Tag Archives: new dawn

more walkabout flowers

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comfrey in flower, very hardy plant, transplants really nice

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my rosa rugosa, pretty and smells wonderful. what a rose hardy,doesn’t need sprays and winter hardy like crazy and spined like nuts to.

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this semi wild rose I forgot the name I practically paid nothing for it, turned out better than I anticipated, smells good too. I know it is either species rose or rugosa hybrid.

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mayroses, wild, smell wonderful too,

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when my new dawn and explorer climber john davis, well I think that is what they sent me, bloom I will post pictures, they are just so full of buds right now I can’t wait, my blaze is full of buds too so  I will post it as well once they are in full bloom, which I cannot wait. oh yea my landscaping is coming along really well, you know it is just like a switch was pulled and I cannot seem to stop coming up with ideas and carrying them out, I keep saying this will be enough now I just have to maintain it and mow regularly then I think of something else I can do to spruce up the yard even better or something else I would like to grow in the garden or something, never happend like this to me before, also I keep saying today I will rest because I am so sore, but then I end up doing something then it leads to something else, not big mind you just little things that add up,, can one become obessessed? or am I just making up for lost time? it is like I can’t stop, help! lol, but when I look at my yard it is just so worth it, I did it myself, I actually accomplised something and seen through to the end (kept my attention and interest long enough to see it completed)if you knew me you would know my motivations and goals are not sustainable, I end up not doing it all the way or not starting it.  sometimes I wonder if I have or had adhd or something. or manic depression with emphasis on the depressed side of the coin more than the other. well I hope you enjoy the photos, now get out there and take pictures of pretty things will you and share them I am dying to see what others are doing in their yard, what they seen on the trails that sorta thing.