Monthly Archives: April 2013

Are you Overweight, Depressed, Tired or Having Cardiovascular Disease Partly Due to Sulfur Deficiency? + Selected Analysis of Sulfur Content of High Nutrition Food

Are you Overweight, Depressed, Tired or Having Cardiovascular Disease Partly Due to Sulfur Deficiency? + Selected Analysis of Sulfur Content of High Nutrition Food.

The science of obesity: what do we really know about what makes us fat? An essay by Gary Taubes .

The science of obesity: what do we really know about what makes us fat? An essay by Gary Taubes ..

more springingness



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starting at the tip, pear flower, my little dog littleb enjoying the sunshine and warmth with me, part of the pear tree, cherry tree that doesn’t produce fruit so I am guessing it needs a pollinator and since I don’t know what kind it is, it doesn’t get one, dual color tulip, the pear tree full shot and you know the rest. by the way interesting thing about the pear tree is the parent tree is behind it and it partially died, and a storm knocked it over and this tree when a baby had enormous thorns on it, (which I read is normal) but lost them as it grew and it seems to be growing from the root of the parent plant instead of from seed because it grew pretty fast and bloomed pretty early in it’s development I am under the impression they don’t bloom when started from seed until at least 10 years old, but I could be wrong. anyone have any ideas? well I hope you enjoy, I really enjoyed this day sitting under that wonderful sun, warm and really liking it alot.!


Howdy gang, how is it going? is it nice where you are at or still kind of yucky?  it is really pretty and green here yesterday the sun was so nice I even sunbathed most of the day and played with my puppies outside.

I am still gaining improvements, my sleep, energy levels and the like are improving weekly, these past couple of days my appetite for things sweet (but still on the low gi side however) has decreased, in fact I am finding my cravings for such stuff a bit muffled, a good sign? or just another cruel joke? today I ate breakfast and couldn’t finish it, in fact I usually like my whole grain pancakes and real syrup (yummy) and bacon and hot tea, but I did not want it, weird for me, to not be super hungry in the morning especially since I havent had to get up and eat in the middle of the night. if I knew that all I needed was some vitamins and vitad3 mega dose for a few months (by the way I don’t take the vitad3 everyday and only take small doses now)that the changes would be this dramatic I would of done it long ago. is this a true improvment or a cruel joke? time will tell.

You do know I hope that without sufficient vitad3 you can’t get the calcium up in your blood? without calcium you become (see if you can guess it) diabetic, didn’t see that coming, what is diabetes (type 2 and type 3)but insulin resistance and what is that? glucose intolerance, all these names mean the same thing basically, your cells don’t want the glucose it can’t handle the oxidative properties of it, so the fat cells tell the muscles cells to use fat instead and the fat cells take up the glucose (to lower the temp hyperglycemia you are experiencing) to convert to fat to spill it into your blood for the cells to use.

But anyway, if your nutrient deficient how can you function or your body do it’s job of not only keeping you alive but more than that, thriving, having a high quality of life with energy and being able to do the things you love or need to do? vitad3 and cholesterol sulfate are so close molecularly that you have to study it awhile to see the subtle differences.

anyway hopfully this post is  not boring, but I am thinking if your glucose set point (amount of concentration of sugar you need in yor blood to overcome the resistance at the brain levels) is lower translates into lower amounts of sugar needed to maintain in your blood at all times to keep the brain supply means less need to eat alot of sugar throughout the day to keep it eleveated, translated into eating less carbs without much willpower if any at all. well this is how I see it at this point in time.

my slow/low carb seems to be easier to stick to then before, tho I am being careful to listen more carefully I remember the last time I ignored mild food specific hunger, and suffered for it. this time I will make sure to eat enough slow carbs thorough out the day to avoid this, and eat plenty of variety of fats and proteins too, I noticed something , that I plan to keep my carbs around 30 percent if I can, that is not far off from the 40 percent of the zone diet which is supposedly  designed to address insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome, I am wondering if that is a more realistic and more managable percentage of slow carbs? what say you?

Good bye for now. happy springing.

my peach tree is in bloom

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awwww spring welcome home missed you badly!

