Category Archives: hurricreep

Injustice this time around

wow I am flabergasted by the whole quantine fiasco. yes quantine the sick not the healthy. anyway a man is being charged for breaking quantine and thus for threatening the health of others,never in my days did I ever see the government go after people because they might harm someone. humm, does anyone see the hypocrisy here because to me it is loud and clear. people who are charged with harm to others have to go to court and face their victims or the compliantiff and must prove he did the harm. 

Now they just have to pretend you did someone harm, no victim no crime, that has been thrown out the door, first  you couldnt take guns away because someone might do harm, you actually had to do bonfide harm to someone, now they can take you just because they believe you might do harm? what kind of crap is that? they also released very dangerous people from prison, and they did have proof they did harm others, wow, ABOSOLUTLY WOW!!!!! Government you have shown your hand and now everyone knows beyond a shadow of doubt your criminal/wicked.

Wow, I just cant get over this. wow, absolutly outrageous and wicked beyond any doubt. guilty until proven innocent has been growing in recent years.  now you have to prove youdidnt do something, have fun with trying to prove a negative. That is just so demonic, actually this is not far off base, the demons do run govenments more than they would like to admit. satan is a liar the father of lies, and a murderer.

People in government really have no excuse for this, after all God gave all humans a conscience, so they know this is so wrong. I am surprised their heads have  not exploded with finding ways to ease their consciences.

do not believe this is about health, it is political, it screams we are lying and just want to trample you underfoot. throw you  under the bus as we dont need you anymore. second how can you pass on a virus to someone when virus do not exist, how can something be non living (does not eat, breath and just sits there until the sun explodes it or something)gets into your body then can become alive by hijacking your cells? really? who comes up with this stuff. non life never comes to be living. second virus are a case of mistaken identity, first have you ever seen avirus? I havent, I have seen photos of paramciums, bacteria etc, but never a virus I have see exosomes which are studied for their rna sequences and thus these are called partial virus segments, I have never been tested for the flu when I go to the doctor sick have you? how does the doctor know it is a virus,or what kind? how does heknow it is not a poison, or food poisoning or something else?

LOOKs like medicine is a religion, something based on belief rather than actual concrete evidence. looks like the courts are a religion too charging people with heresy or crimes against religious beliefs, does all of this sound familiar? remember the spanish inquistion? people were tortured and charged with crimes against a belief system that had no evidence to validate it.

Jesus condemned the religous and secular rulers of his day for such injustice and cruelty. his feelings nad his fathers feeling (Jehovah) has not changed. is there such a thing as secular or non religious real facts anymore? Even evolution and geology has turned in to a religion, too. believe this or believe that, all look at the same evidence but come to a different conclusion, if that is the case it is not real science but religion.

when I see videos and stories of humans living free, using the earth God gave mankind, and harming no one, being harassed by roman legions, it makes me cry for that person. I cry for the criminal cartel flexing their muscles claiming ownership of you, the earth and resources which all belong to Jehovah he have nver re liquished the earth, he temporarily allows human gov but their time on earth is numbered. all the prophecies in the bible have been fulfull in our day except one, that cry of peace and security where the united nations will turn on babylon the great, empire of false religion. people wont believe it until it is too late. 

once that is done then they will turn on the true religion and thus jesus and the apostles (resurrected to spirit life) will storm against the wicked and wipe them out and that pray (matthew 6:9-10) will be answered. Just read the bible prophecy in revelation 6, 19, 14, this is just for starters.

this pandemic is fake, when has gov ever told you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? never, so dont believe them now, fear is a strong weapon of war when it is based on fraud, I believe the gov itself said terrorism is the use of threat of force or force to manipulate a population to change or alter their course without consent (of course I paraphrase dont remember exact wording) to their determint. maybe they need to reread their own policies, you see they are the monster they claimed to be fighting against.20191216_200428


gailardia1howdy my friends. I was just on youtube and was watching a video among others like it about government interference with exercising rights. made me think about all the violence being commited everyday to the point people dont think of it as violent.

In america life seems pretty peaceful compared to syria, africa, and other middle eastern nations, and compared to europe where they seem to be having alot of terrorist attacks and violent protests for one thing or another. Or it could be less so simply because the news media can make things appear worse then they are so I wouldnt trust them.

