Monthly Archives: March 2014


This is my theropod, carnivorus, height about 10-20ft at shoulder, length average about 20 feet to 30 feet or so, biped, diet is of carrion, top speed probably based on way of movement, weight which is about 20,000 lbs give or take,, and  height I say 10 mph. Type, reptile, habitat tropical to subtropical,  teeth types, crushing, breaking, tearing. profile, surfboard straight, on two very enormous legs muscular and strong, bulky,  Since these guys are so heavy per foot and on two legs I think of them like humans very careful and slow moving, after all that head is about 20 ft off the ground and they cannot afford to fall or trip or get knocked over. their weight would shatter their bones even in a minor fall. Even a minor injury can be fatal, skin type, smooth, probably very colorful and why not, todays reptiles (especially lizards can be very colorful)have lots of color and textures and skin surface types from smooth to rough to horned etc.

my guy here is about full grown, and loves water and wet places especially when it is hot. possibly cold blooded with 3 chambered enormous heart, smallish brain with average size cortex, possibly binocular vision,  good sense of smell, possibly gave some parental care and protection, most likely as guard while baby eats what it can catch. It not known for sure whether they cared as birds do bringing food to their young, some evidence suggests some types of dinosaurs did drag food to them but that is not confirmed. The evidence is there but is open to interpretation as there are a lot of possible explanations for many of the physical evidences found, what ideas do you have as to how they looked, how they lived, how they moved and how they died?.

What killed off the prehistoric animals including the dinos? massive asteroid? there is evidence for such enormous objects hitting the earth and shattering and burning damage, some say volcanos, evidence of that exists especially in Siberia for extreme volcanic activity large enough to kill off most life, was it disease? Some are still trying to figure it out, but no one knows for sure, all we know is these asteroids and eruptions did happen but could it had happened before the earth even had life on it yet? could it have happened shortly after a atomosphere was being formed? could it have happened before land ever appeared, or since there was a time during noahs day that all land was underwater almost a year, and the upheavals moved whole mountains, shake rattle and roll mixing up everything disguising real time frames here? all the evidence could of got mixed up in the layers and conveying the idea that they volcanos and asteroid were during the same period as dinos since they appear in same layers.

And scientists agree that continents  move and change and push against each other and push some up while others go down, could this not change the layering system hiding the real time line? When volcanos erupt, earthquakes happen or massive landslides and such could that not also mess up the layering effect of time conveying wrong time sequences? More questions then answers don’t you think.  I do hope you like my dinosaur, I tried to draw and color from memory as I said I am still learning and practicing.

Good bye all, thanks for visiting.

vitad3 update





Hi there everyone beautiful person out there, this is my update, as you know I have been trying to follow a fairly slow carb diet (which I am enjoying more than I thought) secondly I have been dosing with vitad3 gels with wool oil, okay when I started this whole thing I started out at 40,000 iu working down over several months this past year or so, (as you can see above if you can read it why these dosages seem okay for me) but several times after I start to see results and feel so much better sleeping better reduced apetite for high sugary foods go down, and more energy and less fuzzy fog etc I lower the dose so I don’t over do it, well every time I did after a few weeks the symptoms start to return and I have to up it again for a couple of weeks to see the symptoms abate (I did this about 3 times) so now I am back at 25,000 iu, per day, 5000 per day was not enough, too low for maintenance, 10,000 also was too low, I took this dosage for a couple of weeks and seen no improvement.

I have been dosing in the 20,000 iu range for about 2 weeks or so and I am starting to feel so much better. my appetite has normalized (don’t need to constantly munch) I sleep through the night again without the hunger or nervousness of low blood sugar symptoms even tho on paper I do not have hypoglycemia.

my periods are starting to normalize (until I started to eat a high soy product I did not know I was eating, I cannot handle even a hint of soy itmesses up my periods makes them last longer, heavier, more crampy and pms is worse as well) so I have reduced that, flaxseed and it’s oil does the same thing.  But my mood is better too. I am starting to have a training effect, improvments in stamina, breathing and etc when I exercise. I do hope you all can read those notes I scanned, tried to get a copy into a word processing document but it only pasted jibberjabber language.

enjoy. oh here is a picture of what is happening as of now,

Godsownersmanual 006

can you believe it is almost april?  SUCKS!!!! why does winter always want to hang on so long and summer want to be so cold like last year was?

