Category Archives: principles


gailardia1howdy my friends. I was just on youtube and was watching a video among others like it about government interference with exercising rights. made me think about all the violence being commited everyday to the point people dont think of it as violent.

In america life seems pretty peaceful compared to syria, africa, and other middle eastern nations, and compared to europe where they seem to be having alot of terrorist attacks and violent protests for one thing or another. Or it could be less so simply because the news media can make things appear worse then they are so I wouldnt trust them.

Anyhow I was thinking of all the ways we are affected or perpetuating violence in our lives without realizing it Example, there are so many horse lovers out there, me being one of them, so many dog owners and animal owners in general. How many times have we done things which we were taught is correct and good? for example how many ride with bits in a horses mouth? how many use spurs? how many lock their horses in stalls for hours at a time and how many beat their horses when they buck rear or forcefully move around the person? How many get involved in horses sports either as participants or obsevers?

Much of this is very violent, bits hurt even in the best hands spurs too, a horse being locked up is like a prison sentence, denying them the stimulation of being with other horses interacting and chasing and sometimes even playing together and yes fighting too it is how herd dynamics works who is higher who is lower who is a trustworthy leader who isnt, stuff like that.  many horse misbehaviors are due to human ignorance in how horses feel see and hear things. Bits I learned myself do not control a horse, they can lead to bucking and running away. Please dont blame the horse when things go wrong it is always the humans fault.

another way we commit violence is how we treat our dogs, locking them up in a house for hours a day without compansionship or stimulation or play. We put collars on them instead of harnesses which might be better I dont know, we feed them crappy dog food,  When we realize how animals are what their needs are we can better provide them a better happier existance.

of course this applies to all animals. me personally I love birds would love a macaw or parrot but refuse to get one since I hate putting animals in cages. no cages do not cage your dog either. it is cruel and violent. Another way we are violent without knowing is when we waste the family income on drugs or alcohol or gambling whether on lottery or stock market. When you smoke cigerattes around those who have no choice to leave or move elsewhere. do not smoke around your family in the  house it is unloving.

These things we dont typically think of as violent but they are, the word violence comes fromthe word violate and violate means as one of the defintions I seen in a dictionary to violate the rights of another.  When the government tells you,  you need permits or a license to exercise a right you already have, this is a form of violence. when your forced to pay taxes on your land and house you paid for that is a form of violence.  When your forced to pay for goods and services you do not want or when behaviors are criminalized simply because of economic considerations rather than for justice then this is violent.

Example is off grid living, many are taking this option as a way to reduce the cost of living and enjoy more time in leisure and family time and of course rest. many are working to many hours per week just to live decently. Not a good thing really. Anyhow, they are criminlizing this as well, threatening to arrest people who do so on their own private property, who violate the right of the people to live as they please when they are not harming anyone else. no victim no crime is the saying I hear alot. I have been watching many videos on this and see this as a violation (violence) against the right of a person to enjoy their property as they see fit.

this reminds me of a bible prophecy that John recorded in revelation. It speaks about the last days (our day) when the sun gets incredibly hot, now before you freak out this is a symbolic, the sun is already hot enough to scorch you if a pin sized part of it is within 90 miles of you. Anyway this sun represents unrightous rulers. they scorch mankind by tyrannizing over them, by harassment, by injust actions against the people for whatever the justification. They commit violence against people everyday with their wars against others (like the drug war, or carnal war against other nations, war on poverty etc) many of these wars are unjust on it’s face and are a form of oppression as hot as the sun. Hence mankind is being oppressed by unrightous rulers all over the world. This sun by the way is plagued by God in that he has decreed them wicked. To be destroyed per his heavenly government.

Also in revelation the governments of hte world are described as mutant wild beasts. They are vicious, violent, there is that word again, and bloodthirsty. they eat their own children too symbolically speaking. so violence is all around us, we just need to recognize it. we are so desenstized to this stuff. Much of what I see due ot bible training is violence on a grand scale in the name of peace or safty. Building permits, licenses to have a business, licenses to work (social security number) invisible contracts that they apply against people without justification or right.  Whenever a city or county imposes codes and regulations on people without a bonifide contract then you have violence again. using the ignorance of people to understand real law as opposed to legal or illegal and enforcing codes and regulations they have no lawful basis for. Shame is the name of the one who commits violence against their neighbor.

Homelessness is also being criminalized. homeless are having what little they have taken away they are pushed out and pushed away, I remember a video of officers tearing down tents and taking them and pushing the homeless people out. Sad really people need to live somewhere and where they were was a public place, not harming anyone. not like they camped out on someones yard.  What is even more violent about the whole thing is that the earth belongs to Jehovah, it belongs to the creator and no human has a right to push people off the land when they are harming no one else. what is the point of having the commons or public areas for all to use when only selected alls are allowed to use it? it is for the homeless to is it not? as long as they are not being trashy and not harassing people? Why not provide basic services like a restroom to them for a toilet and bath? The rulers of this world spend trillions on corporate welfare and wars and their preparation and on their own pocket books surly they can afford to take some fo that and help the homeless have some basic amenties?

now if the homeless are drunk and high on drugs they need to be in a place where they cannot get access to them to clean them up. Please remember to that many use drugs and giving them money as a hand out is not a good idea, you enable their behavior, give clothes or food instead. direct them to a shelter if there is one. Many on drugs dont use shelters because they are not allowed to use drugs or being high while there.

of course there more evidence of violence being done that people dont recognize as such, this is due to lack of education and ignorance on what right and wrong is, what good and bad is, what is law what is not stuff like that. The rulers are guilty of fraud, (constructive fraud) theft on a grand scale, and murder. And the people who do not respect right and wrong and good and bad from Gods standpoint who support said rulers or legalism are too guilty of violence too. They support the “sun” by voting, by praising them, by advocating for them etc. now many of these rulers dont think of themselves are wicked or violent but htey are. perception and reality are quite different.

I personally think the time is right for devine intervention, the signs are all there, the prophecies fullfilled just waiting for that final push. But do many recognize this? nope, Just as the days of noah were the day of the son of man will be, they were eating drinking men marrying building etc and too no note, no note of what? the signs of the times, the evidence that God was starting to intervene, what signs? noahs preaching and teaching, the protection he received from god to keep those nephilim from murdering him, ability to build a ark no one knew about before, the ability to bring animals in who came on their own he did not have to go get them,  the evidences was there but they took no note, they did not want to be bothered wiht making adjustments to their lifestyles (sound familiar?) eVen tho they complained and were frightened by the violence, again much violence was not so obvious, no doubt the nephlim and materialized angels were not murdering adn killing all the time, mostly they were partying all the time getting drunk,high and having sex. something that seems normal for consenting adults. Kind of like today. They were killing animals for food no doubt very cruely but many probably did not recognize that as violent, I am sure there is alot more.

And the victims of this violence were not all violent themselves they no doubt felt secure that god would not destroy them since they were victims not perpetuators of this violence. But they did not show faith in God nor obedience to his requirements hence they lost out.