Anyhow I was thinking of all the ways we are affected or perpetuating violence in our lives without realizing it Example, there are so many horse lovers out there, me being one of them, so many dog owners and animal owners in general. How many times have we done things which we were taught is correct and good? for example how many ride with bits in a horses mouth? how many use spurs? how many lock their horses in stalls for hours at a time and how many beat their horses when they buck rear or forcefully move around the person? How many get involved in horses sports either as participants or obsevers?

Much of this is very violent, bits hurt even in the best hands spurs too, a horse being locked up is like a prison sentence, denying them the stimulation of being with other horses interacting and chasing and sometimes even playing together and yes fighting too it is how herd dynamics works who is higher who is lower who is a trustworthy leader who isnt, stuff like that.  many horse misbehaviors are due to human ignorance in how horses feel see and hear things. Bits I learned myself do not control a horse, they can lead to bucking and running away. Please dont blame the horse when things go wrong it is always the humans fault.

another way we commit violence is how we treat our dogs, locking them up in a house for hours a day without compansionship or stimulation or play. We put collars on them instead of harnesses which might be better I dont know, we feed them crappy dog food,  When we realize how animals are what their needs are we can better provide them a better happier existance.

of course this applies to all animals. me personally I love birds would love a macaw or parrot but refuse to get one since I hate putting animals in cages. no cages do not cage your dog either. it is cruel and violent. Another way we are violent without knowing is when we waste the family income on drugs or alcohol or gambling whether on lottery or stock market. When you smoke cigerattes around those who have no choice to leave or move elsewhere. do not smoke around your family in the  house it is unloving.

These things we dont typically think of as violent but they are, the word violence comes fromthe word violate and violate means as one of the defintions I seen in a dictionary to violate the rights of another.  When the government tells you,  you need permits or a license to exercise a right you already have, this is a form of violence. when your forced to pay taxes on your land and house you paid for that is a form of violence.  When your forced to pay for goods and services you do not want or when behaviors are criminalized simply because of economic considerations rather than for justice then this is violent.

Example is off grid living, many are taking this option as a way to reduce the cost of living and enjoy more time in leisure and family time and of course rest. many are working to many hours per week just to live decently. Not a good thing really. Anyhow, they are criminlizing this as well, threatening to arrest people who do so on their own private property, who violate the right of the people to live as they please when they are not harming anyone else. no victim no crime is the saying I hear alot. I have been watching many videos on this and see this as a violation (violence) against the right of a person to enjoy their property as they see fit.

this reminds me of a bible prophecy that John recorded in revelation. It speaks about the last days (our day) when the sun gets incredibly hot, now before you freak out this is a symbolic, the sun is already hot enough to scorch you if a pin sized part of it is within 90 miles of you. Anyway this sun represents unrightous rulers. they scorch mankind by tyrannizing over them, by harassment, by injust actions against the people for whatever the justification. They commit violence against people everyday with their wars against others (like the drug war, or carnal war against other nations, war on poverty etc) many of these wars are unjust on it’s face and are a form of oppression as hot as the sun. Hence mankind is being oppressed by unrightous rulers all over the world. This sun by the way is plagued by God in that he has decreed them wicked. To be destroyed per his heavenly government.

Also in revelation the governments of hte world are described as mutant wild beasts. They are vicious, violent, there is that word again, and bloodthirsty. they eat their own children too symbolically speaking. so violence is all around us, we just need to recognize it. we are so desenstized to this stuff. Much of what I see due ot bible training is violence on a grand scale in the name of peace or safty. Building permits, licenses to have a business, licenses to work (social security number) invisible contracts that they apply against people without justification or right.  Whenever a city or county imposes codes and regulations on people without a bonifide contract then you have violence again. using the ignorance of people to understand real law as opposed to legal or illegal and enforcing codes and regulations they have no lawful basis for. Shame is the name of the one who commits violence against their neighbor.

Homelessness is also being criminalized. homeless are having what little they have taken away they are pushed out and pushed away, I remember a video of officers tearing down tents and taking them and pushing the homeless people out. Sad really people need to live somewhere and where they were was a public place, not harming anyone. not like they camped out on someones yard.  What is even more violent about the whole thing is that the earth belongs to Jehovah, it belongs to the creator and no human has a right to push people off the land when they are harming no one else. what is the point of having the commons or public areas for all to use when only selected alls are allowed to use it? it is for the homeless to is it not? as long as they are not being trashy and not harassing people? Why not provide basic services like a restroom to them for a toilet and bath? The rulers of this world spend trillions on corporate welfare and wars and their preparation and on their own pocket books surly they can afford to take some fo that and help the homeless have some basic amenties?

