Category Archives: horses

drpepper fan



my drawings I did not have any models just from my head



my anhinga



animalsonthewall 020

here are just a few of my colored pencil drawings and cut outs, didn’t have any models so had to go by memory of how it should look, not my best work but good enough for me to put it on the wall. hope you like. the anhinga I used a field guide book for it since I never did a anhinga before.

you didn’t build that!

check out this link.

this is funny, please don’t be too surprised people will not give credit where credit is due nor give someone the credit they deserve,  after all scientists and socialists, and doctors, and experts give evolution the credit (who is evolution anyway? is this guy someone I have met before?) for the earth and all its wonders, basically saying to Jehovah, “You Didn’t Build That!!”

so does evolution (chance with animals having enough intelligence to alter their own  dna at will as needed?) or a creator who is intelligent who made every thing according to it’s kind (Horse kind, dog kind, cat kind, bird kind, cattle kind etc)?


crowning glory of creation

this is to remind all you human beings out there that your are special. contrary to what many in positions of power wish you to believe that your somehow a cancer on the planet or a virus, listen up.

after Jehovah created the light to hit the earth (clearing of the cloud that blocked it) he created the beautiful blue ocean and all it’s wonderou creatures in there that fasinate almost all people, the beautiful whales that humans are so intrigued with, the interesting creatures that float, swim, jump, and twirl in the ocean depths. the wonderful relationship of killer whales with trainers to the grace of flying over the waves to saving swimmers in distress, dolphins are like people with fins. birds that skirt the waves and those that fly for days on end without touching the earth, who sleep on the wing.

hummingbirds that fly 500 miles nonstop over the gulf of mexico. butterflies that are so many colors it boggles the mind and pleases the eyes. a bright sunset over a crystal blue lake, animals that walk the earth and quake it with each step, crittors of every size and color and shape, who we say arn’t they cute!

flora and fauna of every shape, color, size, texture, growth pattern that you can imagine is here on terra. the wonderful variety of dogs, horses, cats, birds, goats, sheep, cattle, little crittors we call pets, are all pleasing .

yet one important element is missing. flora and fauna are alone, they have a need for something else, something that will care for them, give peace,keep them in bounds,  and guide them in their way and respect them in their travels. they cannot make the earth a paradise on their own a place of peace and abundance of food and drink without want. who could this one thing be? who would be the perfect steward of this place called planet earth?

Well who did Jehovah decide that should be? “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let him have in subjection the fish of the sea the flying creatures of the heavens, and the domestic animals, and all the earth,and every moving animal upon the earth.”  Gen 1:26

Yes, you and me, that is right, he made man in his own likeness, his qualities we reflect if we choose to allow it, choose to do so. he says he has given the earth to the sons of men. he did not create it simply for nothing but created it to be inhabited, not just by animals, sure animals give him glory but man (this includes the ladies) is his crowning earthling  creation. there is none better. we are the ones who can make his heart glad or make it sad.

we are his crowning glory. we have capacities animals will never enjoy. we are the special someone the earth needed.  when we manifest love for others, righteousness, for justice, and for the planet we call home, we manfest the qualities of our creator who made this earth just for us. when we worship Jehovah as he is meant to be all will be perfect again. we are supposed to be here. this is our home and our inheritance from our loving father. Dont ever feel man is a parasite on this planet some call gaia. gaia is a myth.





what exercises do you all do on a regular basis outside lifestyle normal everyday taking care of business exercise? I do my treadmill 3 times a week doing HIIT. warm up then one minute speed, one minute recovery,  I like my treadmill because I can stay home, it cushions my legs, and helps me get my heart rate really up there without high impact and for a more sustained period. I do this for about 20 minutes with a 3 minute cool down.  I walk the dogs at least 2 times a week when I can, and me and my hubby go hiking when we can. I do all the yard work too, 3 acres is alot to take care of. but since we have had little rain it has been easy,no mowing hardly at all. bad for farmers however.
