Monthly Archives: July 2013


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new trail being made here? love how the grasses cascade gently over the trail there, pretty.

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partridge pea, native to ohio,

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have you met life today, lol. look it is the blimp, the blimp, boss. (remember tatoo of fantasy island anyone?)



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know what kind of tree this is? I think it is some kind of oak, not sure any ideas?

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what kind of oak?

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oak leaves shining throughwalkaboutwithdogs 034

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tall corn pine tree is tall complement each other the blue sky is nothing to sneeze at either.

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black walnut canopy.

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that apple tree that was in full bloom in another of my posts, bearing beautiful fruit,

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my fig tree got really big those red flowers is robin hood rose, I transplanted it there this year and it took a long time to get going so it is small it got quite a bit of die back where it was before which was a northern exposure with little shelter. here I hope it will do better.

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my feet hurt and my legs ache after this walk, (plus did yard work too for a while picked up logs and did some weed wacking, love to see those weeds get wacked,) because I wore my brand new filas for the first time the traffic was horrendous, the mosquitos were really bad in spotsincluding when I was cleaning and mowing the hill, yikes! so I itch as well.even with a head net they attacked by arms and back, very hard to do work when your being attacked  my mimi by the way do you like my filas? these don’t look like gorilla feet, lol.



new beginnings, middle part

another walkabout 016 before picture early may

same now in july,

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june, so one for each month, see the changes?

I planted a topaz jewel next to the trellis with the morning glories, hard to see and a golden gate rose in the middle with a little fence around it. the rose that you can barly see in the first died so I removed it.

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in june, shortly after I put in the edging and mulch. notice I just planted the prickly pear and hortunia.

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in july notice the hortatunia start to spread, the prickly pear is growing, the end bush my crepe myrtle is like bushed out despite having some frost damage in may. I removed the hanging pots decide the area before my door was getting to cluttered and I wanted people to be able to see the plants easier so I spread things out more.

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before, during june whne they bloomed now they have slowed down,

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how do you like my makeshift arbor? I was trying ti keep costs way down my hubby said we are going over budget for things, so I spent 10 dollars for the poles (I had some already) and the eye screws and I had hte green wire already. what do you think? now I can keep the fence which I really like and have my arbor too, can’t beat that. will have to get back to you all later enjoy.

more of my flowers

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first sea holly we gained through seeds, very difficult I might add,

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same sea holly another angle

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same sea holly a bumble bee landed as I was taking pictures,

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a different sea holly in the same bed, bought these two at a garden center, saved me time, frustration in getting more seeds going, they do not bloom until the following year after the frost hits the leaves, some of them you have to put the seeds in pots and put in the refrigerator for a month, which I did so now I have 3 new plants that will bloom next year, yippe I aaaaaaaa!

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my red lilly hubby bought about a month ago while in bud, didn’t have any clue as to the color until I seen this, wow, really red this picture doesn’t do the reddness justice, it is really red!

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some kind of milk weed, very pretty

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my trumpet flowers, this vine takes a long time to mature (four years) before it produces flowrs this plant is about 7 years old started it from a little baby and it grew to be a beautiful mature plant, and it has caused me to find many baby ones in my yard which I will transplant somewhere in the fall, awesome. the other flowers are on a fairly dry hill that even most saplings can’t grow but these flowers seem to like it and od well, now if I could get myhubby to stop pushing me to mow that hill these guys could maybe spread faster (he doesn’t like the tall grass that grows there and turns a beautiful golden brown from when we had horses, I think it is timothy grass) the birds eat the seeds, I watch them do it lol. so cute really now that I have a tripod I am going to attempt to video the birds on the feeder through the window they can see me I hope the camara won’t bother them, and then if that works do the birdbath outside, will have to stay near my camara cause it will be outside and I want to keep eye on it, but will try to stay hidden if I can, they aer so pretty when they play in the water. hope you enjoy these pictures,


what color is my hollyhocks for real?

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this is what my holly hocks look like with the sun shining from behind through them and when it is not, notice how the seem to be glowing, no wonder this color of hollyhock exists it glows when the sun hits it, wow.

Agenda 21: Obama pushing people into cities

wealth redistribution is code speak for theft and bribery, steal from those who have power to give to the poor so they will vote for you, and they won’t riot in the streets because of being hungry, instead of actually solving the problems of poverty based on the causes they want to try and circumvent moral laws to put salve on it but actually does nothing for the causes to justify stealing life, liberty and property, remember there are people in this world who want to be wealthy and powerful whom are not entitled to it, which is why they have to lie, remember satan lied to get something he was not entitled to. lying is what people do to reach out for something they desire that they have no right to. co2 is not a pollutant and if they want to regreen the planet more then make more co2, my hubby uses co2 in his aquariums and the plants grow like crazy when before their growth and color was not so great.