now if the homeless are drunk and high on drugs they need to be in a place where they cannot get access to them to clean them up. Please remember to that many use drugs and giving them money as a hand out is not a good idea, you enable their behavior, give clothes or food instead. direct them to a shelter if there is one. Many on drugs dont use shelters because they are not allowed to use drugs or being high while there.

of course there more evidence of violence being done that people dont recognize as such, this is due to lack of education and ignorance on what right and wrong is, what good and bad is, what is law what is not stuff like that. The rulers are guilty of fraud, (constructive fraud) theft on a grand scale, and murder. And the people who do not respect right and wrong and good and bad from Gods standpoint who support said rulers or legalism are too guilty of violence too. They support the “sun” by voting, by praising them, by advocating for them etc. now many of these rulers dont think of themselves are wicked or violent but htey are. perception and reality are quite different.

I personally think the time is right for devine intervention, the signs are all there, the prophecies fullfilled just waiting for that final push. But do many recognize this? nope, Just as the days of noah were the day of the son of man will be, they were eating drinking men marrying building etc and too no note, no note of what? the signs of the times, the evidence that God was starting to intervene, what signs? noahs preaching and teaching, the protection he received from god to keep those nephilim from murdering him, ability to build a ark no one knew about before, the ability to bring animals in who came on their own he did not have to go get them,  the evidences was there but they took no note, they did not want to be bothered wiht making adjustments to their lifestyles (sound familiar?) eVen tho they complained and were frightened by the violence, again much violence was not so obvious, no doubt the nephlim and materialized angels were not murdering adn killing all the time, mostly they were partying all the time getting drunk,high and having sex. something that seems normal for consenting adults. Kind of like today. They were killing animals for food no doubt very cruely but many probably did not recognize that as violent, I am sure there is alot more.

And the victims of this violence were not all violent themselves they no doubt felt secure that god would not destroy them since they were victims not perpetuators of this violence. But they did not show faith in God nor obedience to his requirements hence they lost out.

I do hope this post was informative and educational.  Time for this world is running out, the signs are there, you know the old saying when the sky is calm and peaceful the storm is not far away, or something like that, that calm before the storm.



pretty nice place on the esturary bird watching so many birds hard to get pictures of them with a long lens to move it fast enough to focu fast enough. very pretty and peaceful there.




still here

floweringtrees2 007for those who follow me I am still reading posts and stuff just have had nothing interesting to share. today I might have something of note, I was watching the video documentary four horseman about economics, dont know full title, anyway it was interesting and seem to know what they were talking about. they spoke about the greed of those at the top those who give loans to third world nations where the masses of poor get to pay for the loans while the corporations get to keep the profits from the infrastructure that loans built for them to extract resources without having to pay the loans back, they basically are just holding nations hostage.

The masses of people seldom benefit very much from the infrastruture like electricty and roads because they cannot afford the price of using such things. they dont get the benefit from the sewer systems or water systems or medical facilities or stores that are built for the benefit of the workers who will be working the factories and living in the company houses etc.

Sad really, they gave different reasons  this this economic misery is happening claiming they are not trying to blame anyone, not polticians or corporations or whomever, I say why not? it is people who make the decisions who bribe the poltiicians and the politicians who accept these bribes and do the bidding of these corporations who themselves are probably major shareholders of said companies, it is people who make decisions on how to fund these things how to shift the burdens of liability while keeping profits onto others, is it not?

you cannot blame a system or a way of doing business you blame immoral and selfish people who are not concerned how their actions harm others for the sake of power and wealth accumulation. IN fact they claim that resources are finite, this is not true, resources are not resources until you make it, or find a use for it, resources are unlimited. wealth is unlimited if allowed, you cannot redistribute wealth you can only make it, there is no finite pie, but there is controlled markets by those who want the wealth and power for themselves alone and want the majority of humans to be slaves to them or dead and out of the way. Bad management of resources are one of the reasons for the problems too, gaining control of resources after they have been made valuable and controlling how much gets to be sold keeping prices high.

For example, diamonds can be sold alot cheaper then they are (but still would be profitable) but they control the market by allowing only so much out they hoard the rest. it works like that with food it could be cheaper and healtier if it were not for inflation, high taxes on commodties, and less hoarding supplies to keep prices up. someone comes in buys up a whole supply dumps it on the thrid world nations as ‘fake charity’ and that sold to us is higher priced then necessary. The charity dumping undermines the farmers there who are undercut by the dumping and lose their farms due to unreasonable and unjust debts putting millions onto the streets. this world is full of parasites and predators. this is the problem not the system.

