Monthly Archives: August 2012

the ultimate plunge

suicide sucks

when a pain takes away the spirit of life, the joy of living, the hope of the future, and your vision becomes dark despite a bright sunny day, with all the friends around who do make you laugh, the outlook to others one of happiness and joy, inside that darkness spreads and the secrecy of pain is hidden from all who love you, all you can see is the pain, more pain and more pain, a pain the doctors can’t take away, your spouse can’t take away, a bitterness of soul that refuses to leave you alone.

when in desperation for relief from this burden  all you can see is the sleep of death. here in the sleep of death there is no more thought, pain or suffering anymore. you forget the next day is a day of possibilities of relief, a possibility of a cure, everyday you breath is another day to destroy this monster inside you.

once you reach a point where tomorrow is a dread you dare not face anymore the ultimate decision to end that pain forever is made.  no thought is given anymore of those who will suffer anguish of heart at such a decision once they find you made it. no way to reverse that decision once you jumped into it.

depression, that dreaded monster, can be conquered, so I have been told,  you have the ability to get relief. how? I have been told medications, but it doesn’t work for alot of people, I have been told diet plays a big part.  This mental illness, like cancer eats you alive until you are dead though still breathing. this brain aliment, this imbalance in the transmissions, when the electrical wiring is crossing and recrossing till your mind is in a seizure and cannot give you the right signals and feelings of contentment and joy, must be rewired.

the transmissions are so dependant on adequate fuel and nutrients, if any are missing in our overstressed world disaster strikes. to little sunshine can make you a gloomy guss, inadequate fat intake can make your brain slushy and open to attack, inadequate fruit and vegetable intake and sleep makes your transmissions misfire and shortcircuit. little exercise can make it slow to fire. low play time can reduce  wiring of the brain.

when all these factors are at play your brain is not. whatever you do do not take the ultimate plundge, do not let that depression tell you lies. do not let it deprive you of life when it is giving the wrong signals.  change your lifestyle, eat better, reduce your workload, increase playtime, decrease the junk and increase the good, get the help you need anyway you can. suicide is not the answer. stop avoiding the sun, stop dieting for weight control, stop overexercising and stop the drugs.  give the brain what it needs and it will become your friend again. after all would you be a friend to someone who is  abusing you all the time?


(remember if something is broken it can be fixed)

crowning glory of creation

this is to remind all you human beings out there that your are special. contrary to what many in positions of power wish you to believe that your somehow a cancer on the planet or a virus, listen up.

after Jehovah created the light to hit the earth (clearing of the cloud that blocked it) he created the beautiful blue ocean and all it’s wonderou creatures in there that fasinate almost all people, the beautiful whales that humans are so intrigued with, the interesting creatures that float, swim, jump, and twirl in the ocean depths. the wonderful relationship of killer whales with trainers to the grace of flying over the waves to saving swimmers in distress, dolphins are like people with fins. birds that skirt the waves and those that fly for days on end without touching the earth, who sleep on the wing.

hummingbirds that fly 500 miles nonstop over the gulf of mexico. butterflies that are so many colors it boggles the mind and pleases the eyes. a bright sunset over a crystal blue lake, animals that walk the earth and quake it with each step, crittors of every size and color and shape, who we say arn’t they cute!

flora and fauna of every shape, color, size, texture, growth pattern that you can imagine is here on terra. the wonderful variety of dogs, horses, cats, birds, goats, sheep, cattle, little crittors we call pets, are all pleasing .

yet one important element is missing. flora and fauna are alone, they have a need for something else, something that will care for them, give peace,keep them in bounds,  and guide them in their way and respect them in their travels. they cannot make the earth a paradise on their own a place of peace and abundance of food and drink without want. who could this one thing be? who would be the perfect steward of this place called planet earth?

