Category Archives: apple tree

my walk about spring flowers

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cut leaved toothwort

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garlic mustard, I think according to my book teh next picture I think is harbringer of spring?

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spring beauties?

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service berry tree? not sure.

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apple tree up the street is just coverd in flowers,wow

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dandelion and violet paradise, ballfield up the street. pretty hunn?

blooming trees, how dare they, lol

my apple is blooming, not sure what kind but it is yellowish and not very sweet

my apple is blooming, not sure what kind but it is yellowish and not very sweet


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one mans weed is anothers flowering plant, say hello to the dandelions that the bees just love, goats rabbits horses and cows eat them so how can they be bad? the white flowerd tree is a wild cherry, it is in the woods next to my yard.