Here is an example, if we print money up out of thin air we go to jail for counterfieting, counterfieting robs people of their hard earned fruits, and destroys confidence in the markets and undermines savings and the like. but the gov allows banks to do this all the time, and people wonder why we are having problems? why people are being robbed left and right by regulations, unjust taxation and higher costs of doing business? Gambling is something that is heavily regulated or banned in many countries, yet gov allows corporations and banks (a public utility by the way) to gamble, they call it put options or deriviatives or high risk loans or speculation.

And here is the kicker they are guaranteed to win if they lose they win because the gov pays them their losses, so if the banks win they get to keep all the profits no taxes given, if they lose we the taxpayers get the bill to pay them their losses, now I dont know about you but you cannot get peace security and prosperity if your cheating, robbing people and murdering people in the name of profit or empire building and expect things to go well. you cannot expect to be blessed by God or gain wealth and power without being destroyed yourself. You destroy your own spirituality intellect and happiness by doing this. YOu cannot expect your world to all of a sudden become a paradise.

What you really gain is fear, fear of losing it all, fear of being found out, fear of someone fighting back, fear of another in your class stealing it from you or killing to get your accumulated wealth. Fear of being imprisoned by your fellow aristicrates who dislike you for whatever reason or even murdered by them if they find something in you they dont like or they covet your wealth. Then there is the ultimate fear despite all attempts to stamp it out, that fear of accountability by the almighty himself. no matter how hard they try sooner or later they will face death and everyone is afraid of that reckoning because of knowing deep down thier reasons for not believing in a God is not sound.

But so people do not misunderstand me, there is no after death accountability. the bible indicates at death you  have been acquitted from your sins.  romans 6:7 also the danger for them is if in fact they were aware of the preaching and teaching of Gods kingdom and decided against learning about it or heeding the warnings there is a real danger of losing out on a resurrection. We dont want that, wealth and power now is not worth losing out of everlasing life on a paradise earth. it is not worth it. satan will convince you otherwise if you let him, he wants you to suffer the second death where he is going, but dont believe his lies that you can commit gross wickedness be wealthy and powerful, enjoy it, repent at the last minute and be absolved it doesnt work that way.

God holds us accountable how we use knowledge and power we have. if we are aware of his warnings and his kingdom due to the preaching and teaching of Jehovahs Witnesses and refuse to heed it they put themselves in a very bad position. God only wants peaceful loving people in his new world not greedy, selfish, arrogant prideful people who enslave others for thier own enrichment. he wont allow this. try it and you wont last long. he wants us to treat others the way we want to be treated, give others the same peace, love, compassion, freedom we want for ourselves. He wants peaceful and humble people in his new world.  dont let satan convince you we evolved from animals or life evolved from nothing.

remember one princple all scientists agree on, life can only come from prexisting life. you cannot get life from nothing. and you cannot get life from non living elements. there has to be a designer, a grand mathmatician, chemist, biologist, engineer etc to do this. If not then let me see scienctists create life from non liiving matter, let them try to shake it rattle it and manipulate it, if they manage to get that spark of life they still would have to believe in a creator because they themselves are creators alive and intelligent who directed the interactions that created life. no matter how you try you cannot with soundness of mind deny without being a liar and a cheat, there was a intelligent creator. And no his/her name is not nature. Nature is a vague concept, that they try to use to replace Jehovah. In fact if nature is real, then she/he is a cruel mean selfish entity that deserves to be destroyed for all the horrible things she/he made happen to people and animals in the name of evolution and survival of the fittest in the  name of balance of nature.

animals are straved to death, or eaten alive, they have to run for their lives all the time, cannot rest properly, the predators have to work hard to get a meal and eat it raw and bloody, and when they get old sick or injuried cannot eat and starve to death. the waters are polluted and animals and people get sick, the snakes and other poisonous animals kill very cruely, the weather creates landslides and tornados and hurricanes and floods that kill destroy and maim and make everyone miserable which promotes disease. this is not the God I worship. This is nature, that doesnt deserve worshippers.