Well who did Jehovah decide that should be? “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness and let him have in subjection the fish of the sea the flying creatures of the heavens, and the domestic animals, and all the earth,and every moving animal upon the earth.”  Gen 1:26

Yes, you and me, that is right, he made man in his own likeness, his qualities we reflect if we choose to allow it, choose to do so. he says he has given the earth to the sons of men. he did not create it simply for nothing but created it to be inhabited, not just by animals, sure animals give him glory but man (this includes the ladies) is his crowning earthling  creation. there is none better. we are the ones who can make his heart glad or make it sad.

we are his crowning glory. we have capacities animals will never enjoy. we are the special someone the earth needed.  when we manifest love for others, righteousness, for justice, and for the planet we call home, we manfest the qualities of our creator who made this earth just for us. when we worship Jehovah as he is meant to be all will be perfect again. we are supposed to be here. this is our home and our inheritance from our loving father. Dont ever feel man is a parasite on this planet some call gaia. gaia is a myth.

YOU on a diet review part 2

I finished my reading and in some places rereading of this book. i have to say his info on hormones and its affects on eating and satiaty was pretty good, I can get this information for free on the internet. the exercise ideas are good and information on weight loss surguries.  my take on the whole book recommendations for permanent weight loss?

LOW FAT, HIGH CARBOHYDRATE DIET, yep you heard me the very same recommendation of the government food pyramid. wow what insight for doctors who get to be on tv who are practically worshipped who don’t even know more than the government bureacrates in washington when it comes to obesity.  in fact they do not really know what causes heart disease, fatty liver (outside alcohol which is a carb by the way)diabetes or how to cure cancer they are focused on treating symptoms not the root of the problem,so much for all the money spent on college. If I were doctors of today I  would ask for my money back.

a bit of side note, I am not saying some of teh things doctors do arnt beneficial, don’t get me wrong, it is just for chronic problems they seem to fall short big time.


myths about weight issues

I find it funny that with all the research and experieince out there the “experts” are still pushing myths. even i have done the research and have experience enough to know these myths are just that myths. it has become a medical or social meme, something people believe and accept without quesiton to where everyone practically believes it except a few who think outside the box.

I have been reading the book YOU on a diet by dr oz and Roizen. I have read it before long time ago, but didn’t remember what it said, brain fog I suppose, he makes alot of mistakes in it, like calling omega 3 and 6 monounsaturates. I thought they were poly unsaturates. He says omentum causes inflammation, I was under th impression infections and damage causes inflammation you know your twist your ankle and it swells and hurts etc. you cut your self and it inflammes and heals. so is he saying omentum is inflammed? why would it be inflammed? (omentum is the fat you get in you belly under the muscle for those who don’t know what it is) is omentum infected or damaged in some way?

he also states that fat cells absorb bacteria, really? why would it do that? could it be that the bacteria invaded the fat cell through the initiation of force? (this is my new phrase this week lol) why would fat cells allow that? could it be because the myth is that fats and cholesterol are bad and people are encouraged not to eat them? what do you suppose cells are primarly made of? fat and cholesterol? I guess we won’t entertain the idea that fats are not just used for energy but for building cells as well. that would be disasterous. it would mean people would have more resistance to infections and injury and illness and decrease doctors revenue as cholesterol and fats especially satureated are your first line of defense against these things. fats and cholesterol are turned over regularly as they are oxidized and damaged by to many sugars and oxygen.

can vegetarians make their own fat and cholesterol? well if they are right about fiber metabolism by bacteria in your gut making short chain fatty acids(aka vinegar anyone) and the body is able to put them together to make their long chain fatty acids probably yes. but how much can one person eat of fruits and veggies beans and whole grains?  how much is enough to make enough sat fat for your cell membranes? ??????

what if your liver is compromised? how will you make cholesterol then? if it is overwhelmed with its many tasks could fall behind? if it does what then? it has the tasks of 600 functions. what if we overwhelm it with to many carbohydrates in a day to many toxins, to many medications etc? then what does the body do to adapt? well you build more fat cells. yes you heard me right. it builds more fat cells.

turns out fat cells do more than store energy and hoarding it, (it seems since using it and losing it seems impossible) it also takes out excess sugar converts to fat to get it out of blood when your insulin resistant, it takes up the old cholesterol to recycle it, it stores fat soluable vitamins to be used at later date by the body especially vita d  which is only made in your skin in the summer and you need it in the winter as well.

so why do I know this and these “experts” dont’? could it be they believe they know the answer already so no need to do additional research? could it be because they will lose their license if they advocate against the american medical associations views?

