can stick to it, do notice one thing about it since I am keeping carbs at 200 grams per day it has forced me to make my carbs count, hence a little fruit, whole grain, rationing sweet stuff like jam and not using any syrup or honey at all, pop is out, (drink very little anymore) last time i did low carb it was like 100 grams a day andthat was too low. and I got tired of bacon meat and such.

wo xiang yidianr insane, (think I am a bit insane) I mean it is not like I did not try this before. so any suggestions on making this work I ususally last about 6 weeks.  before I end up giving it up, what kinds of carbs besides veggies are the best to eat? what can I do to salvage my diet when I am craving carbs or am feeling a bit peckish or feeling run down?

I have noticed I am sleeping better (but still a bit tired during the day) 200 grams per day seems to be a comfortable level i am not like hungry or feeling like binging on carbs except today, but even then I kept the carbs quality that I did eat.

what has worked for you guys and has been sustainble and not painful or too painful. thanks. xiexie.  Oh by the way I took the lighthouse with halo picture with my phone and was bit far from it too. came out nice for such a cheap phone.



low carb dieting




How is everyone today? I want to discuss something, we as a society are obessed with diets. Why? could it be because we are having health issues we cant seem to get a handle on? could it be because we are tired of being sick and tired?

I have a history of diets that would fill a book. I did hte low caloire diets the most. low fat then low carb diets.  A friend of mine as we speak is doing semi starvation diet, and I know what the end result will be, and it wont be pretty. Anyway this is experience and research talking.

I decided I had to do something, I know forcing my body to go without macronutrients it cries for wouldnt work, as my body is determined to survive (a good thing by the way) just frustrating when your obese and tired. I thought about it for a while, mulled over what I knew, what I did not know, and decided. I am going low carb but with a twist.

I will make sure to eat some so called bad carbs ketogenic diets avoid like the plague. What carbs? well let me see, oat bran cereal? a tablespoon of raw honey? a big bowl of strawberries? (they want people to portion control even low carb fruits).  What else? I decided if my body wants it I will give it, like a raw potatoe with mineral salt when I am craving crunchy carb with salt.

I have been following this over a month and I am reporting some interesting observations. one is I listened to my body (as a example one day) and was really hungry for some rice, beans, meat and cheese and salad, so I ate a bowl of it, and drank some pop ( I had been following it for about 3 weeks and not having alot of cravings for carbs) and did you know I did not much of appetite the rest of the day? I was absolutly not hungry? many people who follow low carb find when they eat carbs they cant stop eating the rest of the day.

even I found myself needing to eat constantly when I eat alot of carbs in one setting. but no, not this time. anyway that was a few days ago and the past couple of days I have had little to no appetite for carbs. In fact I am not waking up hungry like a wolf. LOL. Anyway I feel more refreshed in the morning usually I am dragging. weird. I am also not hungry even as I type this and do not feel shaky, foggy or lightheaded or weak. Hum interesting.

But anyway I am finding that carbs are not bad, they are just no appropriate if you having some health issues with it. And I am wondering if low carb diets dont have to be a permanet diet to better your health and lose weight (not sure if I lost any but I sure do feel better) if all you have to do is go low carb to heal your body so it can handle glucose better from whole high quality carbs like fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains and beans.

For one thing if your insulin levels are always to high day or night, (higher than naturally they would be otherwise) because those cells are avoiding the sugar dont want it for whatever reason (but are still straving however because they  are empty and need energy hence the hypoglycemia symptoms we all seem to have?)Then it makes sense to get that insulin down, and not jsut to burn fat either, to get the leptin message through to the brain? once the brain realizes your very fat (otherwise it would of never made you eat the house down everyday) it can send the signal to eat less?

well I am seeing that happening gradually. I have not only lost cravings for alot of carbs, (still have a small amount and it takes only a small amount to quiet it) but finding I am going longer and longer between meal before I get hungry or and food desire.

Or the fat cells main job may have not been just storage of fat, its job could of been there to sweep up all the sugar that is floating around and not going anywhere and is damaging the body cells with all that glycation. And its job could of also been to recycle cholesterol that gets damaged via the same mechnisms and itself could be getting damaged and thus must increase in number (you get fatter) to handle the load, many cells make the load lighter and less damaging?

Just some ideas here, so if you cannot handle alot of sugar (carbs) then what is a body to do for energy? fat. not only is fat used for energy it is used for rebuilding the cells damaged parts. Interesting, the substance so maligned by the world is actually what is going ot heal us? fat takes longer to oxidize (as anyone who left a stick of real butter on the counter finds out) and doesn’t interfere with insulin leptin signaling.

do you suppose the medical establishment knows this or do you suppose they are like the average human not sure of anything?  I will report back more findings as I preceed. nothing like having a diet that actually decreases appetite. when I was low caloring dieting (weight watchers was once I did) I was constantly hungry over time that hungry grew, my running suffered. my energy levels suffered and after a about 3 months I could not stand the fake famine anymore and binged and ate the whole planet.

Never again, now when I hear health gurus tout anything requiring you to suffer, (pain is a signal tothe body something is a miss, a threat to survival) cant be right. so far so good with this diet, in fact I am  starting to get mildly hungry. But not sure what I am hungry for yet.

What do you all think? Here is a theory I have, if you eat low carb that gives the body a chance to heal from all the damage from a junky food diet, or weight loss dieting history, and a low quality diet longterm? so if that is hte case maybe quality carbs will eventually be okay once this healing is over. But how to tell if that is the case? when do I know when to eat them again? I figure my body my appetite and my cravings (as long as craving is for fruit veggies whole grains and beans) will tell me. YOu think?