My God is one of mercy love kindness and justice. the only reason the wealthy and selfish people of the world including poor people they can be selfish and greedy too, are still around and allowed to temporarily continue it because Our god is merciful and takes a long range view of things, nature on the other hand would just destroy you outright without any mercy or chance to change. Jehovah has a purpose ot make this planet a beautiful paradise and in order for that to happen he has to allow people time to decide what they want, by allowing humans to go all out in their wickedness he is showing people the real affects of indepedence from  him, letting people feel the full brunt of the winds so to speak. He is seeing who really wants to be a rightous loving just person who really hates badness and who cry out to him for justice, and those who wish it to continue because they are able to fulfill thier selfish sinful desires without restraint.

One way he tells is by who cries out to him, and how people response to his messengers. those who bring good news of something better. you would be very surprised on how much people do not want to make the changes necessary to see this new world and you would be surprised at how they do not want the solutions to these problems conveyed to them, as they want to see an end to injustice wars and violence but on thier own terms. They do not want to do it Jehovahs way, they see that as too slow and to much work for them to change themselves. but it can be done. Jehovah knows what we need to be a happy servant of his despite the problems and sinful tendencies we have and we can over come them if we want he helps us.

I am reminded by a brother that the people in noahs day were not all violent bullies themselves. but they were victims of the brutality they lived in fear but yet wanted nothing to do with the salvation Jehovah was offering to end the wickedness and free them from the bullies among them. they figured in their hearts that since they were victims not the instigators of violence God would somehow make an exception to the rule, no they were not where God wanted them, they were not doing what he wanted, they ignored his requirements.

Remember God is a god of justice and love and wisdom, he knows how to achieve his purpose while still honoring justice, love and wisdom, hence we have to work with him, since he knows more than we do and knows how to work things out that will honor justice and love. so if we do not understand a requirement remembering God is so much more massive then us and that his motives are pure we can trust his requirements nad we can meet them he never asks what we cannot do. so when we see wickedness getting progressivly worse and the lack of punishment by governments for said violence/lawlessness then know that time is running out. For more informaiton on how do we know we are in the last days, of this world check out wonderful site.


contempalation on words

hum, was reading some things today and I thought I would comment on definitions of words, weird I know, but it seems that definitions of words have strong impacts and can direct our perception on things like right, wrong, true, false, good or bad, it conveys ideas on understanding of what, when, how and why too.  The use of semantics has been a play on words for control over people, to convey what your trying to say, and even getting around something very bad and trying to sugar coat it. It has even been used to deceive people, redirect them from a real issue to fake issues too. 

 Like anything it  can be a double edged sword, used for both good and bad.  take this  computer for example,(please do not literally take it okay? lol) it can be used to help enlighten people, give them the truth to save them from traps or it can be used to trap you in so many ways, deceive you in so many ways it boggles the mind the trouble creepy, hurricreeps and nit wits will go to for mind and heart control. 

Now take the word war, what is war? what do you think? let me know in the comments below. What is violence? what does it mean to be violent? What does it mean to be legal or illegal? What does it mean to be lawful? what is definition of law? What is the definition of counterfeit? What is freedom? what does it mean to be free? What are rights? Human rights what are they? where do they originate? Why do we need rights? What is the opposite of rights?  hum, can you guess?  What is the definition of consent? contracts? what is required for a contract to be bonifide? what does bonifid mean?

Language is a funny thing, it can be twisted, manipulated, invented and even definitions changed by governments or corporations. Just some thougths I had today. Remember a time when the word ain’t wasn’t a word? now it is used freely and no one argues this point anymore.  Let me know your thoughts?

how about the word death? what is it? Can this word mean more than one thing? how about death of a loved one? obvious? How about spiritual death? financial death? how about it symbolizing gloomy times? or hopelessness? The sun growing dark could it mean just eclipse? or can it mean hoplessness? uncertainty about which way to go in life? or could it mean death of very life itself? A bright shining sun? could it symbolize something we all can relate too? life?, enlightenment? freedom? prosperity? could it also mean religious, political, economic leaders who appear to bring light, hope, prosperity and stability to the people which sun in fact is scorching mankind instead? hum then the word burn? what does it mean to burn? be burned? God is said to plague the sun in revelation, did the sun itself do anything bad to be plagued? what is a plague from the bible standpoint? could it mean Gods judgement on those who are symbolized by the sun? what judgement is that? read for the answer? recognize who the sun is.