they also say called saturated fats bad boys. which is really strange considering sat fat are the most resistant to infections, inflammation, protects your cells from such things and takes a long time to go rancid when exposed to oxygen, mircrobes, heat etc. that is why you store energy as sat fat not monounsaturated.  it is where vita a, d, k, calcium are stored for use later or when you run low to often due to a low fat low cholesterol diet. (these vita are in the fat of the animal and milk). by storing these things in sat fat on your body it is protected from rancidity, mircrobs, oxidation etc.

this book has a lot of good points. maybe I will do a different post later about that.


obesity and the nanny state

check out my other blog post on blogger at the link above. thought some might like to read it.

rosa byrd (like the new nickname?)

time proves it with regard to obesity

funny how you go through life thinking your on the right track. take obesity, this problem seems to be incurable. sure the symptoms can be managed if you can stand chronic hunger and cravings and don’t mind having to force exercise when all you want to is sit around because you have no energy because your chronically hungry and dieting all the time. you know you cant stop your diet as you’ll gain weight every one knows this. once on a diet always on a diet.

funny still is if the “experts” advice doesn’t work how the patient is blamed rather than the advice. very few treatments I have ever heard is the patient blamed for the treatments failure. it boggles my mind how people can be so right and wrong at the same time.

I listen to the struggles of dieters on the internet in forums and I am amazed at how they struggle, blame themselves and don’t understand why they struggle where as many who are lean naturally do not seem to have to do anything, eat whatever they crave and yet never give diet a thought. it amazes me too how diet and obesity is still considered a moral problem rather than a health problem. it also amazes me the hate people seem to display if someone is eating “immorally” in front of them. how the eyes glare, how the remarks sometimes flies and how disgusted they feel when they see obese people eat. even among friends who think they are helping but rather are really hurting their friendship. been guilty of this myself tho not mostly in the obese category but others.

it is a hard habit to break this judging others on food issues. it took a remark from a family memeber to show me I was doing  just that. that made me stop. I didn’t want to harm I was just curious on a obessesive behavior of eating that I didn’t understand, they saw it as judging.

life is just to dang hard and to dang frustrating and sometimes demoralizing to the hilt, so these petty things are just that petty. it is time we concentrate on being kind to one another even strangers and concentrate on upbuilding them rather than tearing down after all this boat is rocking pretty hard and we should concentrate on holding on, not throwing people to the sharks.

I spend to much time trying to correct my health parameters like obesity for one, and some others and yet I am mocked and tossed to the sharks everytime only to reboard the boat and repeat. It is like a bad addiction or something that I cant seem to shake. time has shown me that these problems will not be corrected in the right way until Jehovah corrects it either now or in his new world paradise on earth. wish it was otherwise I see others succeed I follow their way of doing it best I can yet it doesn’t work for me despite following it for long periods.

funny how time is a teacher, it sets you straight when your on a wrong path it shows you that you must choose a different path, in the meantime I stand at a crossroad waiting until I find that differnt path. also in the mean time while I wait I need to concentarte on mroe important spiritual health rather than physical. I need to stop worrying about my weight issues and concentrate on health issues and being a better person. this my friend is extremely hard to do. of course most addictions usually are.



beautiful day

just wanted to remark how beautiful it is today, 80 degrees low humidity lots of sunshine.  the trail was very nice too. heard a bird in the woods couldn’t id it. unusual call note, sound like a weak winded elk calling lots of birds feeding on lots of grasshoppers.

there were black eyed susans, queen annes lace, partridge pea, feather grasses, some others really nice. could not of picked a better hiking day.




PEACE,  aw that elusive thing people have strived for milliniums. this peace, it is so rare no one really understands what it is. The united nations is described as an instrument to achieve peace in the world, in 1986 they declared that year the year of peace and security, yet what is peace? who actually experiences it as it was meant to be? 

most would define it as no more wars. But I ask you if all the armies went home and all guns put up in the sheds would then peace be ours? How do we acheive this elusive thing called peace? will the united nations achieve it? will the political rulers achieve it, will the religious rulers achieve it, will free enterprise achieve it?

is peace only absence of war? would not peace be an absence of violence and force of every kind? what is violence? a dictionary I read said it is the violation of the rights of another. who decides what rights we have, us? God? the state?