Things that comfort me

Hi there, how are all my fans doing today, lol, fans that is a funny one, I actually have something to say today, wahoo! stop the presses we have a news flash, lady wisdom is on the war path again, war path of wisdom for the depressed, the sad, the disillusioned, the intellecturals in need of some actual intellectural stimulation. Or just plain folk who are bored out of their gourd waiting for winter to finally go away and never come back.

You know winter lasted to long when you go get gas and you cannot figure out why the diesel light keeps coming on  when you pick up the nozzle and you keep pushing the unleaded gas button and it doesn’t do anything. Only to find out there are two nozzles, DUH!!!!! Yesterday was a bad day, had a bad night of sleep and the sun was so nice all I wanted to do was sleep in its wonderful beams. Or when you sit down at your computer and don’t notice a beautiful new rose my hubby just brought me, boy did I feel like a cad. I see the important of getting a good nights sleep, your brain literally shuts down on you.

Today I was reading articles by different people, economists and political advisors, commentators, you know all the people who are watch dogs for government, over the economy, and other facets that affects all of us directly or indirectly.  If it were not for my faith in the bible and knowledge it has given me, I would absolutely be totally insane or dead, it is enough to put you off to life itself. Makes one want to do what that guy who lived alone in the wilderness for 35 years did, move away from people, tax collectors, abusive police, politicians, lying news media, and the like.  Have a peaceful life where you go about your business without others trying to dictate to you what you will or not do with your property life or liberty. Safe from the depressing news on the wars, the stupidity of humans trying to govern themselves and the like. Cant really blame him at all.

One thing the comforts me is this, Matthew 5:3, 6:9-12, revelation 21:3-4 These basically say pray for Gods kingdom to come and take over the earths affairs, get rid of wicked people, as you have to be meek to inherit the earth, and wicked people are not meek, and God putting his tent (figuratively) over the earth and meek mankind and ridding the earth of all the things that cause suffering, injustice and depression and crushes ones’ spirit for life. I know a lot of people understand this as we do live in the land of Christendom, (well most on here do) but do people really understand what this entails?

Daniel 2:1-44 is very comforting to me, but not to those who want to continue this world as it is or only modified to be more comfortable for them, do not like to hear. it basically means human governments will be crushed out of existence. what is crushed? an idea? no actual people will be crushed, those who refuse to submit to God’s ruler ship over them. This is what armagedden is all about.  So I do not worry about the earth being destroyed by asteroids from space, a massive volcano eruption in the middle of usa or global warming or a third world war with nuclear weapons. this is because Jehovah promised that earth would stand forever and be inhabited by the righteous forever. psalms 37 speaks about this, so does Isaiah 65, and 11 speaks about it. proverbs which I remember so well because I like the way it is worded. proverbs 2:21-22 speaks about the wicked being removed from the earth and the righteous left over in it, quite the opposite of the rapture thingy that I used to believe in where the wicked remain and righteous taken up to heaven to watch the wicked be destroyed.

Another thing that comforts me and others who appreciate it, is that the poverty we see today will be no more, true peace and security is soon to be had, because all signs of the ‘sign’ are evident to bible readers and the earth is being ruined beyond repair by man. matt 24:1-14, luke 21, 2timothy 3:1-5, revelations 13, 17, 19, which all state the organizations that would arise during the “Lords day” and the conditions on the earth and the attitudes of people will be. rev 6 shows what sequence of events would play out when Jesus takes over ruler ship in the heavens, when he opens the seals.

While I am not comforted by the number of people who will be destroyed by God, I am comforted by the fact these will not be destroyed due to ignorance or by mistake or because they did not understand, but rather because they refused to follow God’s laws on matters, who want this world and its cruelty and injustice to continue because it allows them to have some corruption and selfishness of their own. It allows them to stay in the dark figuratively speaking to commit their pleasure seeking, fornicating, and murderous (by association) lifestyles. Sure they probably didn’t kill anyone directly but they supported those that did. In their hearts, in their hearts is what Jehovah looks at.

