Category Archives: chickens, education, outdoor activities, coop, runs, decorating coops,

Injustice this time around

wow I am flabergasted by the whole quantine fiasco. yes quantine the sick not the healthy. anyway a man is being charged for breaking quantine and thus for threatening the health of others,never in my days did I ever see the government go after people because they might harm someone. humm, does anyone see the hypocrisy here because to me it is loud and clear. people who are charged with harm to others have to go to court and face their victims or the compliantiff and must prove he did the harm. 

Now they just have to pretend you did someone harm, no victim no crime, that has been thrown out the door, first  you couldnt take guns away because someone might do harm, you actually had to do bonfide harm to someone, now they can take you just because they believe you might do harm? what kind of crap is that? they also released very dangerous people from prison, and they did have proof they did harm others, wow, ABOSOLUTLY WOW!!!!! Government you have shown your hand and now everyone knows beyond a shadow of doubt your criminal/wicked.

Wow, I just cant get over this. wow, absolutly outrageous and wicked beyond any doubt. guilty until proven innocent has been growing in recent years.  now you have to prove youdidnt do something, have fun with trying to prove a negative. That is just so demonic, actually this is not far off base, the demons do run govenments more than they would like to admit. satan is a liar the father of lies, and a murderer.

People in government really have no excuse for this, after all God gave all humans a conscience, so they know this is so wrong. I am surprised their heads have  not exploded with finding ways to ease their consciences.

do not believe this is about health, it is political, it screams we are lying and just want to trample you underfoot. throw you  under the bus as we dont need you anymore. second how can you pass on a virus to someone when virus do not exist, how can something be non living (does not eat, breath and just sits there until the sun explodes it or something)gets into your body then can become alive by hijacking your cells? really? who comes up with this stuff. non life never comes to be living. second virus are a case of mistaken identity, first have you ever seen avirus? I havent, I have seen photos of paramciums, bacteria etc, but never a virus I have see exosomes which are studied for their rna sequences and thus these are called partial virus segments, I have never been tested for the flu when I go to the doctor sick have you? how does the doctor know it is a virus,or what kind? how does heknow it is not a poison, or food poisoning or something else?

LOOKs like medicine is a religion, something based on belief rather than actual concrete evidence. looks like the courts are a religion too charging people with heresy or crimes against religious beliefs, does all of this sound familiar? remember the spanish inquistion? people were tortured and charged with crimes against a belief system that had no evidence to validate it.

Jesus condemned the religous and secular rulers of his day for such injustice and cruelty. his feelings nad his fathers feeling (Jehovah) has not changed. is there such a thing as secular or non religious real facts anymore? Even evolution and geology has turned in to a religion, too. believe this or believe that, all look at the same evidence but come to a different conclusion, if that is the case it is not real science but religion.

when I see videos and stories of humans living free, using the earth God gave mankind, and harming no one, being harassed by roman legions, it makes me cry for that person. I cry for the criminal cartel flexing their muscles claiming ownership of you, the earth and resources which all belong to Jehovah he have nver re liquished the earth, he temporarily allows human gov but their time on earth is numbered. all the prophecies in the bible have been fulfull in our day except one, that cry of peace and security where the united nations will turn on babylon the great, empire of false religion. people wont believe it until it is too late. 

once that is done then they will turn on the true religion and thus jesus and the apostles (resurrected to spirit life) will storm against the wicked and wipe them out and that pray (matthew 6:9-10) will be answered. Just read the bible prophecy in revelation 6, 19, 14, this is just for starters.

this pandemic is fake, when has gov ever told you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth? never, so dont believe them now, fear is a strong weapon of war when it is based on fraud, I believe the gov itself said terrorism is the use of threat of force or force to manipulate a population to change or alter their course without consent (of course I paraphrase dont remember exact wording) to their determint. maybe they need to reread their own policies, you see they are the monster they claimed to be fighting against.20191216_200428

for the love of chickens,


my new coop, spent the summer building this and the runs I have. tried to make it as pretty as I could too. demensions are 8 by 8 by 8 feet. at first it was mostly a open front and side (facing south) the north side is completly closed in for obvious reasons. but a friend had a bunch of windows in his truck he was just throwing awya hence the windows on this side, allows me to see right into the coop from my landing on the steps and I can see down in when I use the bathroom at night. that way I can keep a eye onthem. the coop is as predator proof as I could make it. lots of  hardward cloth. insummer the one big window opens up and I will take down the white corrugated roofing thing in the window there. the front is complete open front


roosts and poop board, I tried using pine shavings unfortunantly it is hard to spot clean you end up having to take out a ton of it to get the poop out.  this you see is low dust kitty litter, just the clumping kind. I cleanit daily and the floor had this stuff but I found wet shoes make for mushy clay. so I dont use it on the floor but keep it bear right now but I screap it daily for get up the poop and mud dragged in.


two of the runs I built covered in a frame and tarp. I have since changed the tarp on the first one putting a heavy duty large one to cover it completly because what I had on it as per the picture was not enought keep the rain out andkeep that main run dry.


that is the third run bigger than the other two, because I know come bad weather the chickens wont be out foraging as much and I wanted them to have alot of room, I plan on framing it up reinforcing, (make it look better) and covering it with some kind of clear plexiglass or corrugated roofing, to make it weather and predator proof as possible and a automatic door is goin in next year so I am not forced to get up early in summer to let them out. I dont mind putting htme in at night just dont want to get up early. I also plan if able to put greenhouse plastic or old windows (my friend seems to always have them) to make it into a greenhouse chicken run, and put in small troughs for plants. of course it will be protected from very foraging chickens, lol it is still a work in progress my intentions predator proofing more, and making it look better and neater.