Category Archives: vitamin d3

I am such a dweeb

halo (1)Howdy how is everyone today? dajia hao, (cant put pinyon marks dont know how). guess what stupid thing I am doing, I am low carbing again but this time I am doing it just above ketosis, been doing it over three weeks. I am hoping I can stick to it, do notice one thing about it since I am keeping carbs at 200 grams per day it has forced me to make my carbs count, hence a little fruit, whole grain, rationing sweet stuff like jam and not using any syrup or honey at all, pop is out, (drink very little anymore) last time i did low carb it was like 100 grams a day andthat was too low. and I got tired of bacon meat and such.

wo xiang yidianr insane, (think I am a bit insane) I mean it is not like I did not try this before. so any suggestions on making this work I ususally last about 6 weeks.  before I end up giving it up, what kinds of carbs besides veggies are the best to eat? what can I do to salvage my diet when I am craving carbs or am feeling a bit peckish or feeling run down?

I have noticed I am sleeping better (but still a bit tired during the day) 200 grams per day seems to be a comfortable level i am not like hungry or feeling like binging on carbs except today, but even then I kept the carbs quality that I did eat.

what has worked for you guys and has been sustainble and not painful or too painful. thanks. xiexie.  Oh by the way I took the lighthouse with halo picture with my phone and was bit far from it too. came out nice for such a cheap phone.