Jesus spoke about a peace he leaves with us, happy are the peaceable, those who pursue peace. These who like jesus do not ever initiate force against another. who would benefit from this peace? everyone, who would profit from peace? everyone. who hates peace? those who profit from war. who profit from war? few do, who is harmed by wars? everyone else.

list of wars is almost endless, war on drugs, war on poverty, war on obesity, war on cancer, war on illiteracy, war on terrorism, war on _______ fill in the blank. man’s whole existance has been nothing but war. wars to spread democracy, war is peace, that contradiction that seems so right in the eyes of so many who do not understand what peace truly is because if they did then ‘war is peace’ would be seen as oxymoronic.

live each day in peace, with your neighbors, with your boss, with your family, practice peace, pursue it, each day practice it and as you do it the more you will see peace is the answer to problems not war. you wont be so quick to exclaim “there ought to be a law” “tax it” “send in the troops.”


wars.moral decay

I used to think of war as soldiers and weapons going in a making a miserable, bloody mess of themselves and others. I have come to realize  this war is actually quite narrowly expressed.  wars are basically conflicts of interests with a desire to have your interests first regardless of harm caused to the opposing side.

I define wars as the initiation of force/violence not self defense from self same.

wars are expressions of me first I want what you have and will take it by force if necessary. example, our money system is a prime example of a quiet war. this is how it works, to destroy and oppresse us at every turn. you get a loan, I get a loan, the guy next door gets a loan, to buy necesary stuff (obviously because wages are not high enough) like a house (who has 50-100 thousand lying around for the most part)or a car or other big ticket items. problem: right away  there is interest attached to it, your paying for the privelege of using money someone else created out of thin air (not fair! I scream) this same interest is not created, doesn’t exist, there is only principle.

so how do you and I pay this interest? we war against each other, you and I compete for the same job or income, so I have to basically, tho legally, fight for  part of your principle and you have to legally fight for part of my principle. we have to compete to see who gets to not only pay their principle but the interst  which leaves someone not enough to pay their principle let alone the interest. see my point we are in economic warfare, which ultimatly means survival period. this is economic or usury slavery.

how does such a system benefit the money makers and enforcers? well they get us to work harder and harder with little returns and they can attach taxes (which you need their fiat currency or digits to pay forcing you into their system) to everything, and yes, interest to practically everything. hence they collect their hefty unearned, unjust, riches  no matter who wins this economic race as they are the recepients of the taxes/interst derived from the sweat, blood and tears o the productive class.

but in order to keep the game going you have to regulate everything to your advantage, monopolize as it were, which is where governments come into play, you have to restrict resources like food, jobs, wages, benefits, to keep people clamoring harder to get these things. you have to create in people a desire to have things, to strive for that new car, that new and improved computer, you have to keep that treadmill going and keep the productive just motivated enough to stay on it even tho it is going faster and faster and they are becoming more and more exhausted and more and more frustrated and unhappy.

if this is not a war I don’t know what is. a war on your rights to be left alone, to trade as you will, to satisfy your needs as you see fit, provided you do not violate anothers rights, to benefit from your own labors, to help others as you wish which brings happiness, not forced charity called taxes to welfare. right not to be forced into slavery or involuntary servitude to the benefit of a few at the top.

this my friend is just the tip of the iceberg of wars for profit. this is a sign of the moral decay of people, they say the body rots from teh head down, if the governments, leaders, trendsetters, teachers,  etc are morally bankrupt then what will happen to the rest of the society? wont’ they eventually see that being a moral individual is just to taxing, literally and figurativly, to exhausing, to unfair in this immoral world? won’t they just swim with the tide instead of against it?

more about this stuff later.


barefoot running

I was just watching some videos of this site

it is funny how many who ditch the shoes lose the injuries, I have been doing running intervals on my treadmill, and occassionaly on the trail at a near by park, (just the hills running up them I am to fat for running on flats or down hill) in regular running shoes and my achilles tendon is ouchy! so I have been doing my intervals in my socks on the treadmill. seems to be helping.

I always did love to run especially trails if I have access to them. I used to be a runner many eons ago. any here like to run? I have been looking into getting a minimalist shoe (don’t think my feet would ever get used to sharp objects like acorns, and rocks and sticks and what not.) walked barefoot the other day stepped on this rock and it hurt like you know what. being heavy does’t help I am sure.

check out the posted link. he has some good advice and experience in this.