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vitamin d3 and glucose handling


hi there, I was just bored trying to figure out how to illustrate in a drawing what i wanted to show, but couldn’t figure out how to do it in a way you would be able to understand, some of my drawings can be a bit messy and disorganized, like my house is.

anyway, you know how you spend so many years of your life trying to solve a problem and you try one thing then another until after a few decades you start to wonder if you will ever find the solution to a serious problem your dealing with? Then each time you think you found it and it seems to be working then it doesn’t? you know how dissappointing that is. You look for answers and try different suggestions from the experts who swear it should work, but it never does and then they accuse you of not trying hard enough or cheating or whatever? And it doesn’t matter what the problem is either.

then you find something that actually starts to work out, it seems to be consistant for a while, and then in your mind you get a sense of relief, and excitement, but then your excitement is squashed by the realization what if this is just another fluke? You examine the solution and all it’s parts, the problems it has solved up to that point and wonder did I find it? then you look at yourself and say don’t get to excited yet, give it time.

Well I decided to try supplementation with mega doses of vitad3, thinking if I am deficient in this despite all efforts to get it up naturally through eating properly and getting plenty of sunshine, I decided to it in mega doses, about 40,000 iu at first for about a month then dropped it down to about 20,000 iu per day for about 2 months then down to 10,000 iu for a couple of weeks, now that I am getting plenty of sun I stopped the pills. I mean according to the research this should work for all that stuff that comes with metabolic syndrome.

Does it? what say I?  I mean it couldn’t solve this complex of a problem can it? after all that is too simplistic right? well here we go I have been sleeping through the night now for about 2 or 3 weeks for a change, can’t believe it. havent done this in 10 years or more. I always would have the symptoms of low blood sugar in the night (despite a normal glucose tolerance test)have to get up, eat in order to go back to sleep. I mean 2 or 3 am  night after night for years is a bit annoying don’t you think? It was downright frustrating and enraging, I would be so tired and so hungry and jittery like crazy I would probably of bitten someone’s head off if you said something stupid to me at that time, lol.

I have not had to do this now for almost 3 weeks. I am like this is not a fluke is it? And cravings for junk food? almost gone, sugar cravings almost gone, fewer and fewer epidsodes of jitteriness, cravings for sugar,(except I do get a little during pms time that lasts a couple of days which is still alot less then before) and yes I can now get a little hungry during the day and not eat anything because I am not hungry enough and have that little bit hunger shut off and I thus can fast a little bit comfortably, I mean really? where have you been all my life you wonderful sunshine vitamin? why are doctors so brainwashed in the old ideas? well we won’t go there right now.

other benefits? more energy, not as headachy as before (which was probably the glucose drops and adrenalin response)better exercise response, my response to exercise in gaining in stamina, muscle strength, etc was minimal, now it is like I am not working as hard and getting a very good response.  Coincidence? I think not. Being overwieght I have to be careful to avoid injury from using the treadmill, going for walks and using the weights. I used it today wearing my gorilla feet (fila four toes) since my treadmill has such a good cushion I want to protect my knees from to much cushion stress, and did some weights, despite pmsing, which usually makes me kind of sluggish and not able to exercise much.

my knees were bothering me last week and not sure why so I figured the cushion of the treadmill plus my really air cushion shoes may have been to much or it could of been the weights not sure. so apparently vitad3 is just to vital for glucose handling to treat it lightly and doctors have not gotten the memo yet.

 So why is it so important then? well apparently if your glucose setpoint is set to high due to resistance at the brain blood brain barrier normal amounts of glucose can’t get through and your brain registers it as starvation, and sends signals to raise sugar levels via adranline (especially if insulin levels are too high)and cortisol and glucagon,but as the concentration of the blood gets higher then some sugar can make it through via saturation, but this fix is temporary and very damaging over long term (hence glycation, fat accumulation, pancreatic damage and fat accumulation on liver and heart and stomach.) hyperglycemia is compensation for this resistance, hence sugar in the blood for too long is damaging so your body uses fat cells to proliferate to suck it up and produce fat to get it out  of the blood as fast as possible since the liver can’t keep up and the muscles cells can’t use it as they are resistant (because of lack of vitad3 and cholesterol sulfate)which drives the glucose below setpoint (even tho in the normal healthy range by the numbers)the brain registers this as low blood sugar since it aint getting any, hence the cycle repeats. you get hungry for high gi foods to drive it up really fast and high so the brain gets it before it all gets converted to fat, and of course the cells are forced to use fat for fuel since insulin is not needed for them to access it, and if the insulin levels are high the fat cells do not release and hence the cells need a advanced surge of fat before you eat, hence high triglcerides when insulin levels are low, with me so far?

