Monthly Archives: July 2014

blue herons

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Great blue herons rookery bath road ohio some shots I thought I share got these pictures in june. 2014

Video: “Bankrupt–How Cronyism and Corruption Brought Down Detroit”

Ecclesiastes 8:9 “man has dominated man to his injury.” these problems are caused by a simple truth, man does not have the ability or the right to rule over himself or others, and being sinful like we are the temptation to seek selfish interests and power over others is just to strong for a lot of people without devine help. Jeremiah 10:23 I well know o Jehovah to man his way does not belong, it does not belong to man who is walking to direct his own step”

Rowan Free Press

An FTR Media Project

♦ “Bankrupt–How Cronyism and Corruption Brought Down Detroit” is  a 40 minute documentary video focusing on why Detroit went from being a leading edge American industrial and arts city to a dangerous and bankrupt slum over a short span of years.  Two of the largest driving forces behind Detroit’s tumble were cronyism and corruption, challenges clearly plaguing Salisbury.  Our city’s fall will never be anywhere near as dramatic as Detroit’s for the reason that Salisbury has existed as a struggling North Carolina city for over 40 years.  Since the Fibrant debacle began, Salisbury’s downward spiral sped up dramatically.

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The Case Against Dangerous Bike Lanes

if this is the case send the city a bill for the damage done to you and your bike. that will learn them.

Rowan Free Press

RFP Staff

♦ A collection of articles and videos from across the USA supporting the case against dangerous bike lanes:

Bike Lanes are more dangerous than regular traffic lanes:

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