Monthly Archives: November 2013

the pure language

language is what you and I have to communicate, when we can’t communicate nothing is accomplished not even understanding, peace, friendship or spiritural or technological or medical or progress in sciences and innovation that benefits us all. when we can’t communicate and wish to we need a interperter, so if I want to learn about spanish I ask someone who speaks it and can speak english too so they can teach me. wouldn’t you?

so if you want to understand the bible you must understand it’s language otherwise your lost and will not benefit from the bible. I have found understanding it’s language to be exciting because then you can see the physical manifestation of it’s words prophecies and fruitages of its counsel.I have found in my ministry that people are confused by alot of the defintions of words in the bible, and understanding the prophecies and symbolisms.

I want to share some terms and defintions of what we as Jehovah’s wintesses have learned through heavy research and some serious prayer.  it is important if you can to have more than one version of the bible, like king james or new world translation or new standard or some other bible you have confidence in to reference.

I found there is confusion due to the word “coming” which many are saying they are waiting for Jesus second coming. some translations interpret the word “parasia” not sure of the exact spelling as coming, which actually means of the age or presence, matt 24:3 which conveys the idea of a long period of time not a coming and quick departure. He gave us a long list of things to look for and part of this included him casting satan to the earth before armegeddon which means he has to stay in heaven to do this. if you read this list you will see that much work has to be done before Christs millianium reign can begin.

What is a Kingdom? anyone going to look up this word in a dictionary and not take my word for it? a kingdom is a government, and a government has subjects, a ruler, and administrator of the kingdoms purposes. So I ask you how can you have a government in your heart? Paul spoke about being part of this government as he said he ran successfully and was looking forward to going to heaven to be a coruler with christ. Rather Jesus referred himself as in their midst he was future king and was in the people’s midst at that time not that a kingdom is in our hearts. REvelation 14:1-3. Dan 2:1-44, Revelation 21:3-4 matthew 6:9-10

I will keep the rest brief, here are some interesting terms and defintions to help you get more out of your bible reading.

waters: people in general, information or facts or lack there of, rebellious humans, isaiah 57:20, jude 4-13. Ephesians 5:26 Revelation 17:1,15

I know there is confusion too about the scripture at 2 peter 3:10-13 which describes the heavens and earth being made new and the old being destroyed. now remember if you read something in the bible it must not conflict with other scriptural references somewhere else in the bible, because if you read ecclesiates 1:4 it says the earth will remain forever, and psalms 46 talks about the earth changing and the mountains toppling into the sea (now i ask you do you think the literal mountains toppled into the sea?) one part says he raised his voice and the earth melted, so i ask you again did the earth go anywhere did it melt? also genesis 11:1 spoke of hte earth as having one language and one set of words,does the earth have a language? don’t people have a language and sets of words? this new earth is rightous people, earth that is destroyed is wicked people. Remember the scritpure in revelation about the sea being no more? they used this phrase in the movie the titanic when they were all hanging onto the priest guy and he was quoting the scriptures in a prayer,he said the sea is no more, remember isaiah said in 57:20 the wicked are like the sea that is unable to calm down, it is this sea the scripture is talking about. AWWW dont you just love bible language.

there is alot more like rocks, caves, ships, burning mountain, water turned to blood, and serpents seed, new jerusalum (most of these are found in revelation. Plagues is another. I would go over them now but I do not want to overwhelm everyone and I am tired, fighting off a stupid sinus infection and it is taking antibiotics a few days to really get it cleared up. right now suffering a terrible headache to go with it. but hopfully for those who love the bible this will be interesting reading the sited scriptures you all can go to too for more.


Stop oppression in the name of health

agreed, people are just to judgemental of their fellow I think we all have enough on our plate (no pun intended)to deal with without becoming judge and jury of other peoples’ lifestyle or health. I mean don’t you all have a home to go to now?

Maya Maor

Fat studies researchers and activists aim to understand the dominant reference to fatness as pathological and as a health problem in its broader social, cultural, political and economic context. They argue that the medical terminology and logic both conceal and reinforce social power relations that underlie any definitions of ‘normal’ or ‘proper’ body sizes, as well as the corresponding  social stereotypes and prejudices surrounding fat bodies (See, Wann, 2009). Researchers argue, for instance, that different factors, such as economic status, mediate the alleged correlation between fatness and ill health; that health should be viewed as a holistic concept that includes more elements than a person’s weight, such as general life style; and that the pressure to lose weight, and the measures that reinforce this pressure, are more damaging to health then fatness itself (Burgard  2009; Ernsberger 2009; Lyons 2009).

One study, for instance,  compared two groups of fat women: one…

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