I do hope this post was informative and educational.  Time for this world is running out, the signs are there, you know the old saying when the sky is calm and peaceful the storm is not far away, or something like that, that calm before the storm.



pretty nice place on the esturary bird watching so many birds hard to get pictures of them with a long lens to move it fast enough to focu fast enough. very pretty and peaceful there.




still here

floweringtrees2 007for those who follow me I am still reading posts and stuff just have had nothing interesting to share. today I might have something of note, I was watching the video documentary four horseman about economics, dont know full title, anyway it was interesting and seem to know what they were talking about. they spoke about the greed of those at the top those who give loans to third world nations where the masses of poor get to pay for the loans while the corporations get to keep the profits from the infrastructure that loans built for them to extract resources without having to pay the loans back, they basically are just holding nations hostage.

The masses of people seldom benefit very much from the infrastruture like electricty and roads because they cannot afford the price of using such things. they dont get the benefit from the sewer systems or water systems or medical facilities or stores that are built for the benefit of the workers who will be working the factories and living in the company houses etc.

Sad really, they gave different reasons  this this economic misery is happening claiming they are not trying to blame anyone, not polticians or corporations or whomever, I say why not? it is people who make the decisions who bribe the poltiicians and the politicians who accept these bribes and do the bidding of these corporations who themselves are probably major shareholders of said companies, it is people who make decisions on how to fund these things how to shift the burdens of liability while keeping profits onto others, is it not?

you cannot blame a system or a way of doing business you blame immoral and selfish people who are not concerned how their actions harm others for the sake of power and wealth accumulation. IN fact they claim that resources are finite, this is not true, resources are not resources until you make it, or find a use for it, resources are unlimited. wealth is unlimited if allowed, you cannot redistribute wealth you can only make it, there is no finite pie, but there is controlled markets by those who want the wealth and power for themselves alone and want the majority of humans to be slaves to them or dead and out of the way. Bad management of resources are one of the reasons for the problems too, gaining control of resources after they have been made valuable and controlling how much gets to be sold keeping prices high.

For example, diamonds can be sold alot cheaper then they are (but still would be profitable) but they control the market by allowing only so much out they hoard the rest. it works like that with food it could be cheaper and healtier if it were not for inflation, high taxes on commodties, and less hoarding supplies to keep prices up. someone comes in buys up a whole supply dumps it on the thrid world nations as ‘fake charity’ and that sold to us is higher priced then necessary. The charity dumping undermines the farmers there who are undercut by the dumping and lose their farms due to unreasonable and unjust debts putting millions onto the streets. this world is full of parasites and predators. this is the problem not the system.

Here is an example, if we print money up out of thin air we go to jail for counterfieting, counterfieting robs people of their hard earned fruits, and destroys confidence in the markets and undermines savings and the like. but the gov allows banks to do this all the time, and people wonder why we are having problems? why people are being robbed left and right by regulations, unjust taxation and higher costs of doing business? Gambling is something that is heavily regulated or banned in many countries, yet gov allows corporations and banks (a public utility by the way) to gamble, they call it put options or deriviatives or high risk loans or speculation.

And here is the kicker they are guaranteed to win if they lose they win because the gov pays them their losses, so if the banks win they get to keep all the profits no taxes given, if they lose we the taxpayers get the bill to pay them their losses, now I dont know about you but you cannot get peace security and prosperity if your cheating, robbing people and murdering people in the name of profit or empire building and expect things to go well. you cannot expect to be blessed by God or gain wealth and power without being destroyed yourself. You destroy your own spirituality intellect and happiness by doing this. YOu cannot expect your world to all of a sudden become a paradise.

What you really gain is fear, fear of losing it all, fear of being found out, fear of someone fighting back, fear of another in your class stealing it from you or killing to get your accumulated wealth. Fear of being imprisoned by your fellow aristicrates who dislike you for whatever reason or even murdered by them if they find something in you they dont like or they covet your wealth. Then there is the ultimate fear despite all attempts to stamp it out, that fear of accountability by the almighty himself. no matter how hard they try sooner or later they will face death and everyone is afraid of that reckoning because of knowing deep down thier reasons for not believing in a God is not sound.

But so people do not misunderstand me, there is no after death accountability. the bible indicates at death you  have been acquitted from your sins.  romans 6:7 also the danger for them is if in fact they were aware of the preaching and teaching of Gods kingdom and decided against learning about it or heeding the warnings there is a real danger of losing out on a resurrection. We dont want that, wealth and power now is not worth losing out of everlasing life on a paradise earth. it is not worth it. satan will convince you otherwise if you let him, he wants you to suffer the second death where he is going, but dont believe his lies that you can commit gross wickedness be wealthy and powerful, enjoy it, repent at the last minute and be absolved it doesnt work that way.

God holds us accountable how we use knowledge and power we have. if we are aware of his warnings and his kingdom due to the preaching and teaching of Jehovahs Witnesses and refuse to heed it they put themselves in a very bad position. God only wants peaceful loving people in his new world not greedy, selfish, arrogant prideful people who enslave others for thier own enrichment. he wont allow this. try it and you wont last long. he wants us to treat others the way we want to be treated, give others the same peace, love, compassion, freedom we want for ourselves. He wants peaceful and humble people in his new world.  dont let satan convince you we evolved from animals or life evolved from nothing.

remember one princple all scientists agree on, life can only come from prexisting life. you cannot get life from nothing. and you cannot get life from non living elements. there has to be a designer, a grand mathmatician, chemist, biologist, engineer etc to do this. If not then let me see scienctists create life from non liiving matter, let them try to shake it rattle it and manipulate it, if they manage to get that spark of life they still would have to believe in a creator because they themselves are creators alive and intelligent who directed the interactions that created life. no matter how you try you cannot with soundness of mind deny without being a liar and a cheat, there was a intelligent creator. And no his/her name is not nature. Nature is a vague concept, that they try to use to replace Jehovah. In fact if nature is real, then she/he is a cruel mean selfish entity that deserves to be destroyed for all the horrible things she/he made happen to people and animals in the name of evolution and survival of the fittest in the  name of balance of nature.

animals are straved to death, or eaten alive, they have to run for their lives all the time, cannot rest properly, the predators have to work hard to get a meal and eat it raw and bloody, and when they get old sick or injuried cannot eat and starve to death. the waters are polluted and animals and people get sick, the snakes and other poisonous animals kill very cruely, the weather creates landslides and tornados and hurricanes and floods that kill destroy and maim and make everyone miserable which promotes disease. this is not the God I worship. This is nature, that doesnt deserve worshippers.

My God is one of mercy love kindness and justice. the only reason the wealthy and selfish people of the world including poor people they can be selfish and greedy too, are still around and allowed to temporarily continue it because Our god is merciful and takes a long range view of things, nature on the other hand would just destroy you outright without any mercy or chance to change. Jehovah has a purpose ot make this planet a beautiful paradise and in order for that to happen he has to allow people time to decide what they want, by allowing humans to go all out in their wickedness he is showing people the real affects of indepedence from  him, letting people feel the full brunt of the winds so to speak. He is seeing who really wants to be a rightous loving just person who really hates badness and who cry out to him for justice, and those who wish it to continue because they are able to fulfill thier selfish sinful desires without restraint.

