There is a debate/discussion/etc on the social media bout virus. every since they started this covid thing it has woken me up to do research about it. I did not expect to find what I found. are virus exosomes? do virus cause disease? have they actually isolated and studied the full geno of the virus called sars cov 2? each party says the oppisite of the narrative, so which should we trust to be correct, I read so many articles books etc, my brain is mush. Those who counter the official narrative are accused of misinfo/disinfo, and the other side says the narrativer supporters are the the disinfo agents, so who is right/correct?

I have festered and bumped my head against the wall and when I share some of this with others and what I get back is interesting, or some parroting of what they heard on the news. I can tell who listens only to mainstream information/documentaries. yikes we are in trouble. Anyway I dont know if this will clear up the debate or not, but I willthrow it out there and let others decide for themselves.

in the Bible there is a principle I never thought of before in connection with virus(while I was talking to Jehovah) first the virus is said to get into the cells dna nad hijacks it to replicate itself. but that cannot be possible. it cannot be true

1 virus are not alive, they dont eat sleep work move or metabolise or reproduce (or they say on their own). yet somehow a non living thing manages to by pass the cells membranes which are alive and active to resist invasion and it manages to get to the nucleus and bypass that membrame, and somehow slices the dna and hijacks to reproduce. does anyone see this idea of a non living thing hijacking a living thing to reproduce a bit crazy?

2 the bible indicates in genesis chapter one and two that animal and plants were made according to their kind and thus cannot go outside its own kind to reproduce.Genesis 1:24-25 reality tells us animals nad plants can on reproduce with it’s own kind, a horse kind breeds only with horse kind dog kind etc. you can cross breed within kinds to get hybrids but they remain within it’s own kind. there are two types of reproducing asexaul (bacteria for example)and sexual. so if a virus cannot reproduce outside it’s own kind, so how can it use the dna of a foreign kind to reproduce? it cannot, so what is a virus

3 in order to see these virus and create them they have to use tissue that is dead or dying. what they are dead or dying? yep, they use a petric dish and add toxic chemicals to force the cells to release virus, why would they do that? well it looks like to me, that the cells make virus on purpose to fight toxins. remember they used chemicals to get the cells to release virus into the medium. they did not take your blood and isolate it via electron microscope to see it and use it to make a vaccine.

so if this is all true then bye bye vaccines or the need for them ever. But I am pretty sure people like bill gates and others work work for the drug companies know this already. so when an animal gets sick it is not a virus getting it sick perhaps? maybe i tis sick to malnorishment or exposure to some toxin in the enviroment?

something to think about. my advice is never trust the government cdc or drug companies to be truthful to you. they have a conflict of interest and have no love for mankind. Or even For Jehovah. they work for satan not Jehovah.

boy many moons ago horse was named penny

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