So what is a kingdom? anyone? I mean we have been told by Jesus Christ to pray for it? Our father in the heavens may your name be sanctified, (hallowed) let your KINGDOM come? let your WILL take places on earth as in heaven. sound familiar? So what is a kingdom? and why is it so important for it to come? What will it mean for those who support this kingdom? read

The bible speaks about the pure language? is it talking about a literal language like English or Spanish? or is there more to it? It speaks about this in Zephaniah, so what was he trying ot convey? could it be perhaps the language of truth, the real thing, (pun might be intended?)lol, the truths conveyed in the bible, understanding Gods will and purposes accurately that unifies people who care about justice, truth, love and wisdom God has given us? Because in Zephaniah it says they will learn the pure language and thus be able to serve Jehovah shoulder to shoulder? what does this mean? shoulder to shoulder? unity of direction, purpose and support for each other? What is required to learn this language? Jesus said in matthew that those conscious of their spiritural needs, those who are meek, (teachable and humble). Those who long for righteousness, those who are pure in heart. Are you meek and humble and pure in heart?

Will you accept Jehovahs invitation to learn this pure language and serve him shoulder to shoulder with those who have taken up the call? if you wish to obtain bible study or literature or even read the bible on line in over 500 languages. It is really a cool site. The wonderful thing about this language of truth, is it will never change or be altered or used to sugar coat the bad.




Howdy folks, how is it going for you today? it is sunny and beautiful here how about where you are? the birds are definitly feeling it, I am feeling it and even my hubby and dogs are too. wow! never get tired of spring. this despite just getting over a upper respirtory infection.

I thought I would throw out something maybe many do not realize, maybe some of you do, but I noticed a trend in how the powers that be, whether that power be your hubby, church elders, bosses at work, or anyone of authority or even family members like children or spouses, there is one thing that stands out in my mind, I wont take credit for this simply because Jehovah taught me this, many wonder why other people can be so cruel, unfair, or unjust in their exercise of their power or authority (remember we all have some amount of power or influence over others to some degree even children) such as husband over wife parents over children, children over parents, friends towards their friends, or government authority over the masses, and how this relationship goes whether good or bad, happy or sad is contigent on one important factor, well maybe two but the one I had in mind is LOVE!

the bible describes what love is in 1 Corithians 13:4-8, Love is long suffering, it sticks with a situation because of the hope of chance of improvement because of love of the ones involved, love is not jealous, one does not digress the successes of others, even of a opponent or competitor such as in a sport activity or gaining a better job or having more in a material way or more in a spiritual or intellectual way. does not behave indecently, one respects the feelings of others, and acts accordingly even of strangers, does not look for own interests, one does not try to dominate a situation to the detrement of others, or one doesn’t try to have their way all the time, or one doesn’t desire what another has with intent to steal it or lure it away (like some people do when coveting a marriage mate of another)or to depreive another of something because they want it themselves that sorta thing.

love does not become provoked one doesn’t get upset at others easily but tries to look at things from thier standpoint, one does’t worry about ones pride,  does not hold a grudge, forgives and forgets, Just like Jehovah does. does not rejoice over unrighteousness, one doesn’t tolerate bad or evil things, or immorality but stands up for rightousness even if politically incorrect, one doesnt allow the feelings of others determine right and wrong. one does’t condone immorality or accept a person who does bad things to others simply because one worries about thier feelings. Jesus gave a example.

Jesus was denouncing the pharisees for thier unjust manner in treating the people, he told them flat out “You are from your father the devil and you wish to do the desires of that one, that one was a manslayer when he began and he did not stand fast in the truth because the truth is not in him, when he speaks a lie he speaks according to his own dispoisiton because he is a liar and a father of the lie.” john 8:44

now did he worry about thier “feelings”? nah, he worried more about the spiritual welfare of the people whom the pharisees were oppressing and exploiting. They were making up rules and procedures that went contrary to bible principles, they were making Jehovahs’ worship a burden all the while getting rich off the poor people when they should of been serving and not “eating them alive”.

this comes down to one fact the pharisees lacked, LOVE, they did not love the people whom they were sheperding. they were making rules that were impossible to follow and procedures they could never comply with.  they were basically using the color of law to oppress and profit off the people. doesn’t this sound familiar to anyone here? color of law, for the pharisees it was called traditions of men, in our day that is translated to legalism.