One way he tells is by who cries out to him, and how people response to his messengers. those who bring good news of something better. you would be very surprised on how much people do not want to make the changes necessary to see this new world and you would be surprised at how they do not want the solutions to these problems conveyed to them, as they want to see an end to injustice wars and violence but on thier own terms. They do not want to do it Jehovahs way, they see that as too slow and to much work for them to change themselves. but it can be done. Jehovah knows what we need to be a happy servant of his despite the problems and sinful tendencies we have and we can over come them if we want he helps us.

I am reminded by a brother that the people in noahs day were not all violent bullies themselves. but they were victims of the brutality they lived in fear but yet wanted nothing to do with the salvation Jehovah was offering to end the wickedness and free them from the bullies among them. they figured in their hearts that since they were victims not the instigators of violence God would somehow make an exception to the rule, no they were not where God wanted them, they were not doing what he wanted, they ignored his requirements.

Remember God is a god of justice and love and wisdom, he knows how to achieve his purpose while still honoring justice, love and wisdom, hence we have to work with him, since he knows more than we do and knows how to work things out that will honor justice and love. so if we do not understand a requirement remembering God is so much more massive then us and that his motives are pure we can trust his requirements nad we can meet them he never asks what we cannot do. so when we see wickedness getting progressivly worse and the lack of punishment by governments for said violence/lawlessness then know that time is running out. For more informaiton on how do we know we are in the last days, of this world check out wonderful site.


contempalation on words

hum, was reading some things today and I thought I would comment on definitions of words, weird I know, but it seems that definitions of words have strong impacts and can direct our perception on things like right, wrong, true, false, good or bad, it conveys ideas on understanding of what, when, how and why too.  The use of semantics has been a play on words for control over people, to convey what your trying to say, and even getting around something very bad and trying to sugar coat it. It has even been used to deceive people, redirect them from a real issue to fake issues too. 

 Like anything it  can be a double edged sword, used for both good and bad.  take this  computer for example,(please do not literally take it okay? lol) it can be used to help enlighten people, give them the truth to save them from traps or it can be used to trap you in so many ways, deceive you in so many ways it boggles the mind the trouble creepy, hurricreeps and nit wits will go to for mind and heart control. 

Now take the word war, what is war? what do you think? let me know in the comments below. What is violence? what does it mean to be violent? What does it mean to be legal or illegal? What does it mean to be lawful? what is definition of law? What is the definition of counterfeit? What is freedom? what does it mean to be free? What are rights? Human rights what are they? where do they originate? Why do we need rights? What is the opposite of rights?  hum, can you guess?  What is the definition of consent? contracts? what is required for a contract to be bonifide? what does bonifid mean?

Language is a funny thing, it can be twisted, manipulated, invented and even definitions changed by governments or corporations. Just some thougths I had today. Remember a time when the word ain’t wasn’t a word? now it is used freely and no one argues this point anymore.  Let me know your thoughts?

how about the word death? what is it? Can this word mean more than one thing? how about death of a loved one? obvious? How about spiritual death? financial death? how about it symbolizing gloomy times? or hopelessness? The sun growing dark could it mean just eclipse? or can it mean hoplessness? uncertainty about which way to go in life? or could it mean death of very life itself? A bright shining sun? could it symbolize something we all can relate too? life?, enlightenment? freedom? prosperity? could it also mean religious, political, economic leaders who appear to bring light, hope, prosperity and stability to the people which sun in fact is scorching mankind instead? hum then the word burn? what does it mean to burn? be burned? God is said to plague the sun in revelation, did the sun itself do anything bad to be plagued? what is a plague from the bible standpoint? could it mean Gods judgement on those who are symbolized by the sun? what judgement is that? read for the answer? recognize who the sun is.

So what is a kingdom? anyone? I mean we have been told by Jesus Christ to pray for it? Our father in the heavens may your name be sanctified, (hallowed) let your KINGDOM come? let your WILL take places on earth as in heaven. sound familiar? So what is a kingdom? and why is it so important for it to come? What will it mean for those who support this kingdom? read

The bible speaks about the pure language? is it talking about a literal language like English or Spanish? or is there more to it? It speaks about this in Zephaniah, so what was he trying ot convey? could it be perhaps the language of truth, the real thing, (pun might be intended?)lol, the truths conveyed in the bible, understanding Gods will and purposes accurately that unifies people who care about justice, truth, love and wisdom God has given us? Because in Zephaniah it says they will learn the pure language and thus be able to serve Jehovah shoulder to shoulder? what does this mean? shoulder to shoulder? unity of direction, purpose and support for each other? What is required to learn this language? Jesus said in matthew that those conscious of their spiritural needs, those who are meek, (teachable and humble). Those who long for righteousness, those who are pure in heart. Are you meek and humble and pure in heart?

Will you accept Jehovahs invitation to learn this pure language and serve him shoulder to shoulder with those who have taken up the call? if you wish to obtain bible study or literature or even read the bible on line in over 500 languages. It is really a cool site. The wonderful thing about this language of truth, is it will never change or be altered or used to sugar coat the bad.



righteous vs unrightous laws


northcarolinaouterbanks 042

howdy folks, today is a pretty warm sunny day, last night was like pouring all night, man we have gotten way more rain then typical. anyway I wanted to ask a question, do you know what a law is? can you tell the difference between a good law and bad one. For me, I did not look it up by the way, a law is a conduct or action one must take or not take in any given circumstances. Of course most will say they know what a law it but really? do you really know? can you recognize a counterfeit law when you see one? righteous laws vs unrightous.

of course it goes beyond  that, these rules are  to be based on sound moral principles, like the mosaic law for example, when you read it (it has only 600 rules or procedures)if you think about the underlying principle of the requirement you understand why it is important to follow these rules/requirements. they had detailed requirments when dealing with possible cases of contagious disease like leprosy, but in the procedure panic was not allowed and the person banished until it was certain what the condition was, in the mean time they separated you from the population. But they still had human contact albeit limited. what principles here were involved? One is while still protecting the people, the individual involved was treated with dignity, (thus the law of love of thy neighbor was intact) and if required they were banished from the camp, but not out of sight they still received necessities of life it is not like they throw you away to starve or wander. Thus justice was served (protecting the people to avoid pandemic) love was intact they still receive care Or the case of murder in the city. they had procedures too, such as there was required 2 witnesses to the event and the judges were required to search thoroughly into the matter, before sentence is given. if a person was murdered but no witnesses the judges were to do a through search to find what information they could and if they could not find the culprit they were to approach Jehovah with a sacrifice and indicate to him they did their best and thus avoid community blood guilt.

.the second principle here is the sanctity of life, respecting all life, first you could not be put to death on hearsay of one person, they had to be credible witnesses second the judges had to do a through search to verify what facts they could, (such as if anyone was holding animosity against the victim stuff like that) thus justice is upheld, no quick sentences were done, the victims life was held in esteem, those involved were given justice once the murderer turns out to be a deliberate murderer, he was stoned by the 2 witnesses involved first before the whole camp pelted them with stones, hence justice was served for the victim and families, the people realized the seriousness of life of others  not just their own, justice was served in that the murderer was not preserved in a jail to be housed and fed at the expense of the people and the cost of keeping them there so they don’t escape and hurt others. Also justice was served because if it is found out the witnesses lied, then they too were to suffer the same penalty their victim did, hence people were severly discouraged from lying against someone they hated to have them put to death under false witness charges. Thus law and justice was honored and the people felt secure.