then the fat cells have to proliferate even more as each cell is hindered by their lack of enough cholesterol sulfate, vitad3 and other nutrients, to handle all that sugar. sugar is very toxic in large amounts it sticks to everything and reacts to oxygen, it is like gasoline.fat is like oil, or diesel, fructose like rocket fuel.

so fat cells also become damaged over time and thus you get even fatter but this is getting to detailed just suffice to say without enough fat soluable vitamins, and cholesterol sulfate in our systems we are doomed to suffer a long, slow, agonizing death. not unless you can abort it by correcting the underlying deficienies.

so my guess is I have lowered my glucose setpoint, a good thing, and need less sugar in my blood for the brain to get it’s juice it needs. Sure is nice to be alot more calmer and less hungry everyday, so now I am giving it to my little dog who is fat to see if it will help her too. time will tell. 

wow spring!!!!!


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Oh spring where did you go? you left us in the cold, damp, dreary days of winter, why or why did you abandon us to this cruel one who robs us of life? Please do not ever play this joke on us again, or I might just have to tell God on you. lol

Jehovahs deeds past/present

hi folks, pretty awesome that you think some of my stuff is awesome, thank you, I thought you might like an overview of something very important to me and I am sure to alot of others.

Many people read the bible especially what is term the old testement which we call the hebrew scriptures. Many times they read events or actions there and come to the wrong conclusion about Jehovah and his will and purpose. I know I did many times in the past, which research usually would correct. The bible is really about one basic theme, God’s kingdom rulership, it goes kind a like this, adam and eve were given perfect circumstances they did not cultivate love for God and thus they chose to disobey, many know this, Jehovah had decreed disobedience was the death penalty, which many probably think was a little harsh for eating a peice of fruit off a forbidden tree.

The implications go deeper then eating a peice of fruit, it all comes down to the peace and harmony in the entire universe, remember the angels are watching all of this and they are learning about Jehovah too and thier respect for his laws and Jehovah’s qualities are on the line too with this seemingly small thing taking place in the garden. If they see Jehovah compromise on his word just this once wouldn’t that cause them to lose respect for his laws and a distrust in his word?

if the angels did that do you suppose total havac would ensue in the universe? think about how powerful angels are.and think about how powerful  satan and the demons are and how they are trying to undermine people’s respect and love for Jehovah and his laws. Now to my point, when this rebellion happened Jehovah already came up with a solution right away, that was the ransom, but there was more but stick with this for now, Jesus was to come down through the line of abraham (due to the promise given) this seed (Jesus) then come through the tribe of judah, all this time the isrealites were entrusted with his laws and the privelege of being heirs to this seed.

But there was a problem, satan would do all he can to destroy the isrealites qualifications to bear that seed, remember Jehovah already promised this through the isrealite judah tribe, and if satan succeeded in stopping that Jehovah would be proven not only a liar but incapable of seeing his promises come to fulfillment which would undermine people’s and angels trust and confidence in him.

So how would satan do that? well what tools were at his disposal? did he not have control over many nations, including the cannanites, babylonians and assyrians who surrounded the isrealites during their history? Was he not aware of man’s fallen conditon too? So how would he try to undermine Jehovah’s promises? he would use the nations whom he controlled. Remember if satan succeeded you and I would have no hope for the future except permanent death.

Now how would Jehovah protect the isrealites? well in some cases he used the isreatlites themselves to attack and kill the enemy, but many times Jehovah did it himself directly, like when 300 gideons men routed and destroyed 1000’s that came up against them, Jehovah caused the enemy to turn on one another and the 300 men did not kill as many as Jehovah did directly. He used the natural elements many times to destroy, hail stones,  storms and floods, and sickeness, like the time the philistines had the ark of the covenant and Jehovah was not pleased with that and he struck them with illness and lions, he sent lions against them. The philistines even told the king to give the ark back to the isrealites.