I am comforted by the fact Jehovah takes no pleasure in destroying the wicked, in Ezekiel 9 he states that so well, I do not take delight in the death of someone wicked in that he would turn around and gain life instead by obedience. I am seeing over time that Jehovah is right, he is not some creepy spirit going around causing trouble to disobedient mankind, they can do enough harm to themselves on their own thank you very much, he is right, his ruler ship is the best most just, benevolent and satan is the liar, he stated God was selfish and did not have the moral high ground, satan is the one causing the woes to us, not Jehovah, He is the one who is exacting, cruel, unjust, who has no love for man the earth or the animals. Satan despises us, we remind him to much of Jehovah’s wonderful qualities when we exercise our free wills to serve Jehovah and reflect his qualities as much as possible.

Satan did all this harm to us physically, spiritually, emotionally, and crushes us because he wants to be worshipped, he was jealous of the worship Jehovah was going to get from humans, can anyone think of anything more selfish then this? He knows he can’t get you to worship outright so he has to mislead you by lies to get you to worship him indirectly through rulers, actors, artists, philosphers, and intellecturals. He has to get you to hate God or disbelieve in his existence, he uses our own natural desires and needs and perverts them to his own satisfaction and to our harm, what a creep.!!!!!

I am comforted that he will be destroyed never to cause harm anymore once people and angels see fully that satan is the liar not Jehovah. Yahooooooooo!!!

So there you have it gang, friends and neighbors, I am still working on my dinosaurs drawings. so it will be a while still getting data on them, and see how they move and such so I can do the best drawings I can. Does anyone have a favorite dino they like? I like the sauropods and hadrosaurs and scutasaures. ta ta for now.

New Netflix Phishing Scam Threatens the Internet

good to know I love my Netflix, shame on your people for doing such horrible things like stealing and lying.

prehistoric disasters documentary

I just finished watching this documentary on Netflix, I want to give a review, I give it a 3 stars, *** this is why.  the data they gave for their proof of what they think happened seemed sound enough, the charcoal layers in the earth that were found all over the earth indicating some kind of earth wide fire or burning of some kind of plants and animals,  the large crators found indicating very large meterorites or asteroids hitting some time in the past,  some feel it was a massive volcano eruption since they have found a large volcanic field the size of Alaska in Siberia, which if it occurred when life was existing, then it would block out the sun, cause massive die off of plants and then the animals, causing massive darkness for months, global cooling, stuff like that.

The believe based on the size of the crators, and the evidence of how far the debris field was that the massive asteroid that they think wiped out 95 percent of the crittors, was traveling about 45000 mile per hour, they indicated that where it hit could not have been the worst place to hit,  with all the chances of hitting somewhere else being high, why did it hit that spot in the yucatan where there is high sulfer deposits, causing massive spewing of sulfer dioxide and burning particles and co2 rise blocking out the sun, cooling the planet, etc you get the picture.

the first episode spoke about a collision of the earth and another body that became the moon, and the moon was much closer, causing massive tidal waves, the earth was moving faster too, causing severe weather, there was a 21 day cycle, some even think the earth had a 6 hour day, I wonder if we were alive then if we could feel the effects of an earth going that fast?  now these believed facts seem okay to me, after all the bible does not tell us how the planets were formed, how the earth was prepare for our future arrival nor how long a day is when dealing with millions of years,  he doesn’t tell us, being a forever living person he wasn’t in no hurry. time for him is meaningless unless he is dealing with his servants who are aware of time and base our lives on it. This includes the angels by the way.

the second episode I watched spoke about how meteorites carry water hitting the earth and making water accumulate on earth, I heard this idea before called the star water theory, anyway it spoke about how enough water accumulated allowing for the soup for the mixing of chemicals including amino acids,  creating life,  when they said this their logic and understanding of how life works fell flat?

when they start speaking about something that contradicts their own understanding of laws of physics, chemistry, life, then they enter the realm of self worship and blind faith. They are essentially trying to get around divine intervention and purpose. For some reason or another the belief in a divine being as creator and ruler over his own creation just bugs the heck out of them and they have to get rid of him at all costs. I don’t know why anyone  would want to remove a person who went through the massive trouble of billions of years to create the universe then the earth and then eventually life in the forms of simple things scientists call them, to the sea creatures to the dinosaurs and the time period required to prepare the earth for our arrival, who created us so beautifully, and this planet being so beautiful and so comfortable (except for winters but that is another story) who gave us color and beautiful creatures and a mind that can go beyond just existing and survival for a few years then dying off, ability to build on previous knowledge to ask questions, to appreciate things like a beautiful bird or rainbow, ot have friendships that are strong and enjoyable, I mean I want to know who this person is and why he did this and what his purpose for us is in the future? wouldn’t you ?