The first law that man must obey with no opting out is love Jehovah first and foremost over everything including life itself, which makes sense we are made in his image and we have this capacity to love and we need to love Jehovah to know how to love one another, and this beautiful earth he made for us and it’s wonderful crittors. second is love your neighbor as yourself. if everyone applied this there would be no oppression, cruelty, death, poverty, wars, etc.

so you see we are at the mercy of those who love less then us, a father loves his child more than the child does the father and abuses his father love for him causing misery to the father, husband loves wife or vice versa more and the other spouse makes that ones life miserable because of loving less. understand?

so government and corporate owners and wealthy elites and rulers, and others in positions of authority above us, police, mayors, employers, coworkers, etc who love less(dont have love for justice rightousness fellowman or God) than you (love rightousness and justice and are merciful, fair and honest) will make your life miserable in anyway they deem necessary to profit off your life liberty and property. (form of serfdom.) thus the reason this world is so miserable for us in it’s many facets.

Love rejoices with the truth, one would stand up for what is right and true, even at great cost to themselves. one would not excuse serious wrongdoing by protecting a person who has done serious sins such as murder, physical and emotional abuse, or hide a theif or condone violence.

so wondering why there is so much oppression, misery, suffering and cruelty of man dominating man to his injury? Lack of love. that is it in a nutshell. the one who loves Jehovah and his moral principles is at the mercy of those who do not love these things but love other things (money? power? self?)

so there you have it, abuse of one over another is caused by the abuser loving a person less than that person loves them. sad aint it?

iron mountain code break,

this post is about iron mountain, based on the film but also the book which I read, it is a short book by the way, these people are out of their gourd, literally.kind of a review/commentary.

it says in part “medical advances are viewed more as problems then as prgress,” really? poverty is necessary  (and you thought the war on poverty was about eradicating poverty silly you)and desirable (to whom? the starving people?)”standing armies are social welfare institutions exactly the same sense as are old people’s homes and mental hospitals.” really? “Antimissle missiles and fallout shelters programs are understood to have the spending of vast sums of money not the advancement of science or national defense as their principle goals and military draft policies are only remotely concerned with defense.”

“he is not likely to take kindly to the notion of the deliberate intensification of air and water pollution (as part of a program leading to peace).  the long range planning and budgeting of the optimum number of lives to be destroyed annually in overt warfare is high on the groups list of priotirites for gov action, (see what I mean out of their gourd) dont worry it gets even better. they are advocating murder.

“in the case of military “waste” there is indeed a larger social utility. it derives from teh fact that the wastefulness of war production is exercised entirely outside the framework of the economy of supply and demand.” “War and only war solves the problem of inventory.” war expenditure, “has provdied addtional protection against depressions”  “war production is progressive because it is production that would not otherwise have taken place.” How is not making tanks, missles and bombs and destructive microbes a bad thing?

“the poltical funcitons of war have been up to now even more critical to social stability.” (really?) so what they are saying without war we would all just go stagnant and not progress socially, spritiually, economicially and technologically and we would all become a bunch of lawbreaking maniacs?

“without it (war or threat of it) no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence (obedience) in it’s “legitimacy” or right to rule it’s society.the possibility of war provides the sense of extenral necessity without which no government can long remain in power.” now we get at the real reason for war until a substitute can be found, power, not prosperity for the people, not humanitarian purposes not enviromental issues, but perpetuation of their power without the destruction that war brings. a substitute that would allow government to keep a full grip on power of everyone and everything for thier own benefit.

“until it is developed (the substitution to war) the continuance of the war system must be assured if for no other reason among others than to preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty  a society requires as an incentive as well as to maintain the stablity of its internal organization power.” poverty as a incentive? does anyone understand this part?

get this, “war as a general social release.” release of what? frustrations of the oppression they are under due to governmental abuses? keep them busy so they have no time or energy to stand up to evil? “war as a generational stabilizer.” controlled population via murder.

“war as a ideological clarifier.” this one I am not sure of. “war as the basis for international understanding.” this one I do get, if you dont comply with  me I will blow your head off. do you notice how they use words to sugar coat very bad and evil ideas?

this one will make you cringe, “An economy as advanced and complex as our own requires the planned average annual destruction of not less than 10 percent of gross national product, if it is effectivly to fulfill it’s stablizing function.” really? stabilizing society by destroying wealth? are they kidding me, aer they saying in code that they must destroy a certain amount of wealth to prevent paying off of debts and loss of power to impose thier will on the population?