Now lets examine today, today if you look at the federal registry of laws you would be blown away. please do not let those books fall on you because they will crush you to a thin piece of paper size. Even congress and bureacrates involved do not know what all the rules are or even understand them. it is like they just pass a bunch of laws for the fun of it to cover every aspect of life to be used against anyone they wish. The religious leaders of jesus day did the same thing. Some how people get this idea if it is written down in a book and has a stamp of passing by a group of people calling themselves government then it is in fact real  law. Nope, not even close.

By the use of sophistry and semantics among other tactics they have convinced people what the laws are and that they actually think they understand it when in fact they do not. Thse laws fall outside the realm of justice, moral high ground, or even common sense sometimes. here is a example. They banned raw milk, in most states it is illegal (notice I did not say unlawful) to grow it and sell it to the public, your allowed for personal use and your family, but don’t sell it or even give it away to others. Now think long and hard about this one, seems trival but think, what moral high ground do they have for doing this? Is justice served by this? Think carefully again, what purpose is this rule? whom does it serve? you? me? someone else?

another requirement, licensing, You need a license to do just about anything now a days. you need a license to use your car on the road you paid for private use, to sell drugs you need a license (drug companies) you need a license to be a doctor, to be a lawyer, to be a judge, to be whatever you can think of. Now think, what is a license, according to the law dictionary it is permission to do something that would be illgal (there is that word again)without it.  So begs the question what is legal? is that same thing as lawful? I am inclined to think not. otherwise why not just say unlawful? What underlying principle or morality is involved with licensing? Does it fall under the realm of just being alive? or is it something else. For example your using your car to go get groceries, is that a private or commercial activity. you tell me, what do you think? Are you buying and selling or are you just buying? are you buying with intent to consume or to resell? Makes a difference.

Now why even bring licensing up? The reason is this, licensing takes away exercising of rights that are yours simply by being born, changing the field, your now saying your involved in a privilege commercial activity like driving a cab for profit or using trucks for profit which requires a license,  or giving legal advice (not lawful advice) to people, your now exercising a privilege something you do not have a right by birth to do, use the community resources beyond normal rights, the infrastructure beyond exercise of rights to just travel to work or get groceries or to remind a judge as a lawyer what the law is stuff like that. So what basic moral principle is involved here? is there some moral high ground that requires you to have a license to get into your car and ride on a road you paid for? Or do all these requirments fall into the realm of contract law?

But all this is way more then just license requirements, it boils down to property rights, if you give over your rights to the government (without realizing it) you have basically given(or they just took) them your property to manage, your life, liberty and property, now belongs to them, you have become a ward of the state, all without your even knowing it. Is it morally right for them to do such a thing without notifying you upfront and without option of opting out without having your head chopped off? no it is not. licensing is basically managing the property they have been given and they will act according to their own will and interests, like a creepy executor of a will or something. That is why they keep doing civil forfeiture (theft) and treaties and water acts and all that other stuff to take property they deem not being taken care of properly ..  So would I believe such tactics are righteous and just in Gods eyes? No, not even for a second. They aer basically using what jesus said comes from a bad heart, wicked reasonings, they are coveting and stealing, they are using the cover of law or authority to do it. There is even a term for it color of law which there is a real legal definition in a law dictionary. counterfeit law as it were. Sometimes there is a legit contract but that is another subject, I am speaking of hidden contract, dishonest covering, pretend contracts.

Why do governments always do the wrong things when they have the opportunity to bring peace and prosperity to people including themselves by using their offices for good? Why do they resort to dishonest ways ot take from others? if they do not take it out right by use of a gun? There aer several reasons for this, one jeremiah 10:23says, man cannot direct is own step (let alone someone elses) second Satan is actually the owner of human governments (luke 4:4-8)third power attracts the most basest of humans to it, who have no desire to do right or to make life more just but to enrich their own coffers. Forth, those who are honested hearted usually don’t last long in power because of those beastly humans next to them, they either become corrupt themselves or they leave or they are murdered or discredited by these creeps.

Is all of this new? nope, Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun, all rulers do this, some are just  more wicked then others, some actually do good for their people, but the reality is they are overwhelmed by the job, the people they have to deal with and dealing with the masses of ignorant and disobedient people too who are easily riled up. no matter how sincere they cannot remedy this situation. so unrightous laws become the norm, they tyrannize over the people destroy their spirits (just like the religious leaders of jesus day they destroyed the people with their legalism or traditions posing as law) Luke 11:46 speaks of this.

And they destroy incentive to make things better, to innovate ways to make life more pleasant, to become more moral more just in their treatment of others and themselves. Things get out of hand for people in government because they have dug a pit for themselves and in order to avoid it they have to push and push the people hard (in terms of laws to control them and in taxation to feed off of them) to avoid the collapse they inevitably caused by their unrightous laws and their enforcement by the gun (economic or physical). Take Ron Paul for example he tried and tried to help people in government start to care more about right and wrong then about their own nests, but to no avail, there was the most honest man I know of in government who actually did what your supposed to do,step down out of power otherwise your guilt remains.

you see God has moral laws for a reason it is not like he goes around stifling people’s happiness or freedom with laws. Moral laws are just as sure as physical laws. break the law of gravity without a parachute then you die. Physical laws are usually obvious to people as the consequences are immediate or almost immediate. Moral laws take a little longer to show itself when you break them. These moral laws are there to protect the hearts and  minds of people to become safe to be around, immoral people are not safe to be around or work with or associate with, they are dangerous, they can harm you physically mentally emotionally or economically and most times they do. They do not allow moral laws to restrain them, thus they must change or become a liability to peace and prosperity and they must go.  God’s righteous laws uplift you the psalmist wrote how he loved God’s law it was his daily concern.  The bible indicates Gods laws are a protection. And do not look at law as a bad thing the whole bible is called “THE LAW”too and those who read it know it is not a rule book. It is a book of reasoning, of human experiences, of teachings, of reward, punishments of actions and reactions, of how humans changed the landscape how God responded to those who loved or hate him stuff like that. it is a book of instruction, it is better than any textbook I ever read once I understood it.

The trouble comes when man tried to circumvent Gods sovereignty (his right to rule as the creator of all life)by going outside the boundaries of his principles of morality. They tried to decide right and wrong according to their own desires. Thus the birth of unrightous laws, sure God tell us to obey them as long as they do not conflict with Gods directions, but that is not because these laws are good but because he is good and wants us to avoid problems, he knows the heart of men and he knows the unrigthous governments and how they behave (hence they are symbolized as wild beasts in revelation blood thristy monsters)he is protecting us from unnecessary hardships by disobeying unrigthous laws. Governements who do not care about right and wrong as much as they care about keeping peace and keeping the profits rolling in and keep the other governments at bay using military tactics,  will not care about your rights or protect them if it conflicts with that agenda.