Since the bible does not tell us how long a day is we can only guess and scientists do have a lot of data indicating that the earth is billions of years old, I can accept that, that life on it has been here for millions or even a billion years starting with sea life (which the bible indicates he created life in the seas first and the flying creatures (the Hebrew word used means winged creatures),  then the larger animals came on the scene gradually,  the atmosphere  gradual clearing before creating the sea creatures, allowing for water plants to create oxygen, for the sun to shine through, the clearing of the gases such as co2 falling due to the plants (before he created the land animals by the way) the dry land gets plants and as these develop over time the animals being created to eat those plants down to prepare the earth soil with organic material (the dinosaurs were perfect for the job being such large plant eaters) I can imagine if no animals ate the plants down for thousands of years then they would be overgrown and large, so the earth was gradually being prepared for us, by the way I am wondering, if the asteroid was so large fast and managed to get through the atmosphere and was devastating enough to destroy all the plants and animals causing global cooling for so long, I am wondering if possible Jehovah removed the animals first, (or the volcano idea) since their purpose was no longer needed, or maybe the volcano or asteroid hit before  the animals on land were created? maybe to burn down the vegetation to add nutrients to the soil? I cannot imagine him using cruel methods to destroy animals,

I mean in the garden of eden animals were at peace with each other, (they would still die of old age) and the predators job was to eat them after they died naturally. animals did not start killing each other until after adam and eve sinned and satan rulership began. they did not become a danger till then too, and man a danger to them, till after the sinning occurred. Also man did not become a danger to their fellow man either till after the couple sinned. So Jehovah is a God of peace and kindness and love and justice, so naturally he would not be cruel to man or animals. including prehistoric earth animals.

So my guess is either the animals were not there during those catastrophes or they occurred before life began at all and man has misread the timetable of the earth. It is possible only plants burned and sea creatures were the only ones around yet, don’t know, even with all the data they have when something occurred and how its effected life on it is still subject to wide speculation. They do not know the effects after all there are multiple factors involved for example while methane is a greenhouse gas, co2 is too, co2 also acts like a coolant under certain circumstance,  the suns changes affect the climate too, while the sun was temporarily blocked out, and the plants died, this released a lot of co2 which would warm things up or cool things down more, no one knows for sure. the blocking of the sun by volcano ash or asteroid hit may have lasted only a short time, while the sparks from the asteroid may have caused massive fires to break out over the world the massive heat would of caused rain to fall in the clouds that evaporation and spewing of all that water into the air would of caused, right? does this make logical sense?

there are just to many factors that they missed or are ignoring to know for sure what happened, I think the humble and modest thing to do is just to say we don’t know for sure. we must always remember human wisdom is very limited our ability to read the earth and it’s signs is in it’s infancy,  trying to read the earth and predict what the future may hold (some volcano in the middle of the usa  may erupt causing devastation all over the northern hemisphere which due ot happen due to it heating up, or we are due for another asteroid hit or global warming is going to kill us all or predicting what the future will hold with regard to how hot the planet will get etc) all these things reminds me of people who used to look to the sun, stars and looked into the liver of animals or for other signs of predicting the future, (astrology, numerology, palm reading, taro cards, etc)

we have to be careful to separate the data found in the earth from the superstitious idea of predicting the future long in advance based on those findings. and we have to be careful to separate these facts from treating speculation as fact too. Basically what I am saying is we need to be totally honest when evaluating data and studies of the earth and life on it now and in the past.

Good day fellow people, hope you enjoyed this, I am still working on my dinos for part two, I want to do a good job, something pleasant look at.EPSON MFP image

one drawing I did looks like a cross between a lizard, cat, lol