Well just some musing and sharing today. thanks for reading.



vitamin d3 and glucose handling


hi there, I was just bored trying to figure out how to illustrate in a drawing what i wanted to show, but couldn’t figure out how to do it in a way you would be able to understand, some of my drawings can be a bit messy and disorganized, like my house is.

anyway, you know how you spend so many years of your life trying to solve a problem and you try one thing then another until after a few decades you start to wonder if you will ever find the solution to a serious problem your dealing with? Then each time you think you found it and it seems to be working then it doesn’t? you know how dissappointing that is. You look for answers and try different suggestions from the experts who swear it should work, but it never does and then they accuse you of not trying hard enough or cheating or whatever? And it doesn’t matter what the problem is either.

then you find something that actually starts to work out, it seems to be consistant for a while, and then in your mind you get a sense of relief, and excitement, but then your excitement is squashed by the realization what if this is just another fluke? You examine the solution and all it’s parts, the problems it has solved up to that point and wonder did I find it? then you look at yourself and say don’t get to excited yet, give it time.

Well I decided to try supplementation with mega doses of vitad3, thinking if I am deficient in this despite all efforts to get it up naturally through eating properly and getting plenty of sunshine, I decided to it in mega doses, about 40,000 iu at first for about a month then dropped it down to about 20,000 iu per day for about 2 months then down to 10,000 iu for a couple of weeks, now that I am getting plenty of sun I stopped the pills. I mean according to the research this should work for all that stuff that comes with metabolic syndrome.

Does it? what say I?  I mean it couldn’t solve this complex of a problem can it? after all that is too simplistic right? well here we go I have been sleeping through the night now for about 2 or 3 weeks for a change, can’t believe it. havent done this in 10 years or more. I always would have the symptoms of low blood sugar in the night (despite a normal glucose tolerance test)have to get up, eat in order to go back to sleep. I mean 2 or 3 am  night after night for years is a bit annoying don’t you think? It was downright frustrating and enraging, I would be so tired and so hungry and jittery like crazy I would probably of bitten someone’s head off if you said something stupid to me at that time, lol.

I have not had to do this now for almost 3 weeks. I am like this is not a fluke is it? And cravings for junk food? almost gone, sugar cravings almost gone, fewer and fewer epidsodes of jitteriness, cravings for sugar,(except I do get a little during pms time that lasts a couple of days which is still alot less then before) and yes I can now get a little hungry during the day and not eat anything because I am not hungry enough and have that little bit hunger shut off and I thus can fast a little bit comfortably, I mean really? where have you been all my life you wonderful sunshine vitamin? why are doctors so brainwashed in the old ideas? well we won’t go there right now.

other benefits? more energy, not as headachy as before (which was probably the glucose drops and adrenalin response)better exercise response, my response to exercise in gaining in stamina, muscle strength, etc was minimal, now it is like I am not working as hard and getting a very good response.  Coincidence? I think not. Being overwieght I have to be careful to avoid injury from using the treadmill, going for walks and using the weights. I used it today wearing my gorilla feet (fila four toes) since my treadmill has such a good cushion I want to protect my knees from to much cushion stress, and did some weights, despite pmsing, which usually makes me kind of sluggish and not able to exercise much.

my knees were bothering me last week and not sure why so I figured the cushion of the treadmill plus my really air cushion shoes may have been to much or it could of been the weights not sure. so apparently vitad3 is just to vital for glucose handling to treat it lightly and doctors have not gotten the memo yet.

 So why is it so important then? well apparently if your glucose setpoint is set to high due to resistance at the brain blood brain barrier normal amounts of glucose can’t get through and your brain registers it as starvation, and sends signals to raise sugar levels via adranline (especially if insulin levels are too high)and cortisol and glucagon,but as the concentration of the blood gets higher then some sugar can make it through via saturation, but this fix is temporary and very damaging over long term (hence glycation, fat accumulation, pancreatic damage and fat accumulation on liver and heart and stomach.) hyperglycemia is compensation for this resistance, hence sugar in the blood for too long is damaging so your body uses fat cells to proliferate to suck it up and produce fat to get it out  of the blood as fast as possible since the liver can’t keep up and the muscles cells can’t use it as they are resistant (because of lack of vitad3 and cholesterol sulfate)which drives the glucose below setpoint (even tho in the normal healthy range by the numbers)the brain registers this as low blood sugar since it aint getting any, hence the cycle repeats. you get hungry for high gi foods to drive it up really fast and high so the brain gets it before it all gets converted to fat, and of course the cells are forced to use fat for fuel since insulin is not needed for them to access it, and if the insulin levels are high the fat cells do not release and hence the cells need a advanced surge of fat before you eat, hence high triglcerides when insulin levels are low, with me so far?

then the fat cells have to proliferate even more as each cell is hindered by their lack of enough cholesterol sulfate, vitad3 and other nutrients, to handle all that sugar. sugar is very toxic in large amounts it sticks to everything and reacts to oxygen, it is like gasoline.fat is like oil, or diesel, fructose like rocket fuel.

so fat cells also become damaged over time and thus you get even fatter but this is getting to detailed just suffice to say without enough fat soluable vitamins, and cholesterol sulfate in our systems we are doomed to suffer a long, slow, agonizing death. not unless you can abort it by correcting the underlying deficienies.

so my guess is I have lowered my glucose setpoint, a good thing, and need less sugar in my blood for the brain to get it’s juice it needs. Sure is nice to be alot more calmer and less hungry everyday, so now I am giving it to my little dog who is fat to see if it will help her too. time will tell.