But Jehovah does give us a peaceful way to protest bad laws and their enforcers, neutrality. by remaining neutral, avoiding get rich schemes avoiding immoral behavior, such as gambling, or tax evasion or lying to get what you want, avoiding political or social actions at reform, etc, one shows by their conduct they do not condone human rulership over man by men, that they advocate for Gods kingdom that they love Gods laws because we understand this is the source of true freedom and rights protections. These neutral souls extend themselves to help others to get in line for the best government the universe has ever seen (the physical  universe not the spirit one)or will ever see. They show by their conduct and love for God and neighbor that we want human governments removed once and for all not just reformed to make it more tolerable.

Does this seem harsh to anyone? that we want god to destroy wicked people who rule over their fellow man? well is it wrong to want to see a deliberate murderer punished for their injustice? is it wrong to make a theif pay back 7 times as much as he stole even if he stole because of hunger? is it wrong to make people accountable for their actions that harm the life and property of others? should we just give them a pass because we are just very nice and screamish about seeing wicked people pay for their crimes when the punishment is so harsh? does God get joy out of it? if you read the bible in Ezekiel chapter 9 read the whole thing, God explains why he destroys this people of his (those in a covenant relationship with him)in full detail. don’t you think it is loving that not only is  God warning wicked people through the massive preaching and teaching jw provide, but he cares about the victims of wicked people too? does the wicked get more consideration after they prove themselves unreformable by choice, then the victims? Should we give people passes all the time and forget the justice for the victims? you see God has no choice if the wicked refuse to be reformed they must go and there is no third destination they can be put like a jail planet, no they must go. Jehovah cannot tolerate wickedness in his universe. and lastly should satan and the demons be given a pass as they are the most wicked of all, just because we feel sorry for them? this is how pyschopaths work they make you feel pity for them, make you think of them as victims rather then perpatrators of wrong. then they slice your throat when your not looking. satan and the demons knew full well what they were doing and deserve destruction.

so another question remains do you trust God’s motives as pure and unselfish, which begs another question can he trust you to live in his paradise for all eternity to not harm your fellow man or the animals? so he has to be able to trust you(because your endowed with free will and can change your mind), as much as you need to trust him. you see in this world there is no trust, trust is dangerous because most people including government and average joes are untrustworthy. tht is why your taught at an early age do not trust strangers, now it is do not trust relatives too by not being alone with them when your a little boy or girl. you cannot trust anyone except those who love god and God himself. either you become a trustworthy person yourself or your a danger to others. the choice is up to you. Serve God and live, or not and not live. paradise is for righteous people, not psychopathic wicked people. So be honest which are you? unrightous rights stealing laws will not be allowed. if you remember only one thing about this post is, check it out, it shows you how Gods way of doing things is the most loving and just way to live and it also shows how we can cope with daily problems how to make our marriage work how to raise children and how to deal with day to day living answers the big questions  most ask sometime in their lives. because what you read in the bible is just enough not tomuch and not to little hence oppression will be a thing of the past.




judicial lawlessness

ever read the book the law by basitat? it is short and sweet. It made me think about our day. How has ‘law’ been used to commit oppression and injustice? hum that is not hard is it? Let me see, The Bundy ranch incidence? hum, Ruby incident? Waco? hum, lalalalal oh yea Policing for profit situation, you know stealing your stuff even though you have done no wrong, they just pretend you did and you must prove you didn’t.  Lalalalalala, oh yea, prisons for non violent offenders where your caged like an animal because you like to eat or drink or smoke the wrong food.  lalalalalala Oh I almost forgot the Katrina incident in new Orleans, where people were getting their guns and property stolen, trespassing on threats into people’s homes to see what valuables you have. Don’t forget some places actually outlawing gardens in your own yard.  Where you cannot grow your own food that is also sold on the market like wheat, since it affects commerce in some way (and what activity doesn’t) because a farmer wanted to grow his own grain for his own family.

Now I thought using threats of harm to steal someones stuff or to kidnap your kids was illegal/unlawful?  Am I missing something here? this is the land of Christendom right? rulers have said they are Christian right? I even heard bush say he was, so how is stealing people’s stuff or using armed people to enforce the law to steal peoples life liberty and chidren if you do something politically incorrect chrisitan?  Could they perhaps just be lying?

Does God really take note of this oppression and injustice? Let him speak for himself.  ISAIAH 10:1-2 shows us his feelings. “Woe to tose who enact harmful regulations who constantly draft oppressive decrees to deny the legal claim of the poor to deprieve the lowly among my people of justice making widows their spoil and fatherless children their plunder.”

Does this make it clear for you? Jehovahs laws forbids all forms of injustice “you people must not do injustice in the judgement you must not treat the lowly with partiality and you must not prefer the person of a great one.” 

Disregarding that law these officials draw up their own “harmful regulations” so as to legitimize what amounts to outright theft of the cruelest kind. taking the scanty  possessions of poor people isreals false gods are of course blind to the injustice but Jehovsh is not.

So what, Jehovah doesn’t exist will be the response. But why doesn’t he exist? so are you saying complex laws of nature and complexity of it all just happened without intelligent direction? Just ask a scientist how complex the dna molecule is, he will tell you. Where did our intelligence come from, our sense of justice our sense of right and wrong? Do you see morality among the animals the chimps the apes? Where did the instinctual behavior come from who programmed the dna to transmit it? Let me see, chance?  Did your computer just happened by explosion of reactions of non living elements? so how long will we have to wait for justice.

So  people do not misread Jehovahs patience as non interest or non existence, the bible answers that question.  2peter 3:9, Has God punished people in the past for injustice and violence? The flood, which most are familiar with was for the violence, so was Sodom and gormorroh for their sexual deviate violence (which included raping boys). Malachi reminds us that Jehovah has not changed. his feelings on the matter and purpose has not changed.

so let this be a warning to those in power, do not abuse your priveleges of service to your fellow man nor discount Jehovahs existence,  Jehovah is watching and there is no partiality with him and he has promised not to allow wicked people to be around forever his patience has a limit and based on prophecy and principles of the bible that time is very close at hand. for futhur info

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With the birth of the Messianic Kingdom, Isiaiah 9:7

as with the birth of Jesus back in the first century, came as  a joyful occassion as in the past as now, with blessings for mankind who accept and partake of it. For those knowledgable about the progression of this “Throne of David” and how the seed promised at Gensis 3:16 would progress through the line of the tribe of Judah down to Jesus birth from this tribe to his death the removal of the natural isrealites as God’s special possession to allowing all to be part of his Kingdom blessings this is a reminder.

Each progression of God’s blessings and rulership came a rival Kingdom, determined to turn all away from the Kingdom of God that would impart life. In job 2 you can read how Satan accused Job of serving God out of selfish reasons and how God allowed satan limited access to test Job. Was God unsure of Jobs integrity? nah, it was to show the angels and to others who would learn of this account that yes there are people who serve God out of love and respect and not for what they could get out of him.

What is one tactic he uses? Well what is one thing humans have a strong desperate need for? you guessed it, a spritiual need, the need to go beyond basic human survival, look how inquisitive man’s mind is, how many questions he has and how he searches for them. Satan exploits this need (along with our physical needs too) to satisfy them in the wrong way. He has created rival gods, most people know that there are no such things as gods in the material universe, the sun or stars are not living beings, and that idols are nothing. This is just so obvious, yet there are gods that people make without ever realizing it unless it is pointed out, (I didnt notice it either).
one of those gods enviromentalism, (yea I know it is not a religion in most people’s minds) this is the idea that the most important thing to tackle and care for is the enviorment, and who would argue that? But when it becomes all consuming, and it’s mandates are based on conjecture, opinion, and false science, and adherents are considered heretics if they disagree or critically ask questions, then how is this different then religions of the past? if adherents are unwillingly to adjust their thinking based on new information, then you have a problem.