Why was he so determined to rout out the cannanites? because Jehovah said they are a snare to them, Jehovah could read the hearts of the people and determine they were beyond redemption (tho there are a few execptions of those who were given amnesty) and would only be a harassing element for the isrealties both physically and spiritually. Jehovah wanted to protect that line that leads to Jesus and satan wanted to stop it, using the cannanites who were very numerous, close by and very violent in their actions.

You see the isrealites when they acted on Jehovahs word succeeded in all they did, but when they disobeyed many times they were overthrown and enslaved by the nations, Jehovah allowed this as a punishment but also a refining, showing them the seriousness of the matter, (you know what happens when very bad deeds are excused or downplayed don’t you?)If they went up against a nation he did not authorize then they were defeated.

Satan was behind this constant harassment by the nations who always coveted the land, which we know was said to be blessed by God himself. Satan used the nations to do his bidding. Satan absolutly did not want this seed to come to being as it would mean satan was going to be crushed to death in the future. Also he did not want others to come to know and worship Jehovah, despite the destruction of many, many individuals who could see a distinction between those who served Jehovah and those who didnt could also join in worshipping jehovah and receive the massive blessings that resulted. So the cannanites had no excuse to not know who jehovah was and that he was backing the isrealites, and if they wanted too they could take up the worship if they had wanted to, but most didnt want it. Jehovah can foresee this as well.

Now that the seed arrived and has gone to heaven and is now reigning as king of God’s kingdom there is no need for any man to take up arms against another, as jehovah has not decreed that humans will be used to accomplish his will of punishing the wicked and destroying them, that is Jesus job now,  his servants now are to preach and teach about this kingdom and not learn war anymore. The apostle paul wrote that our warfare is against spirits in the heavenly places (satan and the demons), against lies, we must flood the world with truth to over come the flood of lies, We must help people to see that salvation (which includes not just physical but spiritual, intellectual, emotional salvation)comes not thorugh any human agency like the United nations,or government or even intellecturals and scientists, philosphers or anyone else, but only through Jehovah’s provision of a messianic kingdom.

But don’t be confused here, satan will try to stop this preaching and teaching, he has done this in the past and continues to try to undermine Jehovah’s purposes and worship, he uses these human agencies to try to ban Jehovah’s worship in anyway they can, they try to discredit his laws by breaking them constantly and laughing all the way to the bank when they do not suffer the conseqences right away, they use the propaganda machine to undermine the validity of the bible such as the shows like The Bible, evolution theory, undermine morality in presenting it as relative, relative in that if people agree it is wrong or right then that is morality, satan even uses alternative worship, like enviromentalism, or the united nations, or communism or libertarian ideology and the like to divert people’s attention away from the real solutions to all of our problems, and I know they are so numerous it can give one a headache trying to think of them all.

This propaganda machine works really well because people are desperate for relief from the problems of poverty, wars, homelessness, pollution, sicknesses, and injustices they see around them and not understanding the bible due to not researching into it furthur then just reading it, misunderstanding it, and deciding God is a big meanie or hte bible contradicts it self or makes no sense they look elsewhere.

The religious leaders of christendom have to take the major blame for this, they have caused Jehovahs sheep to scatter (go to other ideologies, schemes, causes, and alternative solutions to problems and false religious ideas)you are Jehovahs sheep if you choose to be, you can decide for yourself which way you will go, will you trust human agencies and ideas? will you investigate beyond just reading the bible and saying God is a big meanie who kills innocent people? or are you hungering and thristing for rightousness and want to truly know Jehovah and what is will and purpose will mean for you?

psalms 2, 37, 146;3-10, hebrews 4:12,matt 5;3-10, ezekiel 9:4,

It is good to remember that the bible was not meant to be understood through just casual reading, it requires effort and it requires Gods help through his visible organization, who Jesus calls the faithful and discreet slave in matt 24;45-47, the apostles were the beginning of this slave class who would dispense food (spiritual food) to jesus belongings, us. Even phillip was used by God to help the ethiopian eunech who didnt understand what he was reading. Jehovah said in malachi 3:18 that he would make a distinction between one serving him and one not serving him, and Jesus said you can know a tree by it’s fruit, in this case conduct and results of that conduct. so you have to ask yourself, which organization or people are bearing good fruitage and who are showing themselves to be serving Jehovah? the creator and one who inspired the holy scriptures? Who follow the bible as closly as humanly is possible? you have to answer this yourself