so in a nutshell they are saying that a true peace would lead to loss of power for the elites, loss of prestige, loss of control to impose thier ideas of utopia on people including accumulation of wealth in thier own hands, would lead to a decrease in poverty (remember they said poverty is necessary and desirable)increase prosperity for all, increase non war technological advances, enviromental acheivements that will solve the enviromental crisis without the need for the elites and that will actually solve the problem, increase in a healthy population,  increase cooperation among people decreasing tensions between classes and races, and generally make freedom and happiness truly possible and that they will prove to be liars that they are? you see what I mean this world has a bunch of arrogant,ambitous, control freaks who only love themselves and their ideas (much of which is actually satanic propaganda programming)

by the way this explains the wastefulness of the green movement, all the gov subsides given to companies to make windmills and other green stuff (and some who also just take the money and run using their company as a shell) which many are now falling in disrepair, this is waste they talk about. these green inventions are more enviromentally destructive then using gas or oil. so this is prime example of what these nuts in suits are talking about.

do you see what I mean? out of their mind totally. this is only a small sample, if you can stomach it you can read the pdf file on the net, just type iron mountain report.


check this video out pretty cool” 


wars.moral decay

I used to think of war as soldiers and weapons going in a making a miserable, bloody mess of themselves and others. I have come to realize  this war is actually quite narrowly expressed.  wars are basically conflicts of interests with a desire to have your interests first regardless of harm caused to the opposing side.

I define wars as the initiation of force/violence not self defense from self same.

wars are expressions of me first I want what you have and will take it by force if necessary. example, our money system is a prime example of a quiet war. this is how it works, to destroy and oppresse us at every turn. you get a loan, I get a loan, the guy next door gets a loan, to buy necesary stuff (obviously because wages are not high enough) like a house (who has 50-100 thousand lying around for the most part)or a car or other big ticket items. problem: right away  there is interest attached to it, your paying for the privelege of using money someone else created out of thin air (not fair! I scream) this same interest is not created, doesn’t exist, there is only principle.

so how do you and I pay this interest? we war against each other, you and I compete for the same job or income, so I have to basically, tho legally, fight for  part of your principle and you have to legally fight for part of my principle. we have to compete to see who gets to not only pay their principle but the interst  which leaves someone not enough to pay their principle let alone the interest. see my point we are in economic warfare, which ultimatly means survival period. this is economic or usury slavery.

how does such a system benefit the money makers and enforcers? well they get us to work harder and harder with little returns and they can attach taxes (which you need their fiat currency or digits to pay forcing you into their system) to everything, and yes, interest to practically everything. hence they collect their hefty unearned, unjust, riches  no matter who wins this economic race as they are the recepients of the taxes/interst derived from the sweat, blood and tears o the productive class.

but in order to keep the game going you have to regulate everything to your advantage, monopolize as it were, which is where governments come into play, you have to restrict resources like food, jobs, wages, benefits, to keep people clamoring harder to get these things. you have to create in people a desire to have things, to strive for that new car, that new and improved computer, you have to keep that treadmill going and keep the productive just motivated enough to stay on it even tho it is going faster and faster and they are becoming more and more exhausted and more and more frustrated and unhappy.

if this is not a war I don’t know what is. a war on your rights to be left alone, to trade as you will, to satisfy your needs as you see fit, provided you do not violate anothers rights, to benefit from your own labors, to help others as you wish which brings happiness, not forced charity called taxes to welfare. right not to be forced into slavery or involuntary servitude to the benefit of a few at the top.

this my friend is just the tip of the iceberg of wars for profit. this is a sign of the moral decay of people, they say the body rots from teh head down, if the governments, leaders, trendsetters, teachers,  etc are morally bankrupt then what will happen to the rest of the society? wont’ they eventually see that being a moral individual is just to taxing, literally and figurativly, to exhausing, to unfair in this immoral world? won’t they just swim with the tide instead of against it?

more about this stuff later.



what is a hurricreep? well you know a hurricane is caused by hot air over warmer waters and some cold air in the mix somewhere. it moves following the circulation of the earth and is moved usually out of the way when the jet stream pushes it out or up. well if you take a bunch of hot air, (people who are stupid or greedy who speak) mix it with alot of people drooling (over increase in power and money) and add the movement of “experts” you get a hurricreep. add the jet stream of truth and you disolve that hurricreep into nothing but an old mill pond, if I may use the phrase from titanic the movie.

these people are in a hurry all the time to get something for nothing by convincing you that you must sacrifice something of value for nothing so they can get what you had. otherwise the world will blow up. sound familiar? too bad, these people have no clue they are heading for a very deep pit and dragging the poor trusting sheep with them.