Another god is science, it is treated as sacred by alot of people, people set their clocks, lives, goals and understanding on it sometimes without much thought, or question. So I guess scientists are the priests of this religion. When one is worshipping man in any shape and form this becomes a dangerous precedent. Much of science, especially science of man’s orgins and future prospects, then they enter the realm of faith, as the evidence of thier conclusions is sparse at best,  yes they do manage to get some facts right, and I applaud that since science has helped us so much in so many ways it would fill a set of encyclopedias, but when a priest of science has his own bias, or beliefs system and is operating on assumptions before he even does his studies, and research that taints his conclusions. And when these priests are subject to peer or social or financial pressures to conform to preconceived ideas of supporters of the research, politicians, investors, etc, this god satan has used very well in getting people to come to wrong conclusions on things, how else do you think he is misleading the entire inhabited earth? Revelation 12:9-12

But you see people do not see satans influence in enviromentalism or science, to them it is always good, tho maybe applied wrongly sometimes but certainly not controlled by some unseen spirit. in fact science surly has proven satan and the demons as just superstitious. Hum, do you suppose satan has been very successful in convincing people (who have not really done their research)that he does not exist? that he has been successful in turning people away from Jehovah?

Lets take violence as an example, yes there has always been violence nothing new there, most people do not regard wanton violence and cruelty as the work of an invisible wicked spirit creature. many think that such things are a result of the evil inherent in human nature and the the main cause of evil is our own dark instincts.

Others theorize that a group of the wealthy and powerful or a shadowy global network has been manipulating people for decades in order to rule the world.   The definiton of wanton is unruly, mean, cruel, unjustified, uncalled for, for those who do not know.

Then there are those who blame the national governments and rulers for all the injustice and suffering they see. Since the beginning of time the devils thrist for power has also been reflected in politics and religion.  Revelation depicts political powers as wild beasts to whom the devil has given great authority. it also describes the shameless alliance between politics and religion as disgusting spiritural adultery. (Revelation 13:2; 17:1,2)

Think of the oppression, enslavement, wars and ethnic conflicts over the centuries that have resulted in the loss of millions of lives. can anyone honestly say that the shocking and horrifying events that have tainted the pages of human history were the normal activity of humans? Or were they the result of manipulation by unseen wicked spirit forces?

why does Jehovah allow satanic rule? Because satan contended that Jehovah was a bad ruler, and that humans would never serve him unselfishly. He allows humans to prove satan a liar, clear reproach on his name and their own. Satan in  his egotistic attitude was given up to a disapproved mental state. In his approach to eve he had evidently been contradictory in his own reasoning for he was charging God with unfair unrightous exercise of sovereignty and at the same time was evidently counting on Gods fairness: He seemed to think that God would consider himself obliged to let him live on if he proved his charge concerning the unfaithfulness of God’s creatures.

So the question is a moral one not one of might. But because of Gods invisibility and because Satan has exerted every effort to blind men’s minds Jehovahs power or even his existence has at times been questioned.

One of his  most successful methods of deception is using religious leaders who have an air of respectiblity and integrity taking on Gods name and pretending to be rightous and in harmony with God’s will. IN fact Jesus showed this to be the case, when he said  “lord lord did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name and perform many powerful works in your name?” matthew 7:22-23 What was his response to the question? “Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness.”

Satan has enormous influence, he is called “the god of this system of things.” 2 corinthians 4:4. Sometimes he even pretends to be a good spirit, when in fact his intent is wicked. He craves worship, and wants people either knowingly or unknowingly to give him such worship.

HIs three main facets of his “House” to control people is politics, false religion, big business or economics. He uses propaganda that pretty much touches everything, he takes a good thing like science and technology and philosphy and perverts it. His intentions is simply keep people so busy, divided, and distracted they do not take any note of the time and season we are in regard to Jehovahs will and purpose. He especially targets those who are serving Jehovah. His goal is to get you to stop serving him and lose out on life. you see he lost out due to his own cultivated greed and selfishness, so now he is going to be destroyed, he is so hateful, spiteful and envious of those who are headed for life, he is doing all he can to sabatoge them. If he can’t have life he doens’t want anyone else to get it either. Does this attitude sound familiar?

I have read expressions to that affect, that is not fair he has more than me, share and share alike, no one should have more than another, you cannot have a bike because your sibling isn’t old enough to have one to and it would be unfair. Do you see what I mean? Social justice is a term that basically means those with less are envious and jealous of those who have more whether it is initiative, or innovative ability, or very intelligent, or self sufficient, more honestly earned wealth, or success in some other endeavor those who are jealous dont get to have, either because they lack ability or oppertunity or just because they are lazy and havent applied themselves to anything and would rather drag others down then lift themselves up.

terms like these, the use of semantics can have powerful effects for good or bad. Enviromentalism had a good conotation in times past, it was concerned with real problems, not fabricated ones like we have today. Any good endeavor, any good purpose will be hijacked by satan one way or another to pervert it to his own ends. Even in politics, if a very good and decent person wants to make things better strives for an office of great power, he will be hijacked in some way or another to be corrupted or he will be ousted or even murdered.

He will use the need for basics of life, which is what trade and economics were originally for, (not to gain power over others or create poverty for others) has been perverted to greed is good, use of economic control over others to plunder and siphon off the wealth of others without having contributed to it in anyway. He uses his whole house to cover all the bases of human life. His house is a house of death. It is designed to destroy people spiritually, intellecturally, economically, socially and destroy their prospects for everlasting life. Its purpose is to give false hopes and dreams that lead to a deep dark pit.

He wants to convince people that they will not die but live on in some spirit realm, or he wants them to live in terror of death to the point they will murder their fellow under the false pretense that they are a threat when they are really not. Get them before they get you, this person or that group is the cause of your troubles destroy them (remember the jews? rich vs the poor war going on right now?) and you will have peace. LIes lies and more lies is all he gives. but he is a master at hiding his real intent.

Another tactic he uses quite well is the theory of evolution, when I listen to the scientists and read the books on it is sounds pretty convincing, but the reality is it is not as simple as they make it out to be, there are alot of steps required for an animal to change its spots, so to speak, a full blown change of the dna is required. This dna change is not under the control of the animal itself or even the situations the animal finds itself it is born with it and it cannot be changed and when it is changed by damage to it, it creates disease, death and a reduction in ability to survive. An animal must have it in the dna before it can adapt, it requires many many steps and changes of the dna programming for fins to turn to legs or feet to fins or scales to turn to feathers, it requires more than dropping thier eggs and leaving the young to fend for themselves and ‘evolving’ to the process of actually guarding the nest, checking and controling temp, instincts to know how and when to protect them, how to respond to the calls of their young, how to gain and keep a mate, all these have to be in the dna before hand. dna is hardware not software, it is unable, to add or substract programs. dna is so complicated and intrigut that scientists are still learning about it and have not been able to produce even a partial dna molecule from non living matter so I would hardly call it a product of accident.

I hope people will realize that evolution researchers have a foundation of assumptions before they even find evidence of something which falsifies their findings. for example thier foundation is life evolved over many millions of years, gradually changing an animal from one type to another in response to survival challenges, without devine direction, two, life came from non life as non living molecules combined and eventually became alive, and thus able to reproduce itself and change over time. Thirdly, that despite no evidence at all, (some of it even found to be fraud of what they claim they do have) humans evolved over millions of years from monkeys and apes.

now this one might be harder for people to believe, but another assumption is that life was a dog eat dog world in the past, survival of the fittest and constant battle to survive and that the planet was mostly icy, or more desert shaping the animals ‘evolutionary changes’, this could not be furthur from the truth.

Evolutionary teachings have contributed in no small measure to the strong dominating the weak, thus justifying oppressing and murdering and robbing their fellow man. Might makes right mentality. It has excused the wicked and their violence by simply stating survival of the fittest and strongest, and man is an animal and thus will ‘eat’ others to survive hence destroying morality or right and wrong. This looks like it has satans markings through and through. One would have to totally blind not to see it.

For those who are discouaged take heart Psalms 2, revelation 21:3-4, psalms 37, all speak of rightous ones inhabiting a peaceful and happy place where the wicked will not be, matt 5:5 happy are the meek (peaceable, teachable) they will inherit the earth. not inherit heaven but the earth. where man’s was put in the first place and where he was meant to live forever. Satans time of ruling will be stopped pretty soon all facets of the ‘sign’ are in evidence. matt 24, luke 13, 2 timothy 3:1-5, revelation 6, etc. what is this ‘sign” check out my next post it will be brief, to give overall view.

metabolic syndrome

howdy gang, how are you all doing? is it cold where you are? is surly  here,yikes! who turned down the thermostat! at least the sun has been shining parts of the day each day.  does anyone else kind a go into a semi conscious state during winters, where they just want to sit around and only get up to do things they absolutly have too. do you notice increase in weight and appetite? do you zone out for long periods of time? do you suffer obesity hypertension and high cholesterol and other health problems? I know I do.

I know I have been dealing with metabolic syndrome for like 40 years. when I was younger I didnt know that is what I had, but anyway was just reading in a pubmed article, short and sweet but informative article about it. they are now starting to call metabolic syndrome as winter metabolism. why? well they are starting to realize that obesity hypertension and other parameters of metabolic syndrome (MS) is a winter response, weight gain along with hypertension and high cholesterol is a survival response (I have been calling it that for a long time) to signals of winter (low vitad3) due to lack of sunshine (I am sure there are other signals to the body too like quality of food and amount of sunshine hitting the pineal gland through the eyes) is a triggor for this.

Another feature of winter is lower food quantity and quality. this is probably a triggor too, (you know all the dieting people do for weight loss; weight loss alone can be a triggor for overeating to regain weight to survive the winter you keep imposing on it by NOT EATING enough. there I said it. so STOP DIETING! okay I yelled enough.

So if your in a survival or long term stressful situation that is depleting nutrients or your undereating or eating poorly, the last thing your body wants is the added stress of forced exercise!! exercise is a stress on an already stressed out system. so you feel lazy and unmotivated. well duh!!! you would think we would get this, you think I would get this (well finally did) that laziness and over eating is a winter response (even in summer)now I will not force exercise anymore, will do so only when I get the signal to do so.

so metabolic syndrome is a survival mechinsm in a enviroment of poor quality food or lack of certain nutrients like minerals and vitad3 and other nutrients (like protein especially plant proteins). for me I found if I drop my vitad3 below 5000 or 6000 iu my symptoms gradually start to show their ugly faces, it  takes about 2 or 3 weeks to start to manifest itself. but once I get the amount back up after a week I start to notice the symptoms resolving themselves. remember I did megadosing for almost a whole year, before decreasing to a maintenance of 2000 iu per day as recommended by doctors. so now my dose will remain at 5-6 thousand per day until furthur notice. obviously I lost the ability to make it myself (you all know how much I love the sun) I am starting to sleep better and feeling better, I did add some vitamines supplements like c, b, and some minerals a little bit of fiber and still take my cinnomon and chromium too.

alas!!! the road is long and hard and the view has not always been very pleasant, in fact it has been downright annoying, depressing and frustrating.  can you relate? yikes where is the end of the rainbow, never mind that, where is that darn rainbow? cannot seem to locate it. oh well will have to carry on as I can still see light at the end of this path.

thanks my dear followers, hope this was informative and helpful. still working on my dinosuars, did a dinosaur shirt, learning how to draw a t rex, triceratops, dilpilosaurs?, cant remember all the names. need to practice some more.





winter, what I have learned and progress

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winter in my backyard, or front which ever you prefer. at least the early short january thaw which came early and melted everything.  Novemeber fought off sinus infections, the whole month needed anitbitics started to feel better and then I was down again feeling like I dont know what, lightheaded, faint, headachy, the runs, weak, sleepy all the time, humm what is going on here, sinus congestion problems but no infection.

I was thinking to my self what the tarnation is going on here?, I am eating better taking my vita supplements vitad3, exercising (have had energy to do so regularly) clearer minded and then this. could this have been a healing crisis? it lasted 2weeks then gone as quickly as it came it faded away. thank goodness.

now for what I learned in relation to diet, exercise, physiology, chemistry etc, one, weight reducing diets kill by degree. two, low carb diets, low cal diets, low fat diets, exercise for weight loss kill by degrees without you even realizing it right away. three, the more diets you do and the more weight loss you have had, weight up weight down, rinse and then repeat, the closer to death you are. while your breathing and working and doing your thing, your dying and don’t even see it.

Four, the medical community sees metabolic syndrome, type 2, type 3 diabetes, plaque buildup, high cholesterol, hypertension, as diseases of obesity. obesity is considered a moral weakness of inability to eat less and exercise more and thus is not a disease thus the doctor is not responsible for the poor results of their treatment.

Five,  the treatments given by doctors and other professionals to cure these diseases is diet and exercise. If one loses even 10 percent of their weight they improve all the parameters of these diseases. sound familiar?

Six, you can lose this 10 percent and still be obese. humm something sounds fishy here.

Seven, that if you eat all your fruits and veggies and eat as recommended by the “experts” (you all know how I feel about “experts” right?) you don’t need supplements. sound familiar? I learned that yes you do need supplementation, sometimes pretty heafty amounts when your fighting heavy duty health condtions like obesity metabolic syndrome etc.

Eight, Doctors do not have all the answers and sometimes refuse to allow new information and experiences to expand their mind when what was believe to be true is found not to be.

Ninth, I also learned that I have to take my health into my own hands, do my research, learn from my experiences and the expeirences of others, use my reasoning skill based on all that I learned about How we are designed by Jehovah, what happened in my life, what researchers have said that are not listend to by the mainstream everyone. I have learned to take everything I hear on the news, in papers, on the internet, etc, with a grain of salt with a i will put it on the back burner because I do not believe what I heard and dont trust it.

I  learned too, our bodies are very well designed by Jehovah, despite our sinful imperfection our bodies work pretty much like they should (except for serious genetic defects some people get which I feel sorry for them that really disable them)when doctors, us, people in general, do not understand something the body does they try to force it to change to a preconceived idea of what it should be. basically they treat symptoms. which has its place don’t get me wrong, sometimes treating hte symptoms allows you time (and some comfort too) to find the culprit and work on it. It also allows a better quality of life if your unable to fix the underlying problem.

eleventh, I learend our bodies have two goals, one is keeping you alive and upright, second your wellbeing. It turns out that what we may describe as auto immune disease, metabolic disease, obesity, food addictions (I love this one) is actually the body working here to keep you alive and upright. The body will literally rob from one part of our body to supply another with nutrients missing in your diet in sufficient amounts. arthritis, could it be the body is stealing the sulfer from your joints to supply the heart and brain?or stealing from the intestines to get at the sulfer? or your stomach? hence all the stomach problems that doctors give immune suppressing drugs? or the brain, is it so deficient in nutrients it has to form plaques on it’s neurons to protect them from the toxic enviroment of oxygen, sugar laden blood?  Yet doctors treat it like it is a disease not a survival mechism and try to suppress it.

what about obesity and it’s other symptoms?I learned that all this is a symptom of malnutrition. if you don’t eat enough food for purposes of losing weight or any reason really, your body cannabalises itself, proteins for one, fat, water, glycogen stores empty out etc cortisol and adrenalin is released, if these things are not replaced adequatly due to undereating the stress continues and if you add exercise you just added gasoline to the fire.

What does all of this mean then? Not exacly sure, but one thing for sure the trail has veered off to another direction for me. now I understand why diets failed me. it does not address the underlying problem. now I understand why when you start a new diet and stick to it for a while you start to feel good have more exercise and seem to do well for a while even losing some weight. a reducing diet which ever you choose wiht exercise especially is a stress. what does the body do in reponse to stess? it releases adreanlin and cortisol  cortisol is a feel good lets get up and dance hormone.

It is also a antiinflammation hormone too. now I understand when your aches and pains stop hurting it is not because your getting healthier but because you added a stress the body has to go deal with. your body can only handle so many stressors at once so it priotises, remember its first job is keeping you alive. so now it has to put other healing and repairing jobs on hold. now I also understand why the desire to eat sugary stuff and overeat on them is delayed making one think their diet is working. these are all false sensations of success.

This is why you get a healing crisis once you fix the underlying problem, your body was so focused for so long (if your health problems and obesity was long standing)on keeping you alive it could not afford to use any nutrients or didnt have it available to deal with toxins and damage to cells and give full repair. it could  not raise your metabolism or temp or motivate you to exercise and live life, it was too strained keeping you alive.  Understand what I mean?

this is what I was experiencing, it lasted so long because there was alot to fix and I  had all the nutrients, caloires protein fats etc it needed for full repair and to fight off virus and bacteria it had to put up with (keeping them at bay but not really getting rid of them hence you get sick, better, repeat, because the underlying infection or problem is not solved just held in check for a whilethus getting sinus infections over and over and over again over many years.) hence now because I did not listen to doctors anymore, listen to “experts” anymore but decided to do my own research and listen to alternative ideas I was able to understand what was going on. I still listen to my doctor on so many things I do appreciate all thehelp they have given me in the past with my problems (chronic sinus infections, chronic broncitis, anxiety attacks, headaches that goe on and on for months, sleeping problems etc) after all I realize they dont’ know everything either and are learning themselves.

All my problems were because of malnorishement. I am under the impression that I do not make vitad3 in the skin. i did all the other things like eat better,  plenty of sun exposure without sunscreen taking glucose tolerance supplements, lowering my carbs as much as I could comfortably do, taking immune stimulating herbs and other things experiementing with different herbs and things, something was missing. once I had been on vitad3 for many, many months then it started to click. I was finally showing some really cool progress. it is like vitad3 was the switch that made everything else turn on.

Ithink I will post my progress in another post to avoid a too long post. thanks all for reading down to this point. posting here, posting there, posting everywheres, posting up /down on a trotting horse, posting on the posting. la la la la tripping over my post. lol sorry just being silly tonight. need to go to bed. I am thinking about doing a post later on about dinosaurs anyone here like dinosaurs?

thanks a bunch you silly whipper snappers for reading all the way down this very long slope of post.


thanks to my followers

thanks to my followers who like my blog, I am glad I am putting stuff on here that isn’t boring.  my brother is really sweet telling me how much he likes my blog and consider the information so enjoyable he brought it up on his own, thanks Jeff. your just to sweet to me.

I am glad your surgury went so well,  as for my other followers thanks again, remember I am not a genius (as per my brothers comment), I am just a mirror. what is a mirror and why would I compare myself as such?

I thought about this today, a mirror reflects whatever light hits it and images it reflects. as a new born baby we are born with just the basics of hunger, ability to learn things, and natural fears of falling etc, these basics we are all born with, a clean slate as it were otherwise.

so for me I want to reflect the qualitis and knowledge and wisdom of Jehovah, he is the smartest person in the universe and the wisest ever and i would call him a suppperrrrrrrrrr genius!!! (ever watch wily coyote and the roadrunner?)so what does this have to do with mirrors? well we are all a clean slate we can decide what light and images we want to reflect for others to see (and even see ourselves too). we choose who we want to reflect, imitate and show the world. Think about the expressions, you have a bright outlook on life, your a ray of sunshine when I am down (or as a song says I have sunshine on a cloudy day, when it is cold outside I have the month of may) your a real downer to be around, or some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed, or like the poor donkey on winnie the poo with a dark cloud falling him around and his face reflects gloominess.

So who do you reflect? how do others perceive you? (well those who know you well)who do you want to reflect? I seen some guy wanted to reflect tigers, why? dont know but his whole body was tattoed stripps his face and he had his teeth done with fangs. so what does such a person reflect about the kind of person they are? why do he admire tigers so much to want to be one? (to reflect as a mirror that animal?)only he and those around him can answer that one. but if I run into someone like that my first reation would be like weird and then I would cringe away from him because tigers are predators. Simply because he is reflecting what he is worshipping.

So any reflection on my part of showing forbearnace or kindness or understanding is simply because I worship Jehovah. I am going to say this and hope it doesn’t sound weird but I think Jehovah is awesome and  find it puzzling when people do not want to learn about him after you hear so many positive comments by non witnesses about the witnesses. They really admire jw are honest on the job, care about their neighbors, take jesus word seriously about preaching and teaching door to door and home bible studies (which are free by the way)honest in all their dealings, do not leach off others, do not steal and are kind to people. And refuse to take up arms against their fellow man even at the threat of death for disobedience to governments on this point. Always remember if someone has a gut reation of seemingly lack of desire to kill others for the sake of protecting america from some enemy, if a witness wont kill another person in another country who might kill them (so the gov tries to sell people on)they wont kill you. So think about that for a moment. You wont have to worry about a JW murdering you during times of chaos (think rwanda).

So we have a choice whom do you want to reflect? Is it a person who deserves your admiration? Are the qualities you want virtuous and kind or logical or of sound wisdom or reason.?




kaynes vs hayek

wish they used such methods ot teach principles in school then it wouldnt